Had some Cougar Natural FC. This has a good taste, but the Fine Cut isn't preferable. I keep putting in too much too. I have to spit it out soon after. I'd been out of the loop for so long I should have gotten Long Cut. But when I went to the store, they had these Cougar item for $1.99 and that was what they had.
What's in your mouth right now?
A pris of homemade batch #5. Bergamot and Rose that I am pretty happy with. It has been maturing since 4/28 and I have liked the progression on it. I feel I need to cut the licorice powder back on it because it is a touch sweeter than I wanted, but I want to see what another couple more weeks does to it.
Now this is good. Outlaw Mint Pouch, without Nic-safe. The pouch is the size of snus portion so I upper decked it, and it really has a nice mint flavor. I'm glad I got this. In retrospect I wish I'd gotten pouches instead of the fat cut. I'm not spitting either, which to me, I really have to with the fat cut lower decked, it makes a lot of spit. But this Mint Pouch so far I like it.
Today I finished off my last tin of portions I had. Really tore through them, and at the end of it kinda hated the XR mint…all of the flavors I had really (except the Lundgrens Norland, that stuff is good).
I just knocked off work early, going to pop a bit of Ettan Los and relax…maybe take an ill advised nap and ruin my sleep schedule.