went to work with nothing but my can of oomph in my pocket, as i have the past few days. however i forgot tonight was the big night of coast guard festival in my stupid little ****ing tourist town. usually on coast guard saturday or the 4th of july i ride my bicycle to work to avoid traffic, but i wasnt thinking today. anyways the fireworks ended just as i was closing up the store. i get all done and walk outside look around and just think ...****. i sat in the parking lot about half an hour waiting to see traffic clear up before i decide it would be better to get on the road and wait in line. the entire time im just wishing id brought another type of snus. i really didnt want another oomph, i had that hard days night kind of desire for a real snus. so i start taking the back roads downtown to try to find another way out of there, ended up going through an alley, going in reverse for like 2 blocks before i hit what i was sure would be my way home. NOPE. i get a ways down and the police have the road blocked off for some retarded detour i still dont understand. i end up finally in line to hit the highway but theres some moron with his brights on right on my ass as i sat there with my car in park for like 25 minutes, growing increasingly agitated.
so the lesson youre looking for if you read all of that, im never leaving the house with a single brand of snus again.
always be prepared for the uncertainties.
so the lesson youre looking for if you read all of that, im never leaving the house with a single brand of snus again.
always be prepared for the uncertainties.