Snusing undetected at work..

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  • CivilizedRedneck
    • Jul 2009
    • 95

    Snusing undetected at work..

    First post on here so my apologies if i have asked a question about a topic that has been beatin to death.. My new found joy of snus (and the joy of not smoking AT ALL anymore) while i am at work is one of the main things that seemed like such a plus for me to switch.. When school starts up im sure i will be just as pleased. Anyways..

    I was wondering how many of you fellow snusers actually use snus all day at work and absolutley NONE of your co workers have any idea? I work in a pharmacy and as you can imagine tobacco is not looked upon at ALL in a good light.. So if youd like i would love to hear your experiences with that and thanks for being such an great forum to talk about my new found love!
  • BoondockSaint
    New Member
    • Jul 2009
    • 7

    mini portions usually do the trick. you cant tell at all.

    get a pack that has the ashtray type thing built in, so when youre done you can put it in there. then at the end of the day throw it out.

    i use mini portions at work all the time, helps the day go by.


    • MasterGuns
      • Jun 2009
      • 312

      Welcome aboard!
      I too am a pharmacy tech and a student. I'm also a construction worker but no one gives a crap there.
      I have snused in class many times and at work, and no one ever had a clue. I was using regular sized portions the whole time.
      I came out of the "snus" closet to one of my coworkers after I had been complimented many times on my better mood and funnier jokes at work. I was never a real smoker (occasional cloves/cigars/hookah) so it wasn't like I was getting my fix and was in a better mood because of it, I'm just naturally a jacka** :twisted: :wink:
      I told him I had been snusing all the while, and he was like "dude keep at it". Not to say that every pharmacy works this way, but my boss/fellow employees are pretty cool about stuff.
      The ashtray lids come in VERY handy, as I don't want to look like I'm puking in a trashcan when I'm done. I just step in the back room and put my spent portion in the lid.
      Snus is the best because you really can do it anywhere, and for a smoker, I imagine it's like nicotine GOLD.
      For me, snus is self-medication to help my jacka**ness, and as you well know, being a jacka** in a pharmacy doesn't work out too well!
      So keep at it, friend. And again, welcome to snuson!


      • Mamafish83
        • May 2009
        • 165

        I can't say that my coworkers don't know that I snus. I work with A LOT of smokers. I tend to tell smokers about it to encourage the ones i know would love to quit! BUT i do usually snus without much notice! Mini's can help. I have also found that by kinda pressing the portion flat BEFORE i put it in my lip helps to keep the "bulge" in my lip to a minimum. Also the more i use the more it just looks normal for my lips to sit the way they do! GOODLUCK! AND WELCOME!


        • Snusdog
          • Jun 2008
          • 6752

          Welcome to the forum CivilizedRedneck you will find a lot of great people here and a lot of helpful info as well.

          I second everything that has been said thus far. I usually use los but there are times when I am in meetings or conferences and I need to be discrete. When such is the case I use minis with no problem detection wise.

          The only issue you may find with most minis is that they tend to have less nic. Luckily for me there are now a couple of stronger minis out there.

          Toboca now makes a stark (strong) mini
          Thunder frosted also comes in stark

          Both of these have the same amount of nic as a regular portion. The problem though that I can see for someone like you who will rely on minis as your primary form of snus is the limited variety you have in that department (especially if you prefer a stark mini). For me it’s no problem since I only use portions occasionally.

          My suggestion would be to pick up a few cans of minis to start with but also get the Northerner sample pack of regular size white portions. Use the regular whites around the house until you are use to the feel and then work them in at work. The reason I suggest white portions is that they produce less saliva in your mouth and thus may be easier to manage in a work environment (at least at first).

          Of course you could always place a 10 can order with something like 3 minis, 4 whites, and 3 regular portions. This will give you a good variety and let you get acclimated to each type. Then you can go from there.

          Regardless keep us posted on you progress. Again welcome
          When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


          • firemarth
            • Sep 2008
            • 43

            Some of my co-workers know I snus (They've seen my can of Triumph sitting on the table in the break room. I'm unable to import stuff while at home during the summer, due to my parents being unapproving...they don't mind that I do it, but that doesn't mean I want to make it obvious to them).

            Those that don't know specifically know that I at least do something...I work in a warehouse, and as I absolutely hate the juice from snus (I wish I liked it...I have to throw away the pouch when it starts juicing, so I go through a can much faster...), I always have to park my machine and go over to the water fountain, spit out my portion, and wash out my mouth real quick.

            I've found American Camel snus to be the best at work since it's much drier...I tried using Triumph out on the floor, and when it started juicing I just tried to push the juice away from my tongue as I was busy...I didn't even notice it start leaking out of my mouth O.o

            As much as I hate the juice, I still wanna try los snus...


            • Dgtl Dvnt
              • Apr 2009
              • 101

              As much as I hate the juice, I still wanna try los snus...
              I've found you get less juice from los, but the pris is more noticable.


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                Make sure you keep the portion in the front of the mouth, not dead center, but in the front part, and juice should be little to none. I know I was about to quit snus altogether, and I even did back in Feb, cuz I was placing it too far on the side, and I got so much juice, I'd need a spit can, and not enjoy it much at all. Once I stuck the portion in front, it was like a revalation.


                • beja
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 164

                  I use mini portions throughout the day at work and no one has ever noticed. I was a little nervous at first that the portion was visible. But no one has a clue.


                  • tom502
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 8985

                    I can't imagine anyone really caring. I snus at work, but I work mainly alone, and I don't think my co-workers would care. They may have noticed a snus buldge, but they don't know what it is, I'm pretty sure. But if they did, they would not care. It's not hurting anyone, and no different of someone was chewing gum.


                    • Horatio McCallister
                      • Jun 2009
                      • 157

                      I snus at work without anybody really noticing. The boss knows that I snus because I told him, but he doesn't mind at all. His stance on it is that it shouldn't interfere with anybody else so he sees no harm in it. He also knows that it's why I quit smoking.

                      Nobody else in the office knows and I'm not even particularly discreet about it. I do work with a bunch of retards though, so that helps me stay under the radar as well.


                      • RobsanX
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 2030

                        I snus at work, and I don't know if my coworkers know or not. I don't really give a shit. I think my stache hides the bulge pretty well. The only time it bothers me is if I'm doing a lot of talking, then the juice starts to irritate my throat, and there's not always a cup of water handy...


                        • sagedil
                          • Nov 2007
                          • 7077

                          I worked for a really screwed up nasty company early last year. (Affiliated Computer Systems, a massive outsourcer for Customer Service type affairs)

                          I was Supervising in a call center and had to go through the same training class as my employees. I had my snus out, as I usually do. 2nd day of work, Iw as called in to the manager's office, and he said someone had told him I was using snus. He went on to explain that using "dip" was not allowed. My attempts to explain the difference, most importantly, no SPITTING. Well that didn't go anywhere.

                          I should have just laughed at him and walked out then, but I didn't. I just kept on using my snus, but always tried to be coy when putting it in. Wasn't 100% successful hiding that part, but no one ever knew I had one in. Went back to his office a number of times, always had one in, he never knew.


                          • justintempler
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 3090

                            If you are found out and someone complains about it there is an easy solution. Buy a can of tobacco free/nicotine free snus and use that container at work. Transfer your favorite snus into it and if anyone objects to your usage show them the container. 8)


                            • chossy
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 242

                              I never tried to hide my snusing from anyone at work.
                              Doubt anyone would care, Now don´t say it´s different for me

