Nic - Hit vs. Longevity

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  • Qor
    • May 2009
    • 197

    Nic - Hit vs. Longevity

    I have grown to love the Odens XS Kanel los. But I am curious because it shows this snus as a 17mg nic snus. However, I find it more like a 10-12 tops, but have noticed it has a great longevity. I can keep this in for over an hour and still have that relaxing nic effect from it. However, Skruf Stark los hits a lot faster and fades quicker.

    That being said, in regards to los, this has become my “go to” snus. I really look forward to packing my Icetool with this multiple times throughout the day. I spread out the use of this snus with Ettan los, and a variety of portions throughout the day. However, I always look forward to more Odens XS Kanel. Is there a reason for this? I have some General XS los ordered and was wondering if that is a more instant nic hit or more of a slow mellow long lasting nic hit that lasts similar to the Odens. Also, I do not like the Odens XS Kanel portions at all. It’s all about the los for me for this brand.

    Has anyone else experienced this? You would think being a 17mg nic snus that it would come rocking right off the bat. But it doesn’t. It’s almost like time released, which I prefer. I find that General Sterk (Not ES) and Onyx hit a lot harder than this snus, so I tend to go with one of those portions if I have having a stressful time or need that instant nic hit.

    Anyone else have similar experiences with other snuses?

  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Welcome to the magic of Thunder/Odens. It was something I keyed into about the Thunder from day one, especially when folks were complaining that the nic level was too high.

    I love how the Thunder/Odens releases the nicotine. And it can keep me happy for several hours. The Skruff always hit me too hard, and I have none of that with the Thunder/Odens


    • Qor
      • May 2009
      • 197

      Originally posted by sagedil
      Welcome to the magic of Thunder/Odens. It was something I keyed into about the Thunder from day one, especially when folks were complaining that the nic level was too high.

      I love how the Thunder/Odens releases the nicotine. And it can keep me happy for several hours. The Skruff always hit me too hard, and I have none of that with the Thunder/Odens

      I will probably finish this can today, maybe tomorrow morning and then I am out until Friday when my 5 pack of it arrives along with many other cans.

      One thing though, the Thunder Frosted seems to hit pretty strong right away. Maybe that fella is the exception to the Odens/Thunder release mystery!



      • artsnus
        • Jun 2009
        • 71

        i put in skruf stark white at about 1 pm yesterday and very quickly got bombed. It held up pretty much for the rest of the day


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          I haven't really noticed a huge difference with the frosted. I still have 2 more cans left, so we will see,

          I am pairing down my snus purchases. Just finally at a place where I am happy to use a small number with a few exceptions thrown in like once a week. Odenn's cinnamon is my Big Sterk, that will be paired on a daily basis with either Retro White or Camel White.

          Next order, I am doing something i have never done in 2 1/2 years of using, I am ordering 4 rolls. The most I have ever ordered before was 2, Elyxr and maybe something else


          • TheOneandOnly
            • Jun 2009
            • 616

            What is a nicotine 'buzz' even like? I think my tolerance for nicotine is very high, after being an ex smoker for 8 or so years and a snuser for a few months. Even my Thunder portions dont do anything for me.


            • artsnus
              • Jun 2009
              • 71

              Have you tried two thunder portions at the same time?


              • dave1
                • May 2009
                • 74

                When I tried the Oden's es(kanel and regular) it made me sick as a dog. Skruf,Thunder, and General es don't bother me one bit. I can throw in a baseball size pinch or a pencil eraser sized pinch. Gives the same result every time(enjoyment and relaxation.) Couple of you guys said the skruf hit like a freight train, I haven't had that happen. Like I said the oden's es made me go from fine to sick, no lightheaded fuzzy feeling in between either.


                • artsnus
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 71

                  I noticed that sometimes the degree of intoxication depends on some other factors(not exactly sure what they are). I haven 't felt sick from any snus yet, but I noticed that on some occasions I will pop in a thunder or General ES and I won't even feel it. On other occasions I will get smacked pretty hard (in a good way).
                  I am a little nervous now - I have 4 cans of Oden's ES. I hope my experience will be more on par with sage's than with the dave1's.


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    My only problem with Thunder/Odens is when I made the mistake of chain snusing them. The nicotine level builds and keeps building. One right after another just made me feel a bit queasy and unsteady, passed after about a half hour. Now I make sure I always follow a Thunder or Odens with a regular, 8 mg portion, and no more issues


                    • heppycat
                      • May 2009
                      • 220

                      Qor, How are you using the Kanel? I really like it but it's just about impossible to bake. The Icetool makes it usable but I don't think I've ever had a pris last longer than an hour before it just falls apart. I usually fill my 3ml 1.5 to 2 notches and compress the best I can.
                      Skruf on the other hand will stay together until I do something to make it fall apart.


                      • whalen
                        • May 2009
                        • 6593

                        I find that the nic hit from the ScruffStark los and Odens Extra Kanal los is not a problem, I am growing to love the Kanal los, love the rough cut. I like to chew the chunks, not a good bake on the Odens. But a portions of either stark kicks my butt into hiccup land right away! I am using a 1 1/2 click pris on the los.
                        wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                        • Qor
                          • May 2009
                          • 197

                          Originally posted by heppycat
                          Qor, How are you using the Kanel? I really like it but it's just about impossible to bake. The Icetool makes it usable but I don't think I've ever had a pris last longer than an hour before it just falls apart. I usually fill my 3ml 1.5 to 2 notches and compress the best I can.
                          Skruf on the other hand will stay together until I do something to make it fall apart.
                          I use a 2 click, sometimes 2.5 click pris in my Icetool. If I am going for a 2 click pris, I pull back the plunger of the Icetool until it is at 2 clicks, then push the Icetool into the snus until it is at 2.5 clicks. Then I use the top of the lid (inside of top lid) and compress the snus into that.

                          That might be more information than what you were looking for, but I believe I just got used to the cut of the snus. I hardly ever have it break apart. But I usually keep it in for an hour, maybe a bit longer. It does "melt" a bit, but stays conformed over my canine and stays off my teeth. I just dont mess with it, well.. just occasionally.



                          • InFlames
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 113

                            For me the oden's is a pain to hand bake but it stays together better once it's in my mouth. The hard part for me was getting it together in my hands to start with but once that was done there were no futher problems.Now with ettan's that stuff hand bakes with ease initialy but seems to want to migrate and melt more once it's in my mouth, even if i use the pris master. Also i've learnt that if you mix in some skruf stark los with the oden's es it improve it's "bakabilty" and the resulting mixture still tastes pretty much like odens.This does effect nic delivery though, the more skruf stark you add the quicker it hits.



                            • heppycat
                              • May 2009
                              • 220

                              InFlames, I did the same thing with ES Kanel and Skruf before I got my Icetool. Didn't really notice a difference in the taste or the nicotine delivery.


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