my first oomph

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  • daruckis
    • Jul 2009
    • 2277

    my first oomph

    so im taking the garbage out at work, decide to crack open my oomph, and i look in the container and my first thought is: what the hell is this? its like paper thin. great for discreetness which is awesome cause the store owner showed up and i always feel self conch about my slightly bulging upper lip when hes around. anyways for being only 6mg it must go racing through your bloodstream because it hit me like a freight train. didnt last long, or taste much like anything, but i now see why they changed the name to oomph.
  • TBD
    • Jul 2008
    • 817

    So do we put your name down as a convert? The OOMPH! army is smaller than some others, but we have almost as many members as the Elixyr Army.

    (Of course the Oomph! Army obviously has better taste.) :P


    • MasterGuns
      • Jun 2009
      • 312

      I used to use it here and there at places where I was self conscious about it. I had similar feelings, something about oomph really makes it hit you hard and fast!
      I just don't reach for it anymore though. It's not that I don't like it, I just don't find myself in situations where discretion is a must anymore. I'm not worried about it because oomph lasts somewhere around forever.


      • dEFinitionofEPIC
        • Apr 2009
        • 146

        Oomph is my absolute favorite first things in the morning- it gives a great hit when you first wake up - must be the combination of the taurine, caffeine, and nicotine. Plus I prefer the citrusy flavor over the regular salty flavor when its that early - great stuff....


        • daruckis
          • Jul 2009
          • 2277

          Originally posted by TBD
          So do we put your name down as a convert? The OOMPH! army is smaller than some others, but we have almost as many members as the Elixyr Army.

          (Of course the Oomph! Army obviously has better taste.) :P
          throw me a helmet and a sword, brother. ill gladly do battle in the name of oomph.


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            Originally posted by TBD
            So do we put your name down as a convert? The OOMPH! army is smaller than some others, but we have almost as many members as the Elixyr Army.

            (Of course the Oomph! Army obviously has better taste.) :P


            But not even close. I have at least 40 folks using Elyxr now


            • Roo
              • Jun 2008
              • 3446

              Originally posted by sagedil
              Originally posted by TBD
              So do we put your name down as a convert? The OOMPH! army is smaller than some others, but we have almost as many members as the Elixyr Army.

              (Of course the Oomph! Army obviously has better taste.) :P


              But not even close. I have at least 40 folks using Elyxr now
              That's 40 Poor Bastards, my condolences


              • TBD
                • Jul 2008
                • 817

                Originally posted by sagedil
                Originally posted by TBD
                So do we put your name down as a convert? The OOMPH! army is smaller than some others, but we have almost as many members as the Elixyr Army.

                (Of course the Oomph! Army obviously has better taste.) :P


                But not even close. I have at least 40 folks using Elyxr now
                No need to get grouchy. Sheesh! :lol:


                • Jason
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 1370

                  Originally posted by Roo
                  That's 40 Poor Bastards, my condolences
                  Lol, more like 40 people who apparently have no taste buds. :lol:


                  • whokilledmyhooker
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 139

                    im going to buy this one based on your reviews


                    • sagedil
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 7077

                      Originally posted by TBD
                      Originally posted by sagedil
                      Originally posted by TBD
                      So do we put your name down as a convert? The OOMPH! army is smaller than some others, but we have almost as many members as the Elixyr Army.

                      (Of course the Oomph! Army obviously has better taste.) :P


                      But not even close. I have at least 40 folks using Elyxr now
                      No need to get grouchy. Sheesh! :lol:
                      You haven't learned????? I am ALWAYS grouchy when anyone dares badmouth my beloved Elyxr. I have been playing Elyxr cop now, what, a year at least??

                      Of course I am grouchy, I'm hopped up on Elyxr :lol: :lol: :lol:


                      • whokilledmyhooker
                        • Jun 2009
                        • 139

                        Caffeine straight to the bloodstream!


                        • daruckis
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 2277

                          i didnt think the oomph had caffeine also. i thought only the northerner energy snus and elyxr did. i still need to try elyxr but oomph is definitely my at work snus now. i gave a couple of my crew members one today and they were both surprised. one kid is a grizzly dipper and he was like wow, ive never had anything like this before!


                          • TBD
                            • Jul 2008
                            • 817

                            The Northerner Energy snus is Oomph! with caffeine.


                            • brunovega
                              New Member
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 6

                              Man I'm an idiot. That came with my first order in the to 10 portion/whit box.

                              They were tiny, little brown specs everywhere, including on the wrapper and inside the plastic wrapping you rip off before you open the box. I thought there was something wrong with it, it didn't look like any of the other snus, I hadn't read up too much about it and, trash can heaven it went.

                              May have to make a small order to repent. I like to try them all no matter what. Today I may hate it but next week I may not be able to live without it.

                              Oh snus noobdom how you failed me.

                              Sigh :roll:


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