you'd have more luck checking tobacco specialty stores. gas stations just stock what sells. most tobacconists find it good to have at least a small selection of smokeless. but in that case they'll probably have general products
American Snus
Well so far I have found listed online:
Klondike loose and portion
Nordic Ice portion
I know the Camel as 2 flavors and is portion. I don't know about the others.
I know most here, and me too, based on my little experience, prefer the real Swedish stuff, but I do think it'd be interesting to have a list of available American snus.
Oh, and I googled "american snus" and found a company called that, that has Discreet and Pro snus, in ziplock bags. Anyone tried these?
Originally posted by tom502Well so far I have found listed online:
Klondike loose and portion
Nordic Ice portion
I know the Camel as 2 flavors and is portion. I don't know about the others.
I know most here, and me too, based on my little experience, prefer the real Swedish stuff, but I do think it'd be interesting to have a list of available American snus.
Oh, and I googled "american snus" and found a company called that, that has Discreet and Pro snus, in ziplock bags. Anyone tried these?
In any event, the first couple attempts with Grand Prix were fine, but the last few were awful. Don't know if that's because the snus is sold warm to begin with, or if it was bad to start off with, or what, but I had to switch back over to Camel Frost. When I did, the first portion of Camel that went in, didn't knock me on my ass or anything, but it did provide quite the "tingle", more so than when I tried the Camel for the first time.
And yet I ramble. I don't think there's anything wrong with the Camel, especially if you're just getting into snusing, or don't have access to other stuff. It is expensive, yes, but still cheaper than a pack of cigarettes, in most places now, anyway. And, it's done enough for me to decide to take the plunge in deeper- a can of General Original, Skruf Stark, and, just because it's free, a can of General White should be making their way to me tomorrow.
As far as Camel Snus goes its those damn artificial sweetners blech!!#@# that crap is gross. I know the first couple tins I went through I was like "hey, I'm happy I did this" but now holy crap I can't even hardly choke em' down. I have basically quit smoking, thanks to them. And I am going to continue using snus, Camel Snus (being the one and only kind I can get around here) will be my fallback - of which I am going to try damn hard never to need. :lol: .
I am still patiently waiting the arrival of my package from Northerner, I can tell right now that I am an immediate convert to snus from cigarettes, because I even like the nasty Camel Snus better than smoking right now.
I would really like it if they just made a type of american snus that is as available as Camel Snus and didn't taste like artificial sweetners.
Another note I have on the sweetness of the camel snus is - What is the sweetner in this??? Aspertame?? If so that crap was proven to cause brain tumors and headaches and all kinds of nasty crap but still it is the same sweetner they use in diet pop here and a wide variety of other artificially sweetened stuff. Wouldn't it be ironic if the stupid sweetner they use is more dangerous for your health than the actual SNUS???
- Splenda is not much better for you and I would bet that the sweetner in this stuff is one or the other because if they had used anything natural they would have to worry about a pending lawsuit from killing some diabetic.
Originally posted by JamesOSplenda is not much better for you and I would bet that the sweetner in this stuff is one or the other because if they had used anything natural they would have to worry about a pending lawsuit from killing some diabetic.
I've not suffered any ill effects from sucralose, I think part of the issue is sugar-industry propaganda. I don't trust aspartame or saccharin, but sucralose has not had any documented ill effects, it's just speculation.
I was actually going to try Camel Snus but I searched on the internet first. That is where I discovered places online that I could get the real stuff. I don't see American snus in my future. What really turned me off to PM and RJ
Reynolds was when they hiked the cig prices before the increases taxes took effect...and was the main reason I decided to try snus. I haven't had a smoke in almost two weeks.
What puzzles me is why snus didn't catch on sooner over is much better than the skoal I tried in high school.
Been using Swedish snus for about a month now and I love it. My question is:
Is Camel SNUS pasturized like true Swedish Snus? I've tried to turn a friend in Knoxville TN on to Swedish snus, and he's got a friend who worked for RJ Reynolds that says Camel uses the same process that swedish snus uses. Didn't know the answer to that one, I do know that the Camel is shit for taste and nic hit. Any clues where to find the answer on this one?
