Been gone, new snus reviews

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  • rollinred
    Banned Users
    • Aug 2008
    • 115

    Been gone, new snus reviews

    Well... long story short.

    I ran out of extra funds for a bit, due to my first child needed to go to daycare at 4 months old. I only had enough money to continue buying longhorn chew, a Swedish match product at $1.84 a can for a while. A good deal and a decent snuff at that, but at least not skoal or cope which is the terrible for you stuff.

    Recently I have received a raise and I can now afford to buy snus again!!! I was so happy I actually jumped up and down for a while.

    When I left the snus world only 4 months ago I was one SERIOUSLY complaining about the lack of stark los snus, as los is all I use, well except claq que and ld origional portions since they are SO GOOD.

    I had still been receiving buysnus's email on all thier new product and was crying every time because all I ever saw was Strong Los snus being released yet I could not afford to buy it. Now I am back in the game and sooo happy about it.

    Contemplating my first order was difficult since I did not want to order rolls of what I did not yet try, so I went for 3 of buysnus's mixed los rolls, still get the points and they discounted it by a couple bucks since I was last using snus!

    I wont list everything I got, but I will mention the starks that i have used and the other suprises and my old favorites.

    Thunder origional- OMG... how did v2 realize that they needed to mix phantom in a stark los? This stuff is good... and strong. Offroad just plain sucks in my oppinion, I love phantom and this is simply Phantom but stronger. Slightly sweet but mostly a strong tobacco flavor, very yummy.

    Phantom Brown- Again, v2 delivers. This is so darn good I don't know why they could not have done this before. Although I LOVE both of the other Phantom products, so this just ads to my love of it. But yet all of the Offroad line still makes me cringe.

    Ettan- ohhhhh heaven. I still think this may be my favorite snus of all time, all I can think of in the smell and taste of this snus is chocolate chip cookies... I don't know why but that is what it reminds me of.

    General extra sterk- hmmm... General, ok I guess. Its kind of the walmart of snus to me, yes it offers everything but it specializes in nothing. I like that it is sterk but it just doesn't strike a particular note with me. I do however feel that extra sterk is better than the general origional.

    Odens- both the origional and kanel, I like these, maybe not as a daily snus or a roll worthy order, but definatly as an occasional use. I will buy a couple cans of these once in a while.

    Anyway, I hope that I am back for the long haul. All of these strong Los snuses have me loving snus all over again, yet I still feel that the old favorites Ettan, Roda, LD, Prima Fint, and Phantom still have the most appeal, but these strongs have given me a newfound ability to wake up early in the morning :shock:
  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Welcome back rollinred

    You did what you had to to get by, and I totally understand and respect that, I remember those days. But congratulations on the raise and enjoy the snus, you deserve it!!

    V2 has really been working hard to make some real good snus, One other portion you might have to try though. Thunder Frosted. If you like mint, this is just a must.

    Finally having enough money to buy the snus you want.... It is a very nice thing. :wink:


    • chadizzy1
      • May 2009
      • 7432

      Second Sage on Thunder Frosted. It's my regular snus. Amazing.


      • rscott222
        • May 2009
        • 346

        I love Ettan's. First snus that I ordered a roll of. Expecting it sometime today! C/mon UPS wake-up and get truckin'...

