American Snus

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  • orlenz
    • Jul 2008
    • 30

    Finally got a chance to try Triumph, one of the cool brothers here sent me some, it's pretty tasty, I can easily see this being one of my regulars.

    to me it tastes very similar to Mocca Pomegranate, with a more subtle pomegranate taste. lasts a lot longer also,

    anybody know when this stuff is going to available on the west coast?

    I called Lorillard tobacco and asked,
    but the girl I got on the phone, only knew that it was a test market thing in Ohio and Georgia, she had no idea when it would be sold out here.


    • numerrik
      New Member
      • Aug 2008
      • 3

      Originally posted by RealmofOpeth
      Originally posted by Soft Morning, City!
      Originally posted by alex
      It seems that Camel just can't get their Snus out fast enough here in KC. Everywhere you go downtown there are fliers littered all over the ground (which severely pisses me off), and there are 'free tin of snus' coupons EVERYWHERE.

      There are tons of great tobacco shops here. I really wonder sometimes why none of them sell the Swedish stuff. It would probably do fairly well.
      No's so weird how Cigar shops are around who get their stuff from all over Latin America...
      yet there ain't shit for snus here, besides these American ripoffs in 'test markets'.
      I mean, really, how big of a risk is it for sellers to sell snus?
      How many friggin people you know smoke cigars compared to cigarettes? Not many. With cigars you gotta have humidors and rooms for that. So it's really no different at all for fact, it would fare better I think because most people won't notice you're using it and most people can't stand cigarette smoke, LET ALONE cigar smoke! no matches, lighters, ashtrays involved, no laws to abide the demand is naturally higher, the overhead for providing it ain't shit (cigars are ridiculously expensive) therefore the supply potential is WHAT THE HELL!
      It is a strange phenomenon. Pussy retailers.
      You would be surprised, At my local smoke shop they can't sell em, they were about to send em back but i offered to buy some (it's my first time using snus and first tobacco product. I bought a ton of the snus from Marlboro for 50 cents a 12 pack. so i stocked up on mint.

      The buttery one the OP talked about was the rich flavor snus. Oh yeah, I'm in East Dallas.


      • grimmfaust
        • Jul 2008
        • 51

        Camel snus doesn't sell on the east coast of the US. At least not that i've seen, given I was the only one picking up free Camel tins using the
        coupons I was getting in my Winston packs.

        The American "snus" shouldn't even be called snus. What a joke it is. Barely any nicotine so it doesn't stop you from smoking. Brilliant move from our tobacco companies; so they don't lose money on cigeratte sales, but make even more money on tobacco when you use their "snus" during times you can't smoke due to the increasing smoking banning laws.

        American snus is crap...but I will say, that without it, I would never have discovered the joys of Swedish snus (which, happily, has made me smoke free for over a month).


        • mel16
          • Aug 2008
          • 16

          I'm from Michigan, and we don't have Camel or Marlboro snus. I used to smoke Camels, and I had never heard of snus until I saw it on their website. Annoyed that I couldn't try it, I decided to try Swedish snus a few months ago. Needless to say after trying my first portions of Lucky Strike and General, I never smoked again.

          We do, however, have Tourney snus. Tourney is Speedway's (the gas station) brand. I've tried both the original and wintergreen.

          They're mini white portions, and they're normal, Swedish snus, as far as I can tell. Not good snus, but they don't have any flavor strips, or artificial flavorings. If I'm waiting on a tin to get through customs, I use it, and don't notice much of a difference, besides it being kind of "bland" tasting, compared to Swedish snus, which has always reminded me of good tea.

          The only problem with them that I have is that they're mini portions, and I like strong portions. But, if I put a few of them in at a time, it's just fine.


          • airwoodstock
            Banned Users
            • Aug 2008
            • 340

            Hi mel16

            I too can thank Camel for, not only giving me an option for smoking and ultimately quitting but, for helping me find this forum and real snus. I think this forum has helped me more than the Camel snus though. The folks here are a wealth of information and I wouldn't have placed my first order with without them. We here in IL have the same problem as the East coast, it just doesn't sell. I got a roll of Spice and Mint for $5 each. Even though it's not nearly as good as the Swedish Snus, it finds it's way into my rotation. Kinda like an old t-shirt, you sometimes want the mediochre stuff that brought you to the good stuff!! :P


            • TBD
              • Jul 2008
              • 817

              Like many others Camel minis ( I have a hard time calling it Snus) led me here and to real Snus. I like the Original flavor, but as a heavy(less so now) smoker it seems to have NO Nicotine. That may just be me. I wouldn't turn down a free tin, but I won't pay for one.
              The Triumph is not too bad. Lasts a good while, flavors are noticeable but not over powering. I keep some Triumph as back up.
              I am glad that They are introducing the American market to this form of tobacco, hopefully we can get whole racks of Swedish Snus in stores right beside the diet cokes. A few of the gas stations around here now have more snuff brands than cigs. So there is hope....


