Klondike Snus review with pics

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  • bakerbarber
    • Jun 2008
    • 1947

    I enjoyed reading your reviews. Thanks for investing the time and money to check this stuff out.

    I tried the straight loose Klondike a while back. It's sold locally around here. I ended up bottom lipping it to use it up. Never bought it again.

    Like you said it's not "bad" and it's not Swedish style snus either.


    • Snusdog
      • Jun 2008
      • 6752

      Tom a big thank you from the rest of us for the fine reviews you have posted. Well done and very thorough. I imagine people interested in Klondike will be looking at this thread for quit some time. Again thanks
      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


      • Quemador
        • Apr 2009
        • 83

        Originally posted by bakerbarber
        I enjoyed reading your reviews. Thanks for investing the time and money to check this stuff out.

        I tried the straight loose Klondike a while back. It's sold locally around here. I ended up bottom lipping it to use it up. Never bought it again.

        Like you said it's not "bad" and it's not Swedish style snus either.
        Where were you able to purchase it locally? I'd like to try it out without having to order it from Northerner - especially since it's made in America.


        • bakerbarber
          • Jun 2008
          • 1947


          I've seen it almost everywhere cigarettes are sold.


          • snusjus
            • Jun 2008
            • 2674

            Originally posted by bakerbarber

            I've seen it almost everywhere cigarettes are sold.
            Which stores? I haven't seen Klondike at any tobacco shops or convenience stores.


            • bakerbarber
              • Jun 2008
              • 1947

              It's at Cigarettes for less, Smoker Friendly, gas stations, convenience stores, etc..

              Pretty much everywhere I see cigarettes and dip being sold around Youngstown.


              • zmanzero
                • May 2009
                • 766

                thanks tom. good review.


                • TheOneandOnly
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 616

                  Originally posted by bakerbarber

                  I've seen it almost everywhere cigarettes are sold.

                  How much is it?


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    Thanks for the reviews. I actually have some interest in the peppermint. I tried the Offroad IceMint lös, and it just doesn't do it for me. I like peppermint in tobacco, but since Metropol went away, the only one I like is Jakobsson's IceFruit. It's good(imo), but I'd like it better without the fruit part :^D I'll have to throw a tin in my next Northerner order, and check it out for myself.


                    • chainsnuser
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2007
                      • 1388

                      The stuff looks good! The lös (or fine cut) even looks like Offroad, maybe a bit more dry.

                      I guess it's still a matter of (personal) taste, nicotine-content and "swallowability" to determine if it's really good, but I'd try Klondike for sure (cherry and straight at least, the rest probably isn't for me).

                      I wouldn't mind the manufacturing (TSNA's). At the moment I have a piece of "Fischerstift" in my cheek (a German chew which is made from fire-cured and fermented Kentucky tobacco and tastes like a sweetened version of Cope Snuff). For me it's not for allday use, but I love the stuff as an alternation to snus and it's for sure still a hundred times less harmful than smoking.



                      • tom502
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 8985

                        Klondike Snus. The Cherry Blast Portions was rather bad to me, in that it's flavor was like Sucrets medicine. But the portion size was decent, and it was not overty sweet like Camel. I have not tried the other pouch flavors(wintergreen and peppermint). The fine cut ones I tried, I did think Peppermint Blast was best, and had a good taste, and Wintergreen was decent too. I didn't like the Straight, as it was just sweet, but sweet what, I don't know. The cut is like fine cut dip, they upper lipped well, to me at least, using a Prismaster. They also have Long Cut of the same flavors as Fine Cut. But overall, while it's not terrible, it's not like real snus, and it's all sweet. If anything, this may be more an advance of dip making procedure, than a real effort at traditional snus. I can't recommend it, since I prefer real snus, am not a dipper, and not a fan of sweet flavored tobacco(I like Offroad Cranberry Loose, but it's not made like dip, nor really sweet at all).

                        Yesterday I found some local gas station, Speedway, and they had Tourney Snus, and I bought some of the Original. I'll review it soon.


                        • sheilalynn
                          • May 2009
                          • 1103

                          Tried some of the Klondike pouches myself. The only thing I can say about the cherry pouches is BLAH!!!! Not sure what they were trying to do, but I thought it was pretty disgusting. Very mediciney taste to me, and the smell of it was even worse. It went directly to the freezer so if anyone comes to the house who actually thinks it's good, they'll be going home with it :wink:

                          On the other hand, the Wintergreen was actually not bad. They're a little milder flavored, but it did seem to last a while. Someone who likes wintergreen but thinks General's is too strongly flavored would probably like the Klondike wintergreen.

                          The Peppermint is ok, but nothing I'd go out of my way to look for...the Discreet Cool Mint beats this one out by a long shot. There's a kinda bitter taste to it that I didn't like too.

                          If you were desperate and the only offerings were Klondike, pick the wintergreen...it's the only one of the 3 that I'd try again.


                          • chadizzy1
                            • May 2009
                            • 7432

                            i reviewed klondike peppermint blast a while back -

                            here's mine:

                            Klondike Snus. The flavor I'm trying is "Peppermint Blast". Comes in 20 portions, and as you can see from the picture they look as though they were just thrown together. They look like dried out Swedish Snus Original portions. To be honest, I sat there and held one in my hand for a few minutes before I decided to even put it in. Since these are American, they don't have the Swedish Snus smell. That's good and bad. Good because people new to snus don't like the smell. But bad because you can't tell it's not a quality product.

                            Upon putting the new portion in, I immediately noted that it was large, dry and uncomfortable. I suggest pre-wetting these portions. I'm immediately greeted with a suprise - a nice, refreshing peppermint portion. This isn't too bad. The minty taste stayed through the first 30 minutes and led into a mellow buzz. As the mint started to wear off, it does have a weird aftertaste. This isn't a swedish snus, so there isn't a salty aftertaste, but a slightly....artificial aftertaste. Like minty cardboard. However, the first 30 minutes of this snus were great. This isn't too bad, for an American product. Not too overly sweet, mildly strong. The only thing I don't like is the aftertaste, that's when it hits home and tells you that this is not a true Swedish snus.


                            • Veganpunk
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 5381

                              I really like cherry flavor, but I haven't heard any good reviews of the Klondike. Tom should make a Cherry Discreet!


                              • Talneharus
                                • Dec 2008
                                • 49

                                Hi guys i bet you havent heard from me for a while. Ive dipped quite a bit before snus and i hate to say it but the Klondike is still dip no matter how much they tone down the flavor. Sadly it still tears up my upper lip and like all dip makes me get the hiccups >.< lol Perhaps one day a company will make some REAL snus but for now we just get companys slapping it on stuff trying to pass off an inferior product


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