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  • Monkey
    Microprilla of Skruf Stark Los.

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  • Monkey
    Also, maybe not the thread to get on a soapbox, but the average mg/g or mg/portion for “regular” strength snus now floats from 7-10mg. I’m not a fan of that. Regular is 8mg/g, always has been…so check your snus carefully before you buy it.

    Example: I’m eyeing some Skruf “Medium” Slims, but the lowest strength they make is 10mg a portion…which isn’t in my preferred range. I just might have to use that as a sterk option, with a lower strength doing the heavy lifting as a daily driver.

    I am going to try a bunch before I pick a daily, but I’m not sure of the plan.

    Oh, and I still got the same Österlen slim from my last post in. Still tasty. I am going to write a review on this one soon…I still need more time.

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  • Monkey
    Originally posted by Premium Parrots View Post
    For you own hearts good please use the lowest nic snus that will satisfy your cravings. Your heart will thank you.

    My heart is too weak to push blood thru out my body now so I switched to a pouch that is only 4.5mg per portion. I'm 72, not that old to be having such problems. I was lucky to find a pouch that I really like. Sorry Doc, I don't want to quit altogether.

    I never used any snus over 8mg. Well I tried a 12mg and man that was too much for me. I can't imagine using 50mg......I think thats crazy.....but to each is own.
    This is excellent advice. I agree, and quitting tobacco eventually for me was always the goal. Every time I stop all nicotine, in a moment of weakness I pick up a cigarette and that always leads me back to snus…which is better than the other things I want to pick up.

    Honestly I was doing well on nasal snuff using low nicotine snuff, but I’m going to be working in substance treatment shortly and nasal snuff would be too much of a trigger for clients.

    Lower nicotine snus, 7-8 mg per use managing it well is the goal. When the cravings are for more, I have some sterks in the freezer, and I am cautious about using them…I don’t want to be dependent on more than 8mg.

    Getting older is hell, and at my age I am still in the “get healthy as possible before…???…window” and I am painfully aware of it. Hell, caffeine is now something I’m extra cautious about and limit my consumption on as well.

    Premium Parrots thank you for sharing some pearls with us!

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  • Premium Parrots
    For you own hearts good please use the lowest nic snus that will satisfy your cravings. Your heart will thank you.

    My heart is too weak to push blood thru out my body now so I switched to a pouch that is only 4.5mg per portion. I'm 72, not that old to be having such problems. I was lucky to find a pouch that I really like. Sorry Doc, I don't want to quit altogether.

    I never used any snus over 8mg. Well I tried a 12mg and man that was too much for me. I can't imagine using 50mg......I think thats crazy.....but to each is own.
    Last edited by Premium Parrots; 30-01-24, 07:45 PM.

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  • Monkey
    Originally posted by Link View Post

    Ah, well maybe theres something else out there similar. Big kick difference in the stark los vs regular? I got some One vit pouches once and man, that 13 Mg I think it was was too much for me, compared to the 8mg I think stuff Im usually rolling with.
    It runs 10mg/g according to the details, and it isn’t too bad. I also do microprillas, so I’m getting about .7 gram at a time. Good thing is the tin lasts longer for me, but the structural integrity of the smaller pris is not as great and I get about an hour till it starts breaking down.

    Lundgrens Österlen Slim

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