              • auggie
                • Jul 2008
                • 84

                I'll always tip my hat to Camel SNUS (heh) for getting me into actual, enjoyable Swedish snus.

                But, yeah... I can't stand it.

                The only reason I'd use it would be if I ran out of my preferred snuses... but why not just get some candy if you want the Camel Spice taste?


                • snusjus
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 2674

                  American snus is a ripoff!!! (I made a reply about this earlier).

                  1. You only get 9 grams of American snus (about $4.00) vs. 24 grams of Swedish snus (about $5.00 after shipping charges)

                  2. THERE IS HARDLY ANY NICOTINE!!!

                  3. The flavor (in my honest opinion) tastes very artificial and does not even compare to the quality of genuine Swedish snus.


                  • Avatar5150
                    New Member
                    • Aug 2008
                    • 6

                    Found some Triumph Original earlier tonight for the 1.49$ special...yeah I bought all that they had left, 8 cans.

                    Think I have enough to last me until my first "real snus" order arrives this week.


                    • RobME
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 387

                      Originally posted by Avatar5150
                      Found some Triumph Original earlier tonight for the 1.49$ special...yeah I bought all that they had left, 8 cans.

                      Think I have enough to last me until my first "real snus" order arrives this week.

                      Great deal!!!... but make no mistake... Triumph Original IS real snus. BTW, if you don't care for it or want to sell ANY of it, just let me know. 8) I'll buy any you don't want.



                      • numerrik
                        New Member
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 3

                        Originally posted by Craig de Tering
                        Just playing devil's advocate here: i think the investment up front is a pain the ass, plus you got to KEEP the logs frozen (more utility $$) and then there's the odd guy, the 0.0001% of customers who'd care for it.
                        And don't forget a shop just cannot undercut their other oral profit maker (no, not BJs tss) : DIP, which lasts a shorter while and is more expensive per can.
                        I know what you mean, i ended up buying out my local retailer of snus at 50 cents a package because i was the only person to ever buy it, i got lucky, they were preparing to ship it back, but yay me!


                        • ponysoprano
                          • Jul 2008
                          • 562

                          Originally posted by snusjus
                          American snus is a ripoff!!! (I made a reply about this earlier).

                          1. You only get 9 grams of American snus (about $4.00) vs. 24 grams of Swedish snus (about $5.00 after shipping charges)

                          2. THERE IS HARDLY ANY NICOTINE!!!

                          3. The flavor (in my honest opinion) tastes very artificial and does not even compare to the quality of genuine Swedish snus.
                          According to Mr. Unloadingzone, who posts here and has many personal blog posts about snus, Camel claims their portions have 8mg. of nicotine....Don't quote me, you may want to ask him, but I believe he contacted RJR tobacco and that's what they said. 8mg. is comparable to many, if not most swedish portions. I agree totally though, Camel snus led me to learn about, and invest in the real deal, but it doesn't satisfy my nicotine cravings either. I also find it sickeningly sweet now after trying so many great Swedish portions.

                          quick edit: oh yeah, and where I live Camel snus costs up to $6 USD per tin!!!! truly a ripoff indeed!


                          • sames
                            New Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 9

                            I have been on a spree with Camel spice, despite it being camel. :|

                            Luckily, I live in Ohio and can get Triumph at the promo price of $1.49. I stocked up and have 6 tins in the freezer.


                            • snusjus
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 2674

                              Originally posted by ponysoprano
                              Originally posted by snusjus
                              American snus is a ripoff!!! (I made a reply about this earlier).

                              1. You only get 9 grams of American snus (about $4.00) vs. 24 grams of Swedish snus (about $5.00 after shipping charges)

                              2. THERE IS HARDLY ANY NICOTINE!!!

                              3. The flavor (in my honest opinion) tastes very artificial and does not even compare to the quality of genuine Swedish snus.
                              According to Mr. Unloadingzone, who posts here and has many personal blog posts about snus, Camel claims their portions have 8mg. of nicotine....Don't quote me, you may want to ask him, but I believe he contacted RJR tobacco and that's what they said. 8mg. is comparable to many, if not most swedish portions. I agree totally though, Camel snus led me to learn about, and invest in the real deal, but it doesn't satisfy my nicotine cravings either. I also find it sickeningly sweet now after trying so many great Swedish portions.

                              quick edit: oh yeah, and where I live Camel snus costs up to $6 USD per tin!!!! truly a ripoff indeed!
                              Even though RJR claims this, I doubt that is actually true. It could be that the quality of the tobacco is so low that most of the nicotine is not absorbed into the blood stream? Who knows, I would recommend getting Triumph snus if you live in America and don't feel like ordering off the internet.


                              • ponysoprano
                                • Jul 2008
                                • 562

                                I'm happy to order online, but I'd like to try Triumph, I just don't think it's available on the West coast yet, is it?

