Baking a pris?

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  • CthulhuDawn
    • Sep 2007
    • 16

    Baking a pris?

    Hey everyone, I have been perusing this site forever now, but now it's time to post.

    Over the past year I've tried several brands off and on during university, but they've all been the white portions. I liked a bunch (General, Lucky Strike, Mocca Mandarin) and wasn't so keen on others (Camel garbage, Catch licorice). Nevertheless, I'm getting back into it and just tonight I put in my order for a can of Röda Lacket Lös and made a point not to get a Prismaster or Icetool.

    My question is, is it really so difficult to get a tight pris by hand? I've heard RL is especially easy to bake, so I hope that will work in my favor. I'm not a huge fan of when snus gets runny so I'm hoping to perfect it fairly quickly. Am I wrong to feel that I should learn to bake it before I get any kind of tool so I don't miss out on any of the 'art' of snussing?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    I can't give tips on using lose specifically, but under general principle I think it's better to learn it the old way before buying specialized tools. I roll my own cigarettes, and it's nice being able to travel light and not carry a bunch of hardware with me to make a cigarette. If it were me I'd learn to do it by hand, then after mastering that try out a tool to see how well you like it.


    • Craig de Tering
      • Nov 2006
      • 525

      Roda Lacket is about the easiest snus to bake. Lemme put it this way: I started out with general. By the 2nd half of the second can I had the art down cold. You just need to stay at it. That's all.


      • KentuckySnusser
        • May 2007
        • 109

        Different techniques work best for different people as well.

        Be sure to check out these two videos, you'll notice some subtle differences between the two methods. Find what works best for you and adapt your baking style to address the improvements you may need to make to form a better prilla by hand.


        • CthulhuDawn
          • Sep 2007
          • 16

          Haha! I love how in the second video he moves his pretty Icetool off to the side and begins painstakingly baking it by hand. Doesn't look too hard, thanks for the tips.


          • Zero
            • May 2006
            • 1522

            ^ :lol: yeah, that was for deliberate comic effect


            • Stargazer
              • Aug 2007
              • 225

              baking is not difficult.
              it may seem like it at start.
              But you will get the hang of it quite easily.


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