Gellivare & Landstroms - impressions

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  • Gurn Blandston
    • Jul 2007
    • 51

    Gellivare & Landstroms - impressions

    I was really surprised by both these snuses....or is it snusi?

    In the future, I will take a pass on Gellivare. It tastes too much like American dip. So much so that it was disconcerting. It reminded me very distinctly of a discount "straight" the dip world.

    I have used numerous kinds of snus. I have greatly enjoyed some, sort of enjoyed others, and will take a pass on still others, but never once did I feel I was "chewing" or using dip------until Gellivare. Having a pris of Gellivare in was like having a chew, only in my upper lip.

    It's not something I care to repeat and I think I've found the first can of snus I will never finish, ever.

    At the same time, its cousin Landstroms is very good. It has the subtle flavor I've come to expect over this summer. I read that its Bergamot, but I have no idea what that is....all I know is that it tastes good.


    My impressions of these two related and somewhat rare snus brands are what they are. Take em or leave em.

    Really, though, Landstroms is to be tried!

    The Gurn-meister
  • phish
    • Jan 2007
    • 265

    Bergamot is a citrus fruit the same that is used to flavour earl gray tea (one of my favourites with a slice of lemon)

    I like both Gellivare and Landstroms but as you say Landstroms is the best, especially with the coarse cut of its tobacco. I think it is made by a single husband and wife team so comes across as something made with care


    • littledog
      • May 2006
      • 44

      I found Gellivare to be a unique and interesting snus. It does have a real honest to goodness all natural tobacco flavor. Which most people just don't like. I found it to be nothing like American snuff myself. Maybe it is the dark color and course grind that could be similar to American snuff but that is all IMO.

      The Landstroms Grov is said by Northerner to be a course grind. To me it is like the Gellivare. The bergamot flavoring is very subtle and well done. It has a clean and fresh flavor. I like it better than the Gellivare but both are worth a try. Economical price as well.


      • Gurn Blandston
        • Jul 2007
        • 51

        Phish -

        A single husband and wife team? It's like a small craft snus, then. That's a plus in my book!

        Littledog -

        Yeah, maybe it's just me. My palate simply doesn't agree with the Gellivare. I do recall the taste, though, from somewhere. I don't really think the "straight" dips are really just all tobacco flavor.

        American dip tastes really weird to me now. I found myself out of town without any snus the other week and decided to break down and buy some copenhagen to ease my nic craving. I couldn't keep it in more than a few minutes. It was really stomach-turning and tasted like rotten meat to me - like moldy beef jerky or something. Extremely unpleasant. It's a real head-scratcher how I ever used this crap in the past.



        • Craig de Tering
          • Nov 2006
          • 525

          Originally posted by Gurn Blandston
          Phish -

          A single husband and wife team? It's like a small craft snus, then. That's a plus in my book!
          Sure is!!
          Check 'em out -->


          • Kindrd
            • Oct 2007
            • 266

            I just got to try out the Gellivare. Not much taste there at all. It does have a certain burn for awile. I don't think it is anything like American dip. Nothing good or bad to say about it, just kind of boring. I like the taste of Landstroms better, still not a favorite though. The Landstroms does have one of the best smells in snus though IMO.


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              I really like both of these brands. I'm not a big lös user, but I do like some every once in awhile to keep up with tradition. These will probably be the only brands of lös that I get. I like patronizing small companies, and both varieties are very unique, and without compare in the portion world. I'd recommend anybody to try them at least once. The price is very good, and in this era of globalization, it's nice to support the small independent producers wherever possible.


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