I was just curious what others do when they find a snus they don't really like, or perhaps like less than others they like more? I mean, say you get a new can, if you really don't like it, do you pitch it, save it, maybe for a trade, or try and use it up first to get rid of it?
Now I have snus' I like more than others, but haven't really had one so bad that I wanted to pitch it... well, the US Camel, and those Klondike Cherrys... but I gave them to a buddy.
I think I am more of the mindset to use up first the less liked snus, to get rid of them, and remember not to get again. Currently I am doing this with Tourney Spearmint(blue). I don't hate it, but I won't get it again. If I find something I actually hate, I'd try to give it away, or trade. If no one took it after a while, I'd pitch it.
But pitching would be last resort for me, it just seems like a sin. I'm like that with snuff too. It's like, this can only cost 2 bucks, I don't like it, but I just can't drop it in the trash. Either use it up first, or try and pass it off.
I was just curious what others do when they find a snus they don't really like, or perhaps like less than others they like more? I mean, say you get a new can, if you really don't like it, do you pitch it, save it, maybe for a trade, or try and use it up first to get rid of it?
Now I have snus' I like more than others, but haven't really had one so bad that I wanted to pitch it... well, the US Camel, and those Klondike Cherrys... but I gave them to a buddy.
I think I am more of the mindset to use up first the less liked snus, to get rid of them, and remember not to get again. Currently I am doing this with Tourney Spearmint(blue). I don't hate it, but I won't get it again. If I find something I actually hate, I'd try to give it away, or trade. If no one took it after a while, I'd pitch it.
But pitching would be last resort for me, it just seems like a sin. I'm like that with snuff too. It's like, this can only cost 2 bucks, I don't like it, but I just can't drop it in the trash. Either use it up first, or try and pass it off.