Always fluff it to get more surface area. More surface area = faster nick hit.
Do you fluff you´r snus
Originally posted by erlogI fluff so that the snus is evenly distributed and flat in the pouch, and then I fold long-ways to fit on one side or the other of my upper lip. I find this to be the best way for me, but I am enjoying los in the evening.
Welcome to Snuson erlog :^)
Thought I saw Norway for a location on you :^/ I guess I need to get my glasses checked. Anyhow, welcome :^)
Originally posted by daruckisyou must have glanced at kevin32s location above him. though im sure you noticed that by now.
Originally posted by erlogAhah, I'm not from Norway, but you're close. I'm from Indiana. Erlog is a name that I chose about 12 years ago, and I find that it's random enough that it's not ever taken when I go to create accounts on websites. I originally created it to play Diablo online.
Thanks for the welcome.
since reading and posting on this thread ive begun fluffing, and am now a devout fluffer.
...of portioned snus.
Sometimes the GetSnus folks send me a bunch of General that is NOT packed in the star formation. So all the portions are all pillowy and loose and puffy. Hard to place them perfectly with the end of the tongue, especially if my mouth is a bit dry and there's any resistance. They get all twisted and rolled, like a cheap pillow in a busy bed.
So I actually repack the can in the CORRECT formation and put a stiff piece of cardboard in there to smush them all together tight.
I love the way the stiff portion slips way up there and then slowly softens and forms perfectly to my contours. Kinda like fitting a new pair of moccasins :-)