Doing snus at work, would be no different than chewing gum. Or it shouldn't be.
Snusing undetected at work..
I don't necessarily "hide" snusing at work,but I'm technically not allowed to.I work in a nursing home,and no tobacco use is permitted inside the building.Technically,not even chewing gum is allowed as this falls under the "infection control" policy.That being said,I do chain snus all day,but you can't really tell.
Mustache FTW
I love Justintempler's idea. I too can not even have gum at work, but it has never been a problem. I think that there is a great push towards a nicotine environment. Gum...although might get you some scolding, will not cause you to lose you job. If the same packet might contain some nicotine you might be out on your butt! I think this is a great idea. It could be very useful for me in the future.
I snus with lös in all day long at work. Since I work in a grocery store, if anyone would get in trouble for it, you would think it would be me. Still, as long as it doesn't drip too much, I never have a problem, nobody's ever said anything. I think a moustache helps hide the bulge, too, but it's kind of always there, so I feel like people just think I have a weird jaw, or something.
Originally posted by chossyI never tried to hide my snusing from anyone at work.
Doubt anyone would care, Now don´t say it´s different for me
no one would care if they did find out- but they haven't.
I actually did a mirror test to see which position is least noticeable on me(make sure to move your jaw around too). It's top left or right next to my molars. So that's what I do.
I don't know why I keep it a secret- at some point it's just fun to. Moreover, I also noticed a very stark(or sterk, as the case may be) difference between my performance at work before and after snus. Snusing at work is when I NEED it the most.
I snus at work all day long without any problems.....
The company would rather see me nailed to my desk writing code and fixing system problems rather than me cruzing outside for a smoke every hour or so.....
I snus, and I got my boss off cig's and nicotine gum with snus
I even have a couple of other smokers thinking about trying snus
I've been using snus at work for months now and no-one has said [yet]
"what the f*ck have you got in your lip" or "you need to go to the dentist" or similar - much to my surprise.
I'm using regular portions either normal or sterk but I do tend to flatten them out before putting them in and I either have them in the front or from the canine back.
If someone comes over to speak to me (and because of how I sit, they'll definitely be to one side rather than straight in front) I'll shift the snus to whichever side is away from them.
Just today I did a presentation with the snus in, I didn't even think about it. On saying that, they were looking at a screen and I was at the side explaining the screen so they were not really looking at me anyway. Were I to have been standing at a podium, I'd probably have gone snusless :shock:
I can imagine getting tongue tied and it flying out in the middle of a boardroom presentation - that would be either very funny or very bad depending on your point of view.
To be honest, I think most people either don't notice at all (because they're too busy worrying about how they look to others) or they think it's just gum parked for later use.