Question about upcoming legislation...

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  • MrSnusNSnuff
    • Jun 2009
    • 280

    Question about upcoming legislation...

    I initially panicked when I heard about the changes in tobacco regulation.

    However, based on the info I've gleaned about the coming PACT act...

    1) We will not be able to order snus through USPS.

    2) Snus will still be legal.

    3) is a US-based warehouse that ships snus through UPS (I have an order arriving on Monday).

    Will the UPS shipping from GetSnus be affected by the upcoming changing? Granted, I'll miss Northerner, but I can still get most Swedish brands through
  • sandman1911
    • Jun 2009
    • 394

    Unless I'm mistaken UPS, DHL, FedEx and everyone else said they would not ship tobacco products.


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      I have read what Sandman says, but I have never been able to get details on what exactly that means. WHY???? The legislation only affects sending tobacco through the mail. Why would ANY private carrier voluntarily agree not to carry something and thus lose shipping business. So this "agreement" I have read really makes no business sense to me.

      Or maybe I need to start Sage's Shipping Company now to get all the tobacco shipping business for myself


      • Lucky Striker
        • May 2009
        • 280

        The only thing I could think is that they wouldn't want to deal with the possible ramifications (ie, cost and implementing) of a new system that will essentially make it a felony if their driver screws up and accidentally has the wrong person (ie, a minor) sign for the package. I'm sure some enterprising private carrier will take up the slack and end up having a tobacco monopoly that it sees fit to charge outrageous prices to haul the tobacco that no one else wants to carry.

        Besides, if I had to rely on UPS or FedEx for my snus, I'd give up.


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          Well, all this makes me not caring too much for the coming holiday. I am ashamed really. But when will this all happen? I would think it would have a date, and we'd all know in advance. And are we sure it will happen? I still think this may be a sinister plot to close up more jobs, independent businesses and turn more people to smoking. I have read that General Snus is available at my local Liquor Barn store, though I haven't personally seen it there. I would think, that online shops like Getsnus would be more knowing about this.


          • Veganpunk
            • Jun 2009
            • 5381

            Where the bill stands as is now, the House has voted and passed it and it is awaiting to go to the Senate.

            I would support Sage's Shipping Company!!


            • sundog
              • Jun 2009
              • 311

              My representative voted for it, damn his soul to hell. :x

              It passed the House nearly unopposed. Doesn't bode well for the Senate vote.


              • Veganpunk
                • Jun 2009
                • 5381

                Yea, I just found snus, they can't take it away.


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