Where did you hear about it?

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  • Jason
    • Jan 2008
    • 1370

    Heard about it on Camel's message board, got some more info from their snus site, googled snus and came up with this board. Put in my first order from Buysnus shortly after.

    The ironic thing is that I ended up ordering the real Swedish snus first simply because I could not find Camel anywhere. :P


    • Old Frothingslosh
      • Jan 2009
      • 175

      I read about it in the American Legion magazine, of all places.


      • Osmodia
        New Member
        • Jun 2009
        • 4

        11 years ago during my freshmen year of college, there was a foreign student on my floor from Sweden. Me and my roomates all dipped, then one day the Swede gets this care package from home and his mom had sent him some snus (I'm pretty sure it was General Los). He baked up a small ball for each of us and it was fantastic! but at that time we had no idea how to get any short of convincing his mom to send extra for us and I completetly forgot about it for the next 11 years.

        Then a few months ago I saw the Camel Snus sign at my gas station and it instantly made me remember the snus that Swede let me try years ago. So I bought a tin of the Camel, went home and went straight to the internet and placed my first order for the real stuff on Northerner... and now it's nothin' but snus


        • SnusinUsa
          • May 2009
          • 48

          I too came to find the real Swedish Snus after discovering Camel Snus, I really enjoyed the Camel Snus when I first found it (and still don't think it's that bad of a product despite the small quantity and high price). However when they stopped giving it away for free with the smokes I thought to myself "hey there must be some other company that makes this stuff". So I googled it and BAM! Here I am, Snusin it up.


          • whokilledmyhooker
            • Jun 2009
            • 139

            I can't even remember the first time i heard about snus, i'm lucky to have discovered it some how.


            • zmanzero
              • May 2009
              • 766

              ^ the cat killed your hooker.

              i ran across snus pretty much right after i quit smoking. i was using copenhagen and wolf and burning the hell out of my mouth. i was resolute though, then the girl asked me if i had ever tried snus. i asked what? the camel guy was there and i received a sample. she gave it to me and i started to see. then the girls at the tobacco barn fed me samples until i got my first shipment of real snus. i am still running through it, i am a noob. anyway, that's why i'm here. in a nutshell. this is the best place i could find out here to talk about this stuff. this is good. it really is. trust me, i could not have found a better place. but i drink too much...


              • Soft Morning, City!
                • Sep 2007
                • 772

                I was in Portland, Oregon during the early test release of Camel snus. I tried it and liked it a little but thought it was too sweet. Months later when I decided to quit smoking, I was reading about snus on the net and decided to order a sampler box of the real Swedish stuff from Northerner. I've been using snus ever since.


                • Mazur
                  • May 2007
                  • 159

                  I was looking for a way to quit smoking. I knew there is something like chewing tobacco but I couldn't find it in any shop.

                  It turned out that selling this stuff in Poland is illegal. So I used google, find some topic about smokeless and discovered snus .

                  Then ordered it in Northerner or Buysnus.


                  • somebodysomeone88
                    • Apr 2009
                    • 43

                    Sometime back in the midpoint of 2008 I was at the peak of my american tobacco consumption, between a pack of Newports and a half can of skoal a day I was happy to seek other options (at least to void the cigarettes). It was around this point in time that I really paid notice to the Camel fridge sitting inside the 7 day store on base. I had seen it before, but never really given it any mind. On a whim I bought a can of the frosted and really did love it for a while. Excited to share my discovery with my other friendly tobacco users I first tried to introduce it to a friend of mine in the German Army. He instantly recognized the word snus and proceeded to tell me of the swedish variety, after reminicsing for a couple of conversations he googled his favorite (skruf stark), and placed an order from buysnus. After eagerly awaiting his roll of skruf and roll of ettan, it arrived, and he offered me a can out of generosity. With the can he also passed on stories of being in afghanistan with other soldiers who enjoyed skruf, and proceeded to tell me how some of his buddies would pop up to six of the portions in their lip and handle it fine. Upon hearing this I was eager to double barrel the strong portions, because at the time it was of necessity for me to use two of the camel portions at a time. I was sitting on the floor when I first gave skruf a wirl and I threw in the two portions. After a brief pause of anticipation I was actually hit so hard that I nearly fell over (still from a sitting position). So it's safe to say that skruf almost knocked me off my ass. A month or so later I reverted back to cigarettes. It was recently (about 5 months ago) that I decided my smokey little soldiers of death just had to go. I placed another order, with a different (more pleasant) variety of brands than I had ordered on my first snus adventure. This second time I was hooked, and here I am today with a healthy addiction to Thunder Frosted (most of all), Oden's Kanel, Nick and Johnny, and of course Skruf stark whites.


                    • texasmade
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 4159

                      i can actually thank a friend of mine from the Corps last year..Lance Corporal Ore..he came over for a small get together with some people and he brought some drinks and wasn't smoking as he usually did i asked him why not and he threw me a can of triumph mint...stuck with that for six months then found snuson and real swedish snus.


                      • wa3zrm
                        • May 2009
                        • 4436

                        I received a coupon in the mail for a free tin of Camel Snus. Got the free tin, tried it, then did an Internet search on Snus... Discovered Northener.com from the search... have been using SM products ever since.
                        If you have any problems with my posts or signature

