Just finishing up a can of General Mint tonight, it's good stuff. Not as good as Wintergreen but I actually finished it first because it's not as harsh on my gums. :mrgreen:
Finished 5 cans and I've been snusing less than three weeks!
I just was turned on by snus and have stopped smoking completely after 15 years. I've tried a few cans and have finished off 5 of them already!
I've finished 3 General Mints, which I find the mint is strong, but it nicely offsets the salt. I like this one...
Finished off a can of viking Spearmint... Meh... This is overly salty to me, I won't buy more...
Also just finished off a can of Oden's Kanel ES, YUMMY! I love this stuff and I have more on order. Not what I expected at all! I first thought I had received the wrong thing. I was expecting cinnamon like in a mint, but it is so different and after a couple of portions, I was hooked on the flavor!
I have also tried General WG, General White OP (yummy), General Mint minis (hahahahah! Are you kidding me?), G. Rape no 2 (meh), and Phantom Blue Portions (meh)... I have a bunch more on the way...
I was almost put off by the camel and Marlboro I was using about 3 days before I found a local store that carried General, so I threw the camel and Marlboro crap in the trash and haven't looked back.
I am thrilled that quitting smoking was so easy and seamless with snus! I quit smoking 3 days after I started using snus! Yippee!