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  • jcarlson
    • Aug 2008
    • 82 review...sort of

    So when I first started using snus...about a year ago now...I had tried Ettan. Annnnd I hated it. Couldn't stand the smell, and it was bland as hell.

    Well, since I know that tastes change a lot when you use snus, I decided to try it again. Mostly because I saw the image of someone's stash pic that had a ton of Ettan. Positive it was los. Correct me if I am wrong whoever you are.

    I've got a pris in now...and I don't hate it. But I also can't say that I love it. I'll finish off my two tins without complaint, but I can't say I'll order it again.

    Mild in the salt department, which is fine really, but it has got to be the most bland snus I have ever had. There is nothing there for me, where I am like "Wow, I never noticed that subtle hint of whatever!" Just plain jane.

    I really wanted to get that "chocolate" goodness I have read some of you write about...but I don't.

    On the plus side, I don't mind the smell anymore.

    Not a keeper though. You may flame now, or try REALLY hard to tell me what I am missing. (I actually would much prefer the latter).

    So...I will stick to my beloved Skruf Stark los, with the occasional General los and Gote Rape los. And of course Grov Svart and Onyx....oh And General Sterk. Oh and Rape #2.....annnnd N&J West...Ah hell, just about everything else....except Ettan. For now.

    Hmmmm...rambling here, but I wonder if it is because I mainly do sterk/stark los/portions...thoughts?
  • MasterGuns
    • Jun 2009
    • 312

    I won't flame, I wasn't a big Ettan fan for a while until I forgot about the tin I had in the fridge. I went back to it and found myself really enjoying it.
    I think the big draws to Ettan are two things: the subtlety of the flavor and the history of the snus. Snusing ettan is kinda like drinking a beer from Bavaria whose recipe hasn't changed in nearly 200 years.
    I enjoy ettan because it doesn't overwhelm my mouth with flavor, but what flavor it does have is warm and pleasant.
    I do understand that the looser you pack your pris, the more full-bodied the flavor is. The downside is the pris will come apart faster. May be worth a try though :wink:
    I am never without a tin of Ettan of some variety in my fridge, and it's always a struggle whenever I finish one off. Just so sad to see it go. But hey if it's not your snus it's not your snus! Nothin to be ashamed of!


    • TBD
      • Jul 2008
      • 817

      I have enjoyed Ettan since the first can. Lös or portion. I dislike the white portion.
      I like Ettan because of the subtle flavors. I don't like heavily flavored snus. Jakkobsons Ice Fruit for example. Great snus, just not one I enjoy.

      Don't feel to bad about missing the chocolate flavor, I can't find it either.


      • Mr. Snuffleupagus
        • Dec 2008
        • 2781

        I use Ettan, Grov, and Gen (all loose) as my daytime snus. I think I like Grov best right now and have ordered rolls of it and had not used Ettan for a while.

        This morning I switched back to Ettan for a change and at one point this morning the flavor kicked in perfect and I instantly realized I need at least a roll of this in my freezer!

        Anyways, yes is subtle and yes I love it.


        • Gizmer
          • Jun 2009
          • 103

          I got Ettan oriinal portions as a mystery can once. The first thing I did was open the can and smell it. I definitely smelled chocolate. Since I am in love with chocolate I immedialy popped one in. It was absolutely delicious, for about ten minutes. Then it tasted like dirt. Chocolate dirt. I have it in the fridge for later because I want to try it again.

          The Los is probably a lot different, but the portions are definitely not my favorite.


          • eyephantom
            • Jul 2009
            • 333

            I would regard Ettan as an incredibly distinct, flavorful snus. More so than N & J, general, and several others. I find it has a great tobacco flavor with amazing undertones, while having a short enough ingredients list/basic enough, for inclusion in my daily rotation. At the moment ettan reigns supreme for me. I really only change it up with lucky strike and oden's portions, and the occasional pris of gotlands'. My only gripe is that it could last longer.


            • daruckis
              • Jul 2009
              • 2277

              i dont get a chocloatey taste from ettan, just a pure tobacco taste i find subtle and pleasant.


              • Jason
                • Jan 2008
                • 1370

                I've always detected a nutty taste from Ettan; I've never really tasted any chocolate undertones, but I do smell it.

                I don't use it as much as I used to, but it's still the best with coffee.


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  Originally posted by Jason
                  I've always detected a nutty taste from Ettan; I've never really tasted any chocolate undertones, but I do smell it.

                  I don't use it as much as I used to, but it's still the best with coffee.
                  I get more nuts than chocolate out of Ettan also. I do pick up some chocolaty notes though. Ettan is a great coffee snus, but I prefer Grov. I like the cut better, and it seems to have a little more of everything. It's like a fortified Ettan.


                  • whalen
                    • May 2009
                    • 6593

                    I always have Ettan, it is just a very clean bright taste, I prefer Grov. Tastes always change it seems. Keep trying the Ettan from time to time, I am sure that at some point the true flavour will come out. I have that problem all the time where it takes a while for the flavor to present itself.
                    wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                    • tom502
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 8985

                      I like Ettan alot, but I've only had the Vit Portion.


                      • jcarlson
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 82

                        Thanks for all of your comments! Like I said, I don't hate, I just don't find it to really have anything flavor wise. I will say that it does pack nice, but a little messy when you hand bake. I usually pack very loose, but for most of this tin I have used an icetool. I will try my hybrid hilly billy method of loose baking.

                        I'll try Grov los next. I love Grov Svart, so hopefully the Grov los is good to. I don't think anything will replace my first love of Skruf Stark los. Just pure awesome.


                        • shikitohno
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 1156

                          I dislike Ettan's not because of the taste (it's okay, not crazy about it), but because it's the only lös I've tried that I can't keep from running. No matter how nice the pris looks and feels, 15-30 minutes and it turns to mud. I'll finish my can, and wait to get it as a mystery can before I give it another shot.


                          • Gizmer
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 103

                            I take back what I said earlier about Ettan tasting like dirt. I was really craving some dark chocolate earlier and I didn't have any, so I decided to give the Ettan a shot again. It was fabulous and definitely hit the spot. Looks like I just have to be in the mood for it.


                            • daruckis
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 2277

                              and I take back what I said about not getting a chocolatey taste from ettan. im now getting such a chocolatey taste from it, i dont know how i didnt before. its probably my favorite snus.


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