Originally posted by Snusdog
Teethbrushing and snus!
WARNING: This may squick you. Read on only if you are comfortable with the effects of old age and the dental maladies of the formerly impoverished.
Well, I have dentures. So, my teeth are mostly brushing themselves while I snus. As far as the few real teeth I have left, they're all on the bottom. So, if I can't bear to toss a fairly fresh portion, I sometimes try to brush the bottom while snussing up top. Usually fails, but I keep trying to perfect the technique ;-)
This popped into my head! You get a bigger buzz after brushing your teeth because tooth paste contains sodium carbonate. This is also the same acidity regulator used in snus. In basic terms, you're super charging the pH level of snus, thus making nicotine absorbed by your oral mucosa more rapid.