Use up first, Save for later, Throw, or Give/Trade?

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  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    Use up first, Save for later, Throw, or Give/Trade?

    I was just curious what others do when they find a snus they don't really like, or perhaps like less than others they like more? I mean, say you get a new can, if you really don't like it, do you pitch it, save it, maybe for a trade, or try and use it up first to get rid of it?

    Now I have snus' I like more than others, but haven't really had one so bad that I wanted to pitch it... well, the US Camel, and those Klondike Cherrys... but I gave them to a buddy.

    I think I am more of the mindset to use up first the less liked snus, to get rid of them, and remember not to get again. Currently I am doing this with Tourney Spearmint(blue). I don't hate it, but I won't get it again. If I find something I actually hate, I'd try to give it away, or trade. If no one took it after a while, I'd pitch it.

    But pitching would be last resort for me, it just seems like a sin. I'm like that with snuff too. It's like, this can only cost 2 bucks, I don't like it, but I just can't drop it in the trash. Either use it up first, or try and pass it off.
  • TBD
    • Jul 2008
    • 817

    I've only had two snus that I hated enough to dispose of. One went in the trash, I got it from a buddy who had used a few portions, I hated it after 2, so no one would want 1/2 a can. The other I traded to a forum member, which started a good friendship. I have 3 or 4 cans in the freezer that I don't like to much that are being saved for the day I get desperate.

    I've been lucky I haven't found to many snus I don't like, at least a little.


    • zmanzero
      • May 2009
      • 766

      i just haven't ran across a snus that i detest so badly that i'd chuck it in the garbage. if i don't get the happy happy joy joy from a snus i throw it in the freezer for the coming apocalypse.


      • tom502
        • Feb 2009
        • 8985

        See, I'm opposite. Ones I like the lesser amount, I wanna use up first, so if the apocalypse happens, I'd have my faves to savor, instead of ones I don't like so much. I mean, lets say this happens, and you've long used up all your Grovs and Rodas, and now all you have is a freezer of Offroad Apple, and Level.


        • zmanzero
          • May 2009
          • 766

          yea, but on the flip side what if it ends up all you're doing is the apple and the level while you're waiting for the apocalypse? :P


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            I toss snus I don't like. If it's just meh, I'll use it as disposable snus; eg. a quick nic hit before a meal or something. It may only be in 15 minutes or so. If I really don't like it, I'll toss the snus, and consider it a $3 lesson. Life's to short to use bad snus. If I'm not enjoying it, why bother using it at all?


            • bigbuyer
              • Jul 2009
              • 119

              I have this problem all the time. I trade them and if I have to, toss them.
              I agree with you Tom, even though it is only a $3.00 lesson or so, I feel very reluctant to throw away any Nicotine at all!


              • sagedil
                • Nov 2007
                • 7077

                I have only tossed into the trash straight up Level.

                Other snus I didn't like as much get pushed into my refrigerator. I will then *try* to use up over time just to not waste any snus. A few, after 4 months, just didn't get touched (Mostly Offroad stuff). So eventually, they may get trashed. But most, I successfully finish up...eventually


                • Snusophile
                  • May 2008
                  • 531

                  The stuff I don't really like gets put back in the freezer for another day. For instance, Goteborgs Rape No. 2 I really struggled with. When I had 1 portion left in the can, I said "NO MORE!" and put it back in the freezer. Months later, I decided to give it a whirl and it was the most delicious snus I had ever tasted. Unfortunately I only had one portion left!


                  • Roo
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 3446

                    I have a baggy in the freezer of ones that I'll be glacially slow to finish. Currently in there are a few Elixyr PE portions, a few Mocca M, and Phantom Blue los, almost full in there. There's gotta be a couple more I can't think of. Like lxskllr I'll mostly just use crap snus up eventually as a throw-away snus, like for when the food I'm cooking is almost ready. I have only thrown away a couple Probe portions, half a can of Phantom Blue portions, and OR coffee vanilla, all of which were given to me already opened. The only can I bought and threw away was Icefruit. All the others I've managed to get through, but there are still quite a few I've never tried, like Level or any American snus. Not entirely opposed to tossing snus, just reluctant. After all, I have almost run out before, and I'm counting on that Phantom Blue los to get me through a dry spell some day.


                    • bigbuyer
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 119

                      Originally posted by Snusophile
                      The stuff I don't really like gets put back in the freezer for another day. For instance, Goteborgs Rape No. 2 I really struggled with. When I had 1 portion left in the can, I said "NO MORE!" and put it back in the freezer. Months later, I decided to give it a whirl and it was the most delicious snus I had ever tasted. Unfortunately I only had one portion left!
                      I hope this happens to me too. I love the Goteborgs Rape #1 and I have a real tough time with #2. I don't want to struggle with Snus, I want to enjoy it.


                      • sheilalynn
                        • May 2009
                        • 1103

                        I toss them in the freezer since it has been proven to me that what I don't like one day just may taste ok a few tries later, like the Goat Rape stuff. I don't like it enough to order it (it came as a freebie from getsnus), but I can handle it once in a while as a change.


                        • Tristik
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 654

                          If it's something I could use if it was the only stuff around, I stick it in the back of my freezer in case I have a gap between orders.

                          If it's something I wouldn't use even if it was the last snus on earth, I throw it in the garbage. Luckily, I haven't had many of these though.


                          • justintempler
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 3090

                            I use 1-2 portions a day of whatever snus I've used that I don't hate enough to throw away.


                            • bakerbarber
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 1947

                              I give the stuff I don't like to my brother.


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