24 open cans, too many?

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  • Kitabz
    • May 2009
    • 72

    24 open cans, too many?

    So I decided to do a "stock take" before I order any more cans and was horrified to discover that I have 24 open cans. In fact, looking at the list, I've only actually managed to completely finish three cans in two months (and two of those were only because I was on vacation with limited supplies and ran out).

    The sad thing is that I really, really want to order some new flavors but I can't really justify it with all these open ones sitting here. Well, I guess three are out because I don't like them and two are lös which I'm not having much success with but even so, that still leaves 19 cans containing about 350 portions - enough for 2 months!

    Geez, when I smoked I only used two brands over the entire 16 years (plus menthol now and then). All these temptations...

    ... and when is Lucky Strike Strong going to appear, that is going to force me to order, willpower be damned. :evil:
  • Lucky Striker
    • May 2009
    • 280

    It may be awhile before any of us outside of Norway see some LS Strong, so I wouldn't worry too much.

    25 cans is a tad excessive, but I'm not the kind of guy that is going to discourage such behavior. :lol: I try to keep open cans to no more than 15. That's what's in the fridge and out in the open. What I do is go through my stash and if I haven't used that particular brand in a week or so, it goes in the freezer. I have about 60 cans in there, about half of them are open and the other half is being stashed for the impending snuspocalypse. :shock:


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      And I thought I let things get out of control occasionally. :lol:

      I would at least make it a game to finish up what you have open before you ordered more. At the least, it will give you fresher insight on what you really love versus merely tolerate.

      I think, even at my worst, I was only at about 9 cans open.

      My problem is overstocking the freezer. I pulled a can out the other day that had a best buy date more than a year ago. Means I probably bought it my third or fourth order ever, and it has just been buries since then.


      • HK11
        • May 2009
        • 631

        Ive got way to many open right now because Im trying new stuff. I opened a few yesterday that Im not super in love with so I might try and freeze them and hope for the best.


        • justintempler
          • Nov 2008
          • 3090

          I've got 18 open right now. That's my limit.

          I've got 3 glass jars, each hold 6 cans. They're like mini-humidors, so I don't have to worry about them drying out in the fridge.

          I'll still order some new ones but they'll stay sealed in the freezer till I empty a can before opening a new one.


          • zmanzero
            • May 2009
            • 766

            whoa. 24 cans. i was kind of worried when i had just 9 open, it's up to 12 now. i have 3 more to open (it's experiment with los day for me) then i'm gonna take an oath not to open any more till some are empty.


            • HK11
              • May 2009
              • 631

              Originally posted by justintempler
              I've got 18 open right now. That's my limit.

              I've got 3 glass jars, each hold 6 cans. They're like mini-humidors, so I don't have to worry about them drying out in the fridge.

              I'll still order some new ones but they'll stay sealed in the freezer till I empty a can before opening a new one.
              how well do the glass jars work? I have a huge cool whip type tub ive been putting em in


              • Badfish74
                • May 2009
                • 1035

                I'd kinda like to know how the jars work as well justin. I've been using the ziploc vacuum bags, but i have several of those giant mason jars that we keep rice and dried beens in. I wonder how those would work. I was also considering the type with the rubber seal and metal clamp(kinda like the Grolsch bottle), or maybe i'm just over thinking things. I try not to keep more than fifteen open in the fridge at a time.


                • KarlvB
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 681

                  Wow :shock:

                  24 cans?

                  Even when I started using snus I rarely had more than six open.

                  Now I am down to three cans at a time - one stark portion, one lös, one regular portion.

                  I find if I have more open the snus (especially the lös) start to become a bit dry for my liking.


                  • InFlames
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 113

                    You could have a different snus for each hour of the day lol. Now that's having vareity :wink:



                    • justintempler
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 3090

                      Originally posted by HK11
                      how well do the glass jars work? I have a huge cool whip type tub i've been putting em in
                      The glass jars work great. I can see what is in the jar.
                      They are the perfect size for 6 cans. No deadspace on top or on the sides.
                      The moisture gets trapped inside the jar to the point I get condensation on the inside of the jars.

                      They are empty 26ounce (Large) Smuckers Natural Peanut Butter jars.


                      • chadizzy1
                        • May 2009
                        • 7432

                        i have 17 open


                        • chadizzy1
                          • May 2009
                          • 7432

                          i have 17 open


                          • Kitabz
                            • May 2009
                            • 72

                            Clearly I'm on the excessive side so I'm on a mission to finish off a few cans. I hope to get kill off the N&J Strong, Granit white & Camel white (JTI) by the weekend.

                            I'm not going to allow myself to buy any more until I've lost six of the opened ones (or I run out of General Sterk or Onyx, whichever comes first :roll: )


                            • Snusdog
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 6752

                              First, hell yes 24 cans are too much to have open at once.

                              And by the way 24 open cans officially qualify you as this forum's token snus slut (so you’ll need a new avatar- something a bit less like, well, death and a bit more swanky).

                              You wrote:
                              The sad thing is that I really, really want to order some new flavors but I can't really justify it with all these open ones sitting here
                              Second, you never ever ever need a justification to order more snus. The question is merely a matter of pragmatics.
                              1. Can I still eat if I place this order?
                              2. Have I been meaning to go on a diet anyway?
                              3. Will my wife kill me or just get really really pissed?

                              24 cans at once--- Man that’s a harem with out any of the bitching. :lol:

                              lol mate
                              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


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