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  • bonked
    • Jul 2009
    • 32


    So, I'm trying my second Kronan portion, on my third day with real swedish snus. I really want to like this stuff - the flavor is great (at first,) lemony and salty but not overpowering - but the portion material tastes like chewed cardboard. Also, the flavor is really good and strong at first but dissipates quickly compared to the other brands I have tried.

    This is probably the best snus flavor to me that I have tried, but I catch myself with all the brands I've tried occasionally sticking my tounge against the portion to get a little extra oomph of flavor from time to time. That action ruins this for me, because I taste exactly what chewed cardboard tastes like from it. I'm actually thinking about trying a can of the los - but I really would prefer portions just for the ease of use (I'll work up to it.) Plus, it may be the actual snus that has the after taste (at least it is a cheap brand to try.)

    I guess the reason I'm posting is, since all of these are so new to me, does anyone have some recommendations to try that might be similar to the Kronan's initial flavor? I love me some N&J and Goat Rape #2, but I think I'd like to mix it up a bit with a couple of "out there" flavors here and there. I think I would even like this stuff if it wasn't for the cardboard after taste - and it's short lifespan (it seriously gets to be more "cardboard-y/cardboard-ish/aww screw it you know what I mean-y" after about 20 mins.) the flavor is still there at the 20-30 min mark, it just gets more and more after taste. :cry:

    Maybe I'm crazy assuming it's the portion material that causes the after taste as well - any ideas?

    Oh and Sagedil, I tried another Skruf Cranberry today and I already noticed a lot more flavor - you're right about the salt overpowering the flavor when you first start.
  • Lucky Striker
    • May 2009
    • 280

    Kronan tastes just like a dill pickle to me. They're cheap, though. The flavor doesn't last very long. I never tried the loose or white portions, so I can't comment on them other than I've heard that they're very bland.


    • bonked
      • Jul 2009
      • 32

      Originally posted by Lucky Striker
      Kronan tastes just like a dill pickle to me.
      That's it - you nailed it on the head. I like pickles too so that could be why I find it enjoyable. I noticed this about them as well, both times I got a burning sensation in my throat after a while, thought I was just over doing things yesterday, but none of the others I have tried had that effect. I think they may have a lot more salt to them as well, based on how my lip/gum feels after I remove it.


      • Snusdog
        • Jun 2008
        • 6752


        I can't really speak to the portioned Kronan but I really like the loose. To me it has more of an earl grey tea taste.

        You might want to try Gustavus. I always considered it in the same family as Kronan (just a bit more salty).
        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


        • chadizzy1
          • May 2009
          • 7432



          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            To me, Kronan tastes like tempura paint smells. Kind of putty like, and not very natural tasting. I forced down 3 pris before I tossed the tin.


            • Soft Morning, City!
              • Sep 2007
              • 772

              Kronan portion burnt the hell out of my lip. It was so bad that I couldn't snus on that side of my mouth for two days. Awful. I threw the can away after one portion. I'd never even consider using it again. If I want a budget brand, I go for Knox. It blows my mind that Knox is only 18 bucks per roll. Tastes great to me.

              Kronan loose didn't burn, but it just didn't taste good to me.

              To each their own, but Kronan isn't my thing at all.


              • HK11
                • May 2009
                • 631

                Looking at the videos on youtube, I think kronan is a pretty popular brand in sweden. I think it's sort of like the Basic brand cigarettes in the 90s (anyone remember that?)


                • Soft Morning, City!
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 772

                  I remember Basic. Cheap, essentially tasteless, but not so bad if you're low on funds.

                  I can imagine that Kronan is gaining ground on the Swedish market because of the price. I know that snus is quite expensive within it's home country. Totally makes sense.

                  However, I urge all users of bargain-brand snus to give Knox a try if you haven't already. It's cheaper than Kronan and tastes at least a million times better.


                  • Lucky Striker
                    • May 2009
                    • 280

                    Originally posted by Soft Morning, City!
                    I remember Basic. Cheap, essentially tasteless, but not so bad if you're low on funds.

                    I can imagine that Kronan is gaining ground on the Swedish market because of the price. I know that snus is quite expensive within it's home country. Totally makes sense.

                    However, I urge all users of bargain-brand snus to give Knox a try if you haven't already. It's cheaper than Kronan and tastes at least a million times better.
                    Kronan was insanely popular in Sweden when it was a true budget brand. When it first came out it was basically half the price of the other name brands by Swedish Match. It basically went up about a dollar overnight and it isn't that popular anymore from what I gather.

                    If you ask me, Swedish Match has been hanging out with Phillip Morris too long. That's the same thing that they pulled with Basic. Put out a budget brand that becomes wildly popular, then jack the price up to where it's the same price as the name brand smokes. Guess what? People are just going to buy the name brand product! Your budget brand was popular because of the price. See how popular it remains when it's the same price as the rest of your line, genius.


                    • Soft Morning, City!
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 772

                      Originally posted by Lucky Striker
                      Kronan was insanely popular in Sweden when it was a true budget brand. When it first came out it was basically half the price of the other name brands by Swedish Match. It basically went up about a dollar overnight and it isn't that popular anymore from what I gather.

                      If you ask me, Swedish Match has been hanging out with Phillip Morris too long. That's the same thing that they pulled with Basic. Put out a budget brand that becomes wildly popular, then jack the price up to where it's the same price as the name brand smokes. Guess what? People are just going to buy the name brand product! Your budget brand was popular because of the price. See how popular it remains when it's the same price as the rest of your line, genius.
                      I completely agree. Everyone I knew who would buy Basics when they were low on cash never bought them again after the price went up. If you have a successful budget brand, keep it that way.


                      • Ant66Ant
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 64

                        Haven't tried Kronan. Granit lös is my budget snus. Is bit of a General clone, dont ask me to describe the flavor but is good and lasts a long time.


                        • chossy
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 242

                          When Kronan was introduced it was common to be able to buy it for 10 Kronor, roughly $1.25. One place I know sold them for 8kr.
                          Then came the year 2008 I think it was atleast and taxes jacked up the price of tobacco pretty much

                          If it was truely a budget brand these days, it should be the same price as off road, but they ofcourse feel that because of superior market shares and V2 products only being available in certain stores, people will buy it as its still cheaper then General, Grov and other Big Brands.

                          As for the product itself, it´s fine, but I rather go with others for now.


                          • oregonrain
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 45

                            I really like Kronan loose. It's not my favorite but was the brand that got me into loose because it was so easy to bake and has a pleasant taste. BTW, haven't tried their portions.


                            • Habs
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 86

                              I love the unique taste of Kronan.

                              the dill pickle flavor gets my appetite going so it's great right before lunch time!


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