New snus user

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  • sundog
    • Jun 2009
    • 311

    My order came in just a little while ago. Right now I've got a General Original Portion in my mouth. Ahhh! That's more like it!

    It's going to take a few days to try the various brands and portions, but I've got all week and not much else to do.

    Getsnus threw in a can of General White Portion Wintergreen and four foil packs of samples of General Original Portion, General White Portion, General Dry Mint Mini, and General White Portion Wintergreen. Hopefully the wintergreen won't be an overpowering wintergreen.


    • Snusdog
      • Jun 2008
      • 6752

      lxskllr wrote:

      Snusdog's evil twin from a parallel universe
      Damn it I go out of town for one day and Ya’ll have already replaced me with an evil twin from an alternate universe. OK, fine, let's lay out some ground rules. There are a few things my evil twin needs to know right off the bat.

      First, glad to have you on board.

      Second, just to give you a heads up, my wife is really pissed at you (us) and there are quite a few bills that you (we) need to pay. If you could go ahead and jump right on those, I (us) would really appreciate it.

      Third, I (you) have been meaning to place a really big order from Notherner. You will ship it to our (my) non-alternate universe address where, I (we) will really enjoy it.

      Finally, in all seriousness, welcome to the forum. You will find the Snuson both informative and a lot of fun.

      In your initial post you made reference to spitting. Am I to infer that you truly are my son, and have come to snus from dip?

      Are you... could it possible...that you are indeed a real son-of-a-bitch?

      ...and my son?
      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


      • Badfish74
        • May 2009
        • 1035

        Crap...Snusdog is talking to himself again! :shock:


        • Snusdog
          • Jun 2008
          • 6752

          Badfish wrote

          Crap...Snusdog is talking to himself again!
          Yea I am, CAUSE I'm the only one with sense enough to appreciate the sheer poetry of my posts.

          You see I deal in the subliminal ascetic that refutes the not of snus.

          See if ya'll can bake that one into a pris and lip it

          Hell I don't even know what it means its so brilliant
          When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


          • Badfish74
            • May 2009
            • 1035

            You see I deal in the subliminal ascetic that refutes the not of snus. See if ya'll can back that one into a pris and lip it.

            My brain just locked up. BRB gotta reboot!


            • tom502
              • Feb 2009
              • 8985

              I'm not a vegan punk, though I did grow up on Crass and Conflict. I'm more a metal punk these days.


              • tical00
                • Jun 2009
                • 83

                Snusdog, try out some general mint and wintergreen. Those two are my favorites!

                PS: update on my own personal snus usage. I tried some camel snus yesterday after not having any for about 3 weeks. That stuff tasted like heavily sugared shit! Bah!


                • sundog
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 311

                  So far I've tried only the General Original Portion and the Ettan White Portion. Both are great. Looking forward to trying the Mini Mint, but not tonight. Right now I'm enjoying the Ettan and anything else would subtract from the experience.

                  I hesitate to try anything wintergreen because I've never liked the flavor in anything. Maybe one from the foil sampler tomorrow just to see how it tastes.

                  Snusdog, how old are you? I may be old enough to be your father. I'm 56 going on 12. That's how things work in this parallel universe. :lol:


                  • BuLLitz
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 180

                    I'm jealous. I want to be tryin' new snus right now... but my order just shipped yesterday. I am on the left coast of US so it will probably be a week before I get 'em. :x

                    Why don't one of you buy one of everything... and then invite the rest of us over? :lol:


                    • sundog
                      • Jun 2009
                      • 311

                      I may eventually wind up buying one of everything, and y'all are invited over any time. I probably won't be here because I travel 5 days a week, but I'll leave a can or two outside.


                      • BuLLitz
                        • Jun 2009
                        • 180

                        Ah. Southern Hospitality at it's finest.


                        • Badfish74
                          • May 2009
                          • 1035

                          I was trying to buy a roll of everything until Sage scolded me! :lol:

                          Otherwise I'd be hosting snus parties every weekend! So you guys can just blame it on Sage! 8)

                          Disclaimer:Sage's scolding in no way thwarted my mission to buy a roll of every snus on the planet, and Sage should in no way be held responsible for me not sharing my snus with you. I'm just a greedy bastard! :twisted:


                          • sundog
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 311

                            I don't think I'd buy a roll of something I haven't tried. Once I decide what I like best that's the way I'll be ordering.

                            What's a good snus for after meals? I still get a craving for a smoke after I eat. If I can conquer that, I can quit smoking completely.


                            • BuLLitz
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 180

                              Here is what I do after I eat... Jakobssons Ice Fruit.
                              It's not too strong and has a nice flavor (like wrigleys gum).

                              What I do for a after dinner boost, is I take the snus and roll it around in my mouth for a while (without any pressure) to wet it. Then I use my tongue to place it slightly off-center under my upper lip and relax knowing I am going to get a nice little kick. If the kick ain't happening fast enough for me, I might grimace my upper lip a little, along with a little suction, to force the kick.

                              After that it is smooth sailin'.


                              • Badfish74
                                • May 2009
                                • 1035

                                I like something strong and flavorful after a meal. Claq Qui, N&J, and General Sterk or Ekstra Sterk. Or a nice pris always does the trick, if your into the loose yet. Depending on your nic tolerance Ettan, Skruf Stark, or something with a bit of flavor like Gotlands Grey for kind of a dessert.


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