Finished off my first can of General Mint yesterday. Loved it. I'm into a can of General White right now. Love the saltiness, and the bergamot flavor in it. Very nice.
I'm a new snusser so I'm still learning, and surely will be experimenting with different brands and flavors, but I'm very much enjoying it. Tried Camels a little after my first snus ever (a General Mint portion courtesy of a friend of mine), and as most of you have said, not at all the same. Loving General right now.
Ettan op - I went from really liking this to not liking it, and now find that a can a month is pleasurable but any more than that I get overwhelmed with a cocoa flavor.
My least favorite snus when I started, General White portion, is now one of my top favorites. Funny how when accustomed to the new flavors I started to really love it. I have currently gone through more of this snus than any other. I learned that although at first I really liked mint snus, that I absolutely will NOT be buying unless on occasion, ANY more mint snus. Period. I liked the Phantom Blue OP so much that I just ordered a roll. I also very much look forward to trying the other General products including the stronger snus, as 8mg/1g hardly fits the bill for me, especially first thing in the AM.
Alright, Decided to take my free couple of hours today and get the snus stock in order. Like many here before me, I perhaps have gone overboard ordering...