How do you carry your snus?

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  • VBSnus
    • Jul 2009
    • 532

    How do you carry your snus?

    I'm currently rotating between Claq Qui Stark Portion, Nick and Johnny Stark, and General Dry Mini Mint. Last week it was General White Portion, Thunder Stark Wintergreen, and General Dry Mini Mint. Unfortunately, carrying around 3 tins is cumbersome and Americans are no fans of the man purse.

    I was thinking about trying to make my own tin which can hold and segregate three types of Snus with non-porous an altoid can with wax paper dividers (which could be too small).

    Anyone else having this problem? Should I just stick to one snus a day or do other containers exist?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Hiya, welcome to Snuson!!

    I carry 2 or 3 tins with me usually. People have made dividers out of old snus tins, so they just have to carry 1 tin. Here's a couple of ideas...


    • Badfish74
      • May 2009
      • 1035

      Another good idea straight from ddandb, is one of those little divided vitamin/pill cases. They're portable and they seal fairly tightly.


      • texasmade
        • Jan 2009
        • 4159

        its not a man purse its a satchel...


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          I carry two cans of snus with me. Always.


          • texasmade
            • Jan 2009
            • 4159

            Originally posted by sagedil
            I carry two cans of snus with me. Always.
            and he has a built in snus fridge on his bike in case he wants to switch those two....cheeky bastard :lol:


            • bigbuyer
              • Jul 2009
              • 119

              I really like those divided cans.
              Wish they were for sale since I can't make that stuff.
              You have to know when to make something and when to pay for it.


              • Tristik
                • Jan 2009
                • 654

                I used to always keep a pack of menthol, and a pack of non-menthol cigarettes on me. So having 2-3 cans of snus in my pockets along with my cell phone and keys doesn't bother me one bit.


                • Snusdog
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 6752

                  First, VBsnus and Bigbuyer welcome to the forum. BB, if I am not mistaken you are coming to us by way of snuffhouse (a great site to learn about all things snuff related). Anyway glad to have you both

                  Second, Man Purse!!!!

                  Rule one- If you have to attach “man” to name of any thing you own, its already too late

                  Rule two: never eat any food that contains the word “log” in its description (those of you not from the South, just trust me on this one)
                  When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                  • bigbuyer
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 119


                    Thank you for the welcome. Yes, I am coming to Snuson by way of Hope to contribute, I like my snus!

                    I am one of those guys that likes his tobacco. And for me after smoking Cigars and Pipes, I found it is better to be snuffing and snusing. No wife to complain about smoke smell and I am not forced to the backyard to do my thing. The Winter can be really cold for smoking!


                    • daruckis
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 2277

                      Originally posted by Snusdog
                      First, VBsnus and Bigbuyer welcome to the forum. BB, if I am not mistaken you are coming to us by way of snuffhouse (a great site to learn about all things snuff related). Anyway glad to have you both

                      Second, Man Purse!!!!

                      Rule one- If you have to attach “man” to name of any thing you own, its already too late

                      Rule two: never eat any food that contains the word “log” in its description (those of you not from the South, just trust me on this one)
                      you dont like cheese logs man?

                      also: seems to me you could carry a second type of snus in the ashtray lid. i think i saw someone talking about that before. i dont know how air tight it really is though.


                      • sundog
                        • Jun 2009
                        • 311

                        Yeah, and what about Pecan Log Rolls? I love those!

                        Back on-topic - since I work out of my truck, I carry several cans with me in the center console. I usually don't know which snus I want next until I look to see.


                        • ddandb
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 570

                          I used to really obsess over this.. How can I carry lots of snus and keep it all separated?

                          I've since settled on a couple of 'go to" snus's that are with me any time I'm out and I found the perfect way to keep them separated.
                          I just put some of each kind in my shoes before I put them on.
                          It works out great. Wiggling your toes in snus relaxes you and helps with funky foot odor. Any time I want some snus I just take of my shoes, insert my Prismaster and pop a pris in.

                          Well it looks like it's time to take off my left shoe.... Ahhh , some Grov los.


                          • MasterGuns
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 312

                            Welcome aboard!
                            I always carry a can of white portions and a can of regular portions, one in a back pocket and one in a front pocket. If I'm driving around I keep the can I'm not currently snusing from in the car or in a saddle bag.
                            It gets cumbersome sometimes when my pockets are stuffed full of stuff, but I use whites and regulars during the workday, and I know that the variety I leave home without is the one I'm going to want later :?


                            • tom502
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 8985

                              Call me crazy, but I'm a one can guy. I just take the particular can I want to use, and I'm good with it.


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