holy shit mojo, are you @ a rate of a tin an hour?
...1 portion and a GrovSnus will be history...
lol, naw, I just have a number of cans I cycle through at any given time. They tend to go in clusters. Sometimes I'll make a special effort to finish off all the cans that are closest to empty. That way I won't have so many open at once. Except then I go, "hmm, I haven't had such-and-such snus in a while, and I've got some in mah freezer." Wash, rinse, repeat.
Done with a Grov OP. Holy cats, no Grov, no General open. If I finish off this Ettan it's going to seem really weird not to have at least one of those three going. I've made pretty good progress on my open cans; I'm down to--sheesh, I still have more open than I have the energy to count. There's a bunch in the fridge--aw, fudge it.
Alright, Decided to take my free couple of hours today and get the snus stock in order. Like many here before me, I perhaps have gone overboard ordering...