Originally posted by rickcharles606, I do know that the Camel is shit for taste and nic hit. Any clues where to find the answer on this one?
Originally posted by rickcharles606Been using Swedish snus for about a month now and I love it. My question is:
Is Camel SNUS pasturized like true Swedish Snus? I've tried to turn a friend in Knoxville TN on to Swedish snus, and he's got a friend who worked for RJ Reynolds that says Camel uses the same process that swedish snus uses. Didn't know the answer to that one, I do know that the Camel is shit for taste and nic hit. Any clues where to find the answer on this one?
Camel Snus is manufactured in Sweden under contract, by British American Tobacco PLC, which owns 42 percent of Reynolds.
i'd like to post my thoughts on American Snus, as I recently tried 3 products sold in America marketed under the label "Swedish Style" Snus.
i have this review on my blog, i thought i'd bring it over here and share some pics.
Three American snus products. A little detour, but a fun experiment.
Today we're taking a side note from Swedish Snus to see what is being offered on the American market. It seems as though other companies are trying to get on the bandwagon, but apparently aren't trying Swedish Snus or looking into the standards by which these other companies are making their products. Apparently, all they know is "smokeless, spitless tobacco pouch - call it snus". That's their thoughts on snus. And that, my friends, just isn't enough. As you will see in my reviews of the two American snus products and the "American style" Swedish Snus, it just doesn't work, at all. I applaud Swedish Match for Triumph, as I believe this (other than General Mini Mint) to be a great transition into Swedish Snus.
I recently visited to try out some American Snus Products. The ones I purchased were - Nordic Ice (Frosted Mint), Triumph (Mint), and Klondike (Peppermint Blast).Triumph is actually manufactured in Sweden by Swedish Match, so it's a quasi-American snus, in my opinion. Nordic Ice is manufactured in the US using the "Swedish Snus Process", as is the Klondike Snus, both are manufactured by Nordic American Smokeless. Klondike has 20 portions, Triumph has 24, and Nordic Ice has 24. Trimph is $5.00, Klondike is $3.50, and Nordic Ice is $6.00. The CEO of Nordic American said:
"Our Klondike brand is built on the belief that traditional smokeless tobacco consumers should have access to the Swedish snus manufacturing process, which can provide low nitrosamine levels without compromising taste, quality, and overall tobacco satisfaction traditional adult smokeless consumers are accustomed to," said Nordic American's CEO Darren Quinn. "We believe the taste, quality and tobacco satisfaction is actually enhanced by our Swedish Snus Process ", Quinn added.
The Nordic Ice portions are small and dry, much like I saw with the Mocca Pomegranate. They are in the white portions. Klondike portions are dry as well, but look like original Swedish portions. The Triumph snus is in a white portion, and is larger sized, much like a white portion Swedish snus, and is slightly moist. I will be reviewing them individually as I try each of them. The only can that has a "used snus saver" top is the Triumph, because it's made by Swedish Match. For some reason, American tobacco companies have yet to catch on to the fact that this is a necessity for the snuser.
Klondike Snus. The flavor I'm trying is "Peppermint Blast". Comes in 20 portions, and as you can see from the picture they look as though they were just thrown together. They look like dried out Swedish Snus Original portions. To be honest, I sat there and held one in my hand for a few minutes before I decided to even put it in. Since these are American, they don't have the Swedish Snus smell. That's good and bad. Good because people new to snus don't like the smell. But bad because you can't tell it's not a quality product.
Upon putting the new portion in, I immediately noted that it was large, dry and uncomfortable. I suggest pre-wetting these portions. I'm immediately greeted with a suprise - a nice, refreshing peppermint portion. This isn't too bad. The minty taste stayed through the first 30 minutes and led into a mellow buzz. As the mint started to wear off, it does have a weird aftertaste. This isn't a swedish snus, so there isn't a salty aftertaste, but a slightly....artificial aftertaste. Like minty cardboard. However, the first 30 minutes of this snus were great. This isn't too bad, for an American product. Not too overly sweet, mildly strong. The only thing I don't like is the aftertaste, that's when it hits home and tells you that this is not a true Swedish snus.
