Expiration Dates

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  • eyephantom
    • Jul 2009
    • 333

    Expiration Dates

    I am one of the fortunate to live in close proximity to an american tobacco shop that sells General (not to brag but I can see the shop from where I work). Unfortunately, the prices are moderately high ($4.95) and the brands are usually expired, so I don't frequent it often. Being completely dry the other day, I purchased both reg. and white portions with expiration dates of May. I've since used both and can honestly say there was no discernible difference in taste from their unexpired counterparts.

    Certainly, this doesn't mean all snus 3 months expired yields comparable results, but is reassuring none the less. Especially given some of the current specials at the northerner. $1.63 for oden's kanel portion? ****, yes.
  • Jason
    • Jan 2008
    • 1370

    I honestly don't pay much attention to the exp. dates anymore unless they are more than a few months out. Even then, I'd probably still use it if it didn't look/smell/taste any different than usual.


    • tom502
      • Feb 2009
      • 8985

      Well, they arn't "expiration dates", they "Best Before" dates. I'm sure unopened, they remain fine for a long time after.


      • CoderGuy
        • Jul 2009
        • 2679

        Re: Expiration Dates

        Originally posted by eyephantom
        I am one of the fortunate to live in close proximity to an american tobacco shop that sells General (not to brag but I can see the shop from where I work). Unfortunately, the prices are moderately high ($4.95) and the brands are usually expired, so I don't frequent it often.
        LOL I pay $8.00, I would love to have a store that only charged $4.95



        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          I just would not pay 8 dollars for a can. It's also way out of my way to find some specialty tobacco shop. I've got a decent stock of Swedish snus in the fridge, but I have no qualms about picking up a can of Tourney for 2bucksish.


          • shikitohno
            • Jul 2009
            • 1156

            I would have to go out of state (I think there's a store in Mass, never looked), but since I don't like general that much, I probably wouldn't buy it at $8 a can. I'd like to support the industry here, but I could only justify it very infrequently. If Skruf Stark, Oden's or Göteborgs Rapé were brought over, I be all over them, even at $8 a can. I'd probably buy in rolls though, just to save some money.


            • zmanzero
              • May 2009
              • 766

              $1.63 for oden's kanel portion?
              jeeze. they got offroad original strong too for $1.50, thanks for posting about this. my next order i'm gonna look into getting deals like this.


              • iceolate
                New Member
                • Aug 2009
                • 7

                getsnus.com has expired Skruf Original White Portion for 99 cents a can. So you think there's no problem with it? It doesn't list an actual DATE, just says expired.


                • kizh
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 18

                  Ice: if you click it for more details it says

                  I have a few rolls of Skruf Original White Portion that expired on 7/20/2009. Rather than tossing them, I figured I would offer up them dirt cheap - just 99 cents per can! Get 'em while you can, because they won't last long.
                  I bought one roll and its been up all day. I looked for the fresh stuff for reviews, but couldn't find it. Now I see it there, with a 2-3 week wait. His whole inventory of it must have expired

                  I went to northerner to see what people had to say about it. Nothing really bad as far as reviews


                  • tom502
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 8985

                    That date is a "best before" date. Snus will keep good for long after, esp if refrigerated or frozen. Snus sold past the date is more than likely just as fine as snus within the date, unless it's been sitting out on a flat bed truck in Arizona for 3 weeks.


                    • VBSnus
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 532

                      I now know to look out for crap like this when I buy at the cigar shop: http://i30.tinypic.com/2mrd0tt.jpg

                      I bought that just this past week, too.


                      • whokilledmyhooker
                        • Jun 2009
                        • 139

                        The swedes and americans do dates differently, remember that.

                        america is month/day/year i believe


                        • sagedil
                          • Nov 2007
                          • 7077

                          Snus sold in America is dated the American way. Check any can you may have gotten from Getsnus

                          I have used snus a year and a half past the best buy date that had been frozen. It was fine (well, other than being an Offroad snus that is. :lol: )


                          • fedora
                            • Aug 2008
                            • 251

                            I have a can of Ettan portions - dataed 01-01-2009. Dry as a bone. Sprinkled some water on it - let it sit overnight - good as new!!!!


                            • BabaBooey
                              New Member
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 6

                              I can concur with the freshness after the best by date. I have personally used cans that were over a month past the date, and I could not tell any difference. But I also knew that they were stored correctly and as soon as I got them I stored them right away. When I got around to using it, it was fine. I cant comment on cans that are months past the best by date, since I have never experienced it. But I agree with the other posts that as long as its kept cool and not left out in the open, their wont be a problem.


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