American Snus

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  • Mr. Unloadingzone
    • Jun 2008
    • 317

    Originally posted by Mr. Unloadingzone
    Originally posted by Xobeloot
    Originally posted by Mr. Unloadingzone
    Originally posted by Xobeloot
    I am quite fond of the camel spice aswell. I grab a couple cans every time I go to FL. It isnt something I could use all day / every day, but it is a nice treat now and again. Reminds me of christmas time with a hot spiced cider and a clove cigarette
    Oh the tragedy of it! My poor, poor, friend..duped by my former hero RJRT CEO Susan Ivey. Camel snus has 15 portions @ 0.6 gr. each (according to their website) Any decent Swedish snus has 24 portions @ 1.0 gr. each. You are paying more money for 9 gr of so-called snus from Camel than 24 gr. of real Swedish snus!

    It's not your fault: it's BIG TOBACCO taking advantage of America's ignorance about snus. It's so bad I just wrote an article on it
    Kinda funny. Write a blog about how you feel, but dont try to drag me or any of my feelings into it. I have not, nor have I ever been "duped" by Big Tobacco. I was using swedish snus (and danish snus from v2) for well longer than I even knew that Camel had a snus! I bought a tin of each flavor of camel snus on a random weekend trip to Orlando. I used all three flavors, and in doing so, found that I do like the spice flavor as an occasional-use snus.

    I am well aware of the size of portions, how many come in the can, the nicotine contents, how much snus I load in my icetool, what flavors and brands I like and/or dislike, the color of my eyes, the size of my shoes, my favorite toppings on pizza, the fact that my punctuation sucks... Get my point?

    Dont feel sorry for me "being duped" for something I am not sorry about just to fill your blog with your anti-camel snus propaganda. How easily you forget about the fact that it was Camel snus that brought you here to us.

    So please Mr. Unloadingzone, choose your words wisely. You basically called me an idiot. Disregard to the fact that I have well more time with snus under my belt than you, as do many others who grace these boards because of a stepping-stone known as Camel snus. There is nothing wrong with enjoying products that other people dislike. Hell, liking stuff that others dislike is a huge part of my presence here on these forums :lol:

    My name is Xobeloot, and I enjoy Camel Spice.

    Put that in your blog and smoke it.
    I'm sorry, you don't know me well enough yet, but that whole article and my response to you above was tongue-in-cheek....kind of the old-style preacher rantings. I write articles occasionly like that because 1. it breaks things up and 2. I like to.

    When the iPhone was first launched and was so ridiculously expensive for what was offered, but so successful, I wrote an article about RJR teaming up with Apple to bring back the cigarette: It was called an iPack. Pissed off some Apple groupies but generally everyone thought it was funny. I won't post the URL so you won't thing I'm promoting my blog again.

    I meant no disrespect and you're certainly entitled to your taste. I'll try to stay a little more literal in my postings here so there is no misunderstanding in the future. Sorry you missed the joke.

    My name is Mr. Unloadingzone and I enjoy writing.....and snus!


    • Xobeloot
      • Jan 2008
      • 2542

      No worries bud.


      • velinn
        • Jun 2008
        • 39

        Originally posted by sagedil
        I'm certainly doing my part to support the Swedish guys. But I gotta throw a bit of support to Camel, at least for getting all these stores to except a little snus refrigerator.
        In my other thread I talked about just discovering snus and that Camel is who introduced me to it. And while I find that I'm really enjoying the Swedish more than I ever did the Camel, I have to agree with sagedil. I mean, Big Tobacco is acting like Big Tobacco. Should we be surprised by this? They've been manipulating the potency and addictiveness of cigarettes for decades. But I never would have learned about Snus without them.

        Even US-style snus is better than smoking, I think, and if Camel/RJR can get the word out about snus in the US that's a great thing. I almost feel a little bad about never really wanting to buy Camel now that I've had Swedish because if we aren't buying it, they're going to stop selling it. To you guys (and me, increasingly) that might be fine since it's sort of profaning your favorite snus, but without the mass marketing of Big Tobacco, Americans are never going to understand what snus is. Oral tobacco is a HUGE stigma in the US, me included -- spitting is gross, I'd never use a product that I had to spit every minute or two. Once I realized you didn't have to spit it I was intrigued. Americans need to be made to understand this and Camel/RJR have the budget to do it.

        I recently read that the only tobacco market in the US that is increasing is snuff, with cigarette sales on a steady decline. I'm positive that this is because of all the anti-smoking stuff that is thrown around and it's a damn shame that people are switching to snuff instead of snus, as snuff is as potentially harmful as smoking itself. Plus people that do switch to snuff have to deal with the above mentioned social issues that would be near nonexistent if they were using snus instead. I've yet to hear anyone say snus was gross, most are even curious.

        I think we should tell everyone we know about real Swedish snus, but at the same time, I think trashing Camel/RJR is counter-productive. Raising awareness about snus in general, even with a product that isn't as good, is still raising awareness about snus in general right? That can't be a bad thing.


        • exexpat93
          • Jul 2008
          • 76

          Nicotine Candy

          I've only tried Camel Snus (all three flavors) and I now think in comparison to Swedish that the US target was to try to market it to kids with a sweet taste.

          I've talked to owners of both high end Cigar and Pipe stores and low end Cigarette Discounters. They both about spit at me when I inquired about Swedish Snus. For some reason they hate it but love domestic brand Smokeless. Maybe they get a big kickback from the US makers... who knows. Importing it myself is cheaper anyway so screw them. I'll just have time myself so I don't go into "low stock" panick.

