Well... long story short.
I ran out of extra funds for a bit, due to my first child needed to go to daycare at 4 months old. I only had enough money to continue buying longhorn chew, a Swedish match product at $1.84 a can for a while. A good deal and a decent snuff at that, but at least not skoal or cope which is the terrible for you stuff.
Recently I have received a raise and I can now afford to buy snus again!!! I was so happy I actually jumped up and down for a while.
When I left the snus world only 4 months ago I was one SERIOUSLY complaining about the lack of stark los snus, as los is all I use, well except claq que and ld origional portions since they are SO GOOD.
I had still been receiving buysnus's email on all thier new product and was crying every time because all I ever saw was Strong Los snus being released yet I could not afford to buy it. Now I am back in the game and sooo happy about it.
Contemplating my first order was difficult since I did not want to order rolls of what I did not yet try, so I went for 3 of buysnus's mixed los rolls, still get the points and they discounted it by a couple bucks since I was last using snus!
I wont list everything I got, but I will mention the starks that i have used and the other suprises and my old favorites.
Thunder origional- OMG... how did v2 realize that they needed to mix phantom in a stark los? This stuff is good... and strong. Offroad just plain sucks in my oppinion, I love phantom and this is simply Phantom but stronger. Slightly sweet but mostly a strong tobacco flavor, very yummy.
Phantom Brown- Again, v2 delivers. This is so darn good I don't know why they could not have done this before. Although I LOVE both of the other Phantom products, so this just ads to my love of it. But yet all of the Offroad line still makes me cringe.
Ettan- ohhhhh heaven. I still think this may be my favorite snus of all time, all I can think of in the smell and taste of this snus is chocolate chip cookies... I don't know why but that is what it reminds me of.
General extra sterk- hmmm... General, ok I guess. Its kind of the walmart of snus to me, yes it offers everything but it specializes in nothing. I like that it is sterk but it just doesn't strike a particular note with me. I do however feel that extra sterk is better than the general origional.
Odens- both the origional and kanel, I like these, maybe not as a daily snus or a roll worthy order, but definatly as an occasional use. I will buy a couple cans of these once in a while.
Anyway, I hope that I am back for the long haul. All of these strong Los snuses have me loving snus all over again, yet I still feel that the old favorites Ettan, Roda, LD, Prima Fint, and Phantom still have the most appeal, but these strongs have given me a newfound ability to wake up early in the morning :shock:
I ran out of extra funds for a bit, due to my first child needed to go to daycare at 4 months old. I only had enough money to continue buying longhorn chew, a Swedish match product at $1.84 a can for a while. A good deal and a decent snuff at that, but at least not skoal or cope which is the terrible for you stuff.
Recently I have received a raise and I can now afford to buy snus again!!! I was so happy I actually jumped up and down for a while.
When I left the snus world only 4 months ago I was one SERIOUSLY complaining about the lack of stark los snus, as los is all I use, well except claq que and ld origional portions since they are SO GOOD.
I had still been receiving buysnus's email on all thier new product and was crying every time because all I ever saw was Strong Los snus being released yet I could not afford to buy it. Now I am back in the game and sooo happy about it.
Contemplating my first order was difficult since I did not want to order rolls of what I did not yet try, so I went for 3 of buysnus's mixed los rolls, still get the points and they discounted it by a couple bucks since I was last using snus!
I wont list everything I got, but I will mention the starks that i have used and the other suprises and my old favorites.
Thunder origional- OMG... how did v2 realize that they needed to mix phantom in a stark los? This stuff is good... and strong. Offroad just plain sucks in my oppinion, I love phantom and this is simply Phantom but stronger. Slightly sweet but mostly a strong tobacco flavor, very yummy.
Phantom Brown- Again, v2 delivers. This is so darn good I don't know why they could not have done this before. Although I LOVE both of the other Phantom products, so this just ads to my love of it. But yet all of the Offroad line still makes me cringe.
Ettan- ohhhhh heaven. I still think this may be my favorite snus of all time, all I can think of in the smell and taste of this snus is chocolate chip cookies... I don't know why but that is what it reminds me of.
General extra sterk- hmmm... General, ok I guess. Its kind of the walmart of snus to me, yes it offers everything but it specializes in nothing. I like that it is sterk but it just doesn't strike a particular note with me. I do however feel that extra sterk is better than the general origional.
Odens- both the origional and kanel, I like these, maybe not as a daily snus or a roll worthy order, but definatly as an occasional use. I will buy a couple cans of these once in a while.
Anyway, I hope that I am back for the long haul. All of these strong Los snuses have me loving snus all over again, yet I still feel that the old favorites Ettan, Roda, LD, Prima Fint, and Phantom still have the most appeal, but these strongs have given me a newfound ability to wake up early in the morning :shock: