Gotlandssnus yellow los

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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Congrats on the 300. How'd you get them in there? I swear they weren't there when I made my last post, but they're listed before I posted :^D

    The flavor is a bit different with the fine grind. I don't notice any more bitterness. It seems a little more subtle or something. I'm not really sure how it's different, but it is. I wish I still had some of the old tins of Gul in the freezer so I could do a side by side comparison.


    • Jason
      • Jan 2008
      • 1370

      I like it, but it's still a bit of a challenge to bake for me....


      • Snusdog
        • Jun 2008
        • 6752

        Originally posted by lxskllr
        Congrats on the 300. How'd you get them in there? I swear they weren't there when I made my last post, but they're listed before I posted :^D
        Well when you have posted as much as I have you learn a few tricks- give it time ol boy, give it time.

        Actually I have no Idea how they slid in there. I did notice something a little funky when I posted the last one- like the screne kind of jumped a bit. Must have been one of those time warp continuums that lets really good looking posters pass through first. :wink:
        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


        • Veganpunk
          • Jun 2009
          • 5381

          Gotlandsnus yellow is the second worst tasting snus I have had. To me the lemon is artificial tasting, almost like lemon dishwashing liquid. Grov white portions are my most hated though. To each his own I guess. I do like the Greens. Getsnus forgot to send me a mystery can, so I sent them a friendly email just letting them know, and within a hour they replied and asked what "mystery can" would I like. I told them Gotland Green. It does go sour pretty quick, but it tastes so good beforehand.


          • KarlvB
            • Feb 2008
            • 681

            Originally posted by Veganpunk
            Gotlandsnus yellow is the second worst tasting snus I have had. To me the lemon is artificial tasting, almost like lemon dishwashing liquid. Grov white portions are my most hated though. To each his own I guess. I do like the Greens. Getsnus forgot to send me a mystery can, so I sent them a friendly email just letting them know, and within a hour they replied and asked what "mystery can" would I like. I told them Gotland Green. It does go sour pretty quick, but it tastes so good beforehand.
            :shock: :shock:

            Just goes to show how much tastes differ I guess.

            Gotlands (all of them) is definitely THE last snus in the world I would call artificial tasting. In fact I think it is the most natural tasting snus, along with Ettan and Skruf lös. I've also never had the sour taste you refer to with the Gotlands Green.

            Personally when someone says artificial tasting I immediately think Phantom Classic. Now there is some seriously artificial lemon taste.

            I'd be interested to know why you dislike Grov Whites so much?

            Also, what are your current favourites?

            Originally posted by DrSnus
            This is a must try, if you liked the portions you will love the los. If you have tried neither, give it a shot... you won't be disappointed. I am a big fan of Got snus, and I have a feeling this one is going to be a regular for me.

            40mins now and its just starting to mud up on me a little... a success in my book as its still going strong. I will pack it a little tighter next time.
            Glad to hear you enjoyed it. It is truly an excellent snus.

            I tend to rotate the Gul with Skruf and Ettan lös though to prevent getting tired of the flavour. Come to think of it I can nearly say that I'd be happy using just those three forever, but I know I'd crave General, Grov and Gotlands Anis at some point.....


            • Snusdog
              • Jun 2008
              • 6752

              Originally posted by KarlvB
              Gotlands (all of them) is definitely THE last snus in the world I would call artificial tasting. In fact I think it is the most natural tasting snus, along with Ettan and Skruf lös.
              What KB said ^^^^
              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


              • MrSnusNSnuff
                • Jun 2009
                • 280

                Gottland will be in my next order.

                Gul, based on the rec's here is something I want to try.

                How's the green?


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  The Green's good. It's my least favorite Gotland product, but All of Gotland's snus are favorites, so it's a high standard to beat. It's supposed to be elderberry, but I think most Americans would say sour apple. It's a natural taste, and not like Jolly Ranchers or anything like that.


                  • Veganpunk
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 5381

                    I haven't tried the Phantom yet. I can't explain why I don't like Grov, I haven't run across anybody else on the boards who doesn't like it, so maybe I'm just weird. The overall taste just sucks to me. My current favs. are (in no particular order) Roda Lacket, General White, Triumph Mint (anybody in the Atlanta Georgia area want to help me out???) and Oden's Cinnamon (with coffee in the morning.)


                    • MasterGuns
                      • Jun 2009
                      • 312

                      Oh no!
                      my pris of Gotlands Anis is coming apart! It's been an hour and a half, so I guess it's getting to be that time, but I don't want to let it go! I mean, I don't even like licorice but for some reason the warm spice of this stuff makes me happy. Not may fav, but it's definitely good.
                      I echo previous sentiment, I've become a big fan of all Gots flavors. I really enjoy Gul or Jakobssons original in the morning, feels like I'm drinking some fruit juice or something.
                      Can't wait to try out Gul los!


                      • DrSnus
                        • Jun 2009
                        • 155

                        The green is delicious, I didn't really like it at first... but I really started to love it half way through my first tin. It is one of my favorites now, I blow through a tin of the stuff.


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