snus age restriction in sweden
The last time I was in Sweden the age to buy tobacco was 18, but I think in some areas it was 19. And yes, the sign in the photo says that you must present ID if you are under 25.
Alcohol was age 18 for beer and wine and 20 for liquor. They are (were) VERY lax in enforcement, though compared to the US. I never got carded the whole time I was there (and I was 25) compared to here where I'm thirty years old but still get carded for EVERYTHING.
liquor and tobacco in Sweden
In Sweden, one must be 18 to legally buy any tobacco product. 25 is simply Netto's own policy, that they will ask for ID if you look under 25. They will still respect the law, however. And "Onico" is not subject to age restrictions as it is not a tobacco product.
Alcohol may be purchased at 18 in bars or restaurants in Sweden, but the state retail monopoly Systembolaget requires one to be 21, even for wine and full-strength beer.
Re: snus age restriction in sweden
The poster reads (the fineprint)
Are you under 25 years of age?
Kindly show identification when purchasing tobaccowares.
Thank you /The staff
The legal age to buy tobacco is as mentioned 18, this was implemented in 1997, prior to that there was no agelimit and anyone could buy anything.
However even after 1997 the enforcement was, as I experienced it VERY relaxed and few kids would have trouble buying what they wanted atleast until 2001-2002 when it got some more attention and shopkeepers started to care more generally.