Nordic Ice. "Frosted Mint". This is like a very mild Camel Frost. Small, dry portions, much like Camel Frost. The portions are about the same size as Mocca Pomegranate, if I were to compare it to a Swedish Snus. No Swedish Snus smell, just a minty aroma. To be honest, there's really no flavor to this, nothing really going on with this one. I put it in and had a little, itty bitty mint taste for a little while, but nothing exciting, nothing to write home about. The longer you have it, in the less flavor you get. I tried another portion and even pre-wet it. It's hard for me to say this, and I feel terrible (sorry Nordic), but this product is WORSE than Camel Frost. Wow. I never thought I'd say those words about a snus, but it has finally come to pass. Upon removing this one, I noticed a cardboard mint aftertaste, much like the Klondike snus. This shouldn't be called Nordic Ice. It should be Klondike Mini Mint, if we're going to be honest about the product we're selling.
The best way to describe Triumph is an American flavored Swedish Snus. This product is made by Swedish Match, and by my estimation, made for those who have had their taste buds ruined by Camel Snus. My snus of choice right now is General Mini Mint. It's a quality Swedish Snus, and the only one I frequently reorder other than Mocca Pomegranate, which I use in between every 5-10 portions of General Mini Mint.
Upon holding the Triumph can, I notice it looks like a Swedish Snus can. From the used snus compartment on top, to the way the snus is positioned inside, much like a regular General portion. The portions are white, and about the regular size, same as a white portion traditional Swedish Snus. The portions are only slightly moist, and are a better quality than Klondike or Nordic Ice. I consider Triumph to be the Ligget/Basic/USA Gold of the snusworld.
On to the product. For Triumph being a Swedish Snus, it has NO Swedish Snus smell. It's interesting. I popped in a portion and immediately was greeted with a nice, clean mint flavor. This doesn't have any cheesy names like "Peppermint Explosion" or "Icy Extravaganza", it's just straight up Triumph MINT. No games, no BS. Would you expect less from Swedish Match. That being said, this is a mild snus. Nothing too strong, overbearing, just a mild, smooth, mint taste. This would be a great step between Camel Frost and real Swedish Snus, although I still stand by General Mini Mint as the perfect transitionally snus for the average snubie.
This has a clean, mint taste all the way through. The other two had no drip, this is the first one out of the 3 I got today that has a drip. It has a strong, mint drip. Very good taste though, Swedish Match should put this as the next step up General Mini Mint and call it "General Mint" and make it just a little stronger and a little more Swedish. For people in the states not quite ready to order a Swedish Snus, I suggest trying it if you see it. It's a good product. Not as good, again, as General Mini Mint. But it was better than I expected.
The cans. As you can tell from the opened ones, the only portion that actually looks good is the Triumph (thanks to Swedish Match). The other two look like they were left out to dry and just thrown in. You can't tell from the pictures, but if you pick them up and examine them, they're pretty rough. You would think they would try to imitate Swedish Snus and not Camel Frost. The only one good out of this batch is the "American style" Swedish Snus - Triumph.
Camel snus is pritty good, the flavor lasts a long time and the portion shape is very comfortable. What makes me laugh is people keep saying camel snus(reynolds) is not real swedish snus. This is incorrect, camel snus is manufactured by b.a.t in sweden. If my facts are wrong please correct me.
The thing you have to remember is snus is new to the u.s, and a big percentage of consumers are going to be smokers. I am not sure if traditional swedish flavors would catch on as quickly here. I think menthol and mellow are a good start to a product I hope succeeds here in the u.s.
If camel snus(reynolds) can reduce the number of cigarettes smoked, resulting in lives saved, i'm all for it.
I'd say 3.5 out of 4 stars for reynolds.