          So far, so interesting...


          • frydaddy
            New Member
            • Jul 2008
            • 3

            Well, Camel Snus got me to quit smoking, so in that regards, its great. However. I have since tried the "Triumph" origional, and wouldnt go back to camel again. What are everybody's thoughts on Triumph? I am going to order my first shipment of swedish snus tonight...any recommendations??



            • Xobeloot
              • Jan 2008
              • 2542

              I like triumph quite a bit. Good stuff.


              • exexpat93
                • Jul 2008
                • 76

                It depends...

                If you are a smoker this is the way to quit.
                If you are a hard core smoker you'll this.
                If you have never done "dips" or "chaw'ed" or want cleanliness try white portions.
                If you have "dipped" and know what you are getting into regular moist portions or loose is the way to go.
                I would stick with just plain tobacco flavors first then as you get used to it then get more adventurous.
                If you are adventurous from the get go order a mixed box set or roll of your preference of portion or loose.
                Everyone's tastes are different. Start bland to get a taste for it and go crazy.
                I just started with really strong portions of coffee, vanilla, wintergreen, plain juicy tobacco and mixed my own order because I had already been through 3 rolls of Camel and it was time to move into the major leagues.
                So far, no losers just some I like better than others.
                I might mix my orders all the time and never have a true preference.
                It's not the same as cigarettes - some might be mood flavors.
                What goes well with a certain drink or food.


                • RobME
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 387

                  Originally posted by frydaddy
                  Well, Camel Snus got me to quit smoking, so in that regards, its great. However. I have since tried the "Triumph" origional, and wouldnt go back to camel again. What are everybody's thoughts on Triumph? I am going to order my first shipment of swedish snus tonight...any recommendations??

                  This is a GREAT! place to learn. Like you, I'm pretty new to it also. While no snus has gotten me to quit smoking (yet), I have cut down by about 50%.

                  As has been said by many... 'everyone's taste is different', and part of the path is discovering your own preferences, and you will. So far I've tried eight varieties with another eight on order. I've liked a few and disliked a few, but I love General Onyx. I'll make that one reco to you. Enjoy.



                  • exexpat93
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 76



                    I was wondering about the packaging so I would identify Triumph if I saw it on the shelf.


                    Very interesting. Have not seen it on the West Coast of the US yet.


                    • Xobeloot
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 2542

                      As of right now, Triumph is only available in Ohio and Georgia.

                      I am always willing to accept a paypal and buy some to send you. Though, If you can find someone in Ohio to get it for you, they seem to be paying close to $3 less per can than it costs me here in GA (costs me about $4.50/can)


                      • frydaddy
                        New Member
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 3

                        Yeah, I'm in Ohio, and I am paying around 4.00 a can. The interesting part is that a can is lasting me about a day and a half, as opposed to a can and a half a day of the camel snus. Needless to say, I'm saving much danero. Triumph has 24 hearty pouches arranged in a pretty little circlae and the camel has now gone from 20 to 15 in a can. I'm done with Camel. If you havent had a chance to try the Triumph, please find a way to sample it. If the "variety" pack from sweden I just ordered is as good as the triumph, I will be a happy man.

                        robME, I held on to my pack of cigarettes for about a week, but after that, I never needed one. I can HONESTLY say that I do not want a cigg, and havent for about three months, so please hang in there. Besides, the snus is great to use at the kids school concerts and baseball games. (It makes me feel like I'm getting away with something!! LOL.


                        • frydaddy
                          New Member
                          • Jul 2008
                          • 3

                          I have to say that I'm getting my Triumph at a gas station that is walking distance from my job, and I'm paying the 4.00 a can out of convinence. I have heard that is quite a bit cheaper elsewhere, but havent stumbled upon it yet.......


                          • Xobeloot
                            • Jan 2008
                            • 2542

                            Alot of the Ohio members here have told of specials where they are paying $1.50/can


                            • exexpat93
                              • Jul 2008
                              • 76

                              ONE AND HALF CANS!!!!!!

                              I was doing 8 to 10 pouches (Camel) a day and felt good as a heavy smoker (albeit I did go down to 1 pack of cigs every 4 days).

                              With the "Hard Stuff" (Gust XL, E P/E, Offroad) I'm off the cigs and still 10 to 12 pouches a day. Many hours per set. Drinking coffee, beer, and soft drinks with them in too. I have to drop them before eating.

                              I must not be doing it right! LOL!

                              Gust XL is growing on me. At first I thought the lemon flavor was nasty and a little sharp to take. Now... I am beginning to love it.

                              Loosing weight and quitting smoking. Running up and down stairs. I am honestly getting my second wind back 2 months into using Snus.

                              I placed another order so I've got almost too much in the back stock now. I'm going to have a monster selection.

                              I have nothing against US Snus. I hope all the brands do well and I'll still order Swed Snus.

                              Damn this is good!

                              I hope Triumph makes it as it would be nice to have a fall back at the local store in case UPS gets hung up.


                              • ponysoprano
                                • Jul 2008
                                • 562

                                just a quickie re: Camel 'sawdust': Silver got me to research and discover REAL snus via " Mr. ULZ's blog and led me to my new obsession that is buying portion snus from Hopefully their inferior and overpriced ($5.50 for 15 portions where I'm at) product will lead nicotine junkies to discover the array of flavors and style offered by our Swedish friends. I have in recent weeks reluctantly turned to the 'spice' flavor when I ran out of the real deal. I feel that even the cheapest Svenk snus (Phantom/Offroad etc) is 200x better than anything Big Tobacco is currently much for a quickie eh?

