A Cry for Integrity on this Forum...

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  • pangloss
    • May 2009
    • 183

    A Cry for Integrity on this Forum...

    About 1.5 wks ago, I posted my Icetool for trade on the Snus exchange. Although I got responses from many whom I feel very close to on this forum, I decided to go with the person who posted first. We reached an agreement: I would send my Icetool and he would send me cans of Thunder Frosted Mini. I sent my package over a week ago, and after telling him that it was sent I never heard back from him.

    To the Snuson Community
    I have made multiple relatively low value exchanges on this website with no problem whatsoever. This last time however, it seems that I have sent my Icetool off to someone with no intention of delivering on his end of the deal.

    While I have enjoyed the privilege of trading on this forum, I no longer feel comfortable doing so lest I send another shipment of my possessions off to someone who has no intention of keeping true to his word.

    I wasn't really using los or the icetool, and the money isn't that great of an issue, however it deeply saddens me to see bonding over snus and friendly exchange fall by the wayside to shameless profiteering.

    To SnusIntheUSA:
    I have no direct proof that you have taken me for a ride, however each passing day makes it more and more likely that you are nothing but an opportunist.

    I truly hope that some extenuating circumstance has come your way that would keep you from holding true on your end of the deal or returning any of my messages.

    If you do happen to read this, and realize that you have made a mistake I will accept your apology. You can rectify the situation by either returning my icetool or sending me 5 cans of Thunder Frosted Mini. (I realize that I had previously left it to you to send me as many cans as you considered a fair exchange, but obviously we are beyond that point).

    You can either PM me or respond to this thread. I look forward to your long anticipated response and hope that everything is ok in your life.

    To help prevent someone creating multiple accounts and tarnishing the trade forum:

    Joseph K. (SnusIntheUSA)
    114 Thompson Rd.
    Rochester, N.Y. 14623

  • jcarlson
    • Aug 2008
    • 82

    Wow....I really hope he sends you those cans and it is just a misunderstanding. That is the nicest post I've ever seen when someone has gotten screwed. 5 tins of snus for an icetool is a good deal.


    • cj
      • Jul 2009
      • 1563

      it truly is a shame that it only takes one or tow people to ruin things for everyone. i am glad that i had the chance to do some trade with some awesome great people on here.


      • Premium Parrots
        Super Moderators
        • Feb 2008
        • 9759

        Also, Box from the box pass was comfirmed last sent to SnusInUsa. Unfortunately Box is now missing and some members tempers are flareing. I have put up a list of members that have proven they can't be trusted. Its posted in the first post of The Snus Exchange. Be sure to check that list before doing any deals with those members. This is a sad state of affairs.
        Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

        I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          Pang, I see who you meant now, it's mentioned in your post.


          • Snusophile
            • May 2008
            • 531

            Is this a witch hunt?

            EDIT: I thought I'd clear up what I said earlier. At the time, I regarded SnusInUsa as a decent individual, and nothing up to this point had ever given me any indication that he'd be a cheat. Therefore, I felt that he wasn't given a fair chance to clear his name. Now that I see the full extent, and the proof that you have regarding the PMs he has read, I'm closer to changing my opinion. I rarely if ever post on hot button issues--drama isn't for me, and if I let my opinions get too vocal I'm bound to piss people off. But in any case, thank you for putting the straight facts out there, guys. It will go a long way in making this community more enjoyable. However, posting the guy's address on a public board is taking things a little too far. He could be sick, or something else may have happened, and you're openly inciting hate mail and all manner of things. Let's be civil about this and handle it as though we're the better man.


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              Wow, I had always said that I didn't get how, what 10 or 15 cans of snus, someone would skip out on. But an Icetool too?? Wow, sounds intentional now.

              And no Snusophile, not a witch hunt.

              This much we do know.

              Multiple PM's have been sent regarding missing Box. We know those PM's have been read as forum software tells you that. And he has not responded which means he has no intention of clearing up "misunderstanding" And now we here another member got caught up n something similar

              But now, most important point to make.

              I will continue trusting people here. Sure, I might even get burned once or even twice. But I guarantee I will be burned less on a magnitude of hundreds here than just about anyplace else I know.

              Bad seeds everywhere, but this place is bursting with good apples. :lol:


              • daruckis
                • Jul 2009
                • 2277

                disgraceful. if you cant trust a fellow snus enthusiast, who can you trust? i hope karma bites him in the ass.


                • zmanzero
                  • May 2009
                  • 766

                  just a reflection on this. using a proxy the same individual can strike again and again, even having 2 or more accounts active at the same time. it's sad that not everyone can be trusted, but it's a fact. before entering into any deals it might be wise to note the join date of the person, the number of posts, and the content of those posts. just to get a "feel" for that person.

                  this crap totally saddens me, even angers me. but i feel it will in the long run make this community even more tightly knit.

                  Bad seeds everywhere, but this place is bursting with good apples. :lol:
                  that pretty much sums it up, and it's funny too!


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    On another forum I frequent that has a sales forum, known cheats names are published, along with the last known address, and details of the infraction. I was going to set that up here, but the post disappeared :^/


                    • tom502
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 8985

                      City and state should be enough along with user name. Or a new person, with no known past traders to back him, could be required to send their stuff first.


                      • pangloss
                        • May 2009
                        • 183

                        Originally posted by tom502
                        City and state should be enough along with user name. Or a new person, with no known past traders to back him, could be required to send their stuff first.
                        oh no. Your name is only as good as you word, and until he proves himself worthy the scarlet letter remains...


                        • Antonio Conte
                          New Member
                          • Aug 2009
                          • 9

                          I feel you in this matter. I offered someone to buy Montecristo on PM in the same thread, but told him he would be better off buying online or through a swede or something because of our extremely high norwegian tobacco taxes.

                          What about paypall or something? Could that provide security for both parts? I don't know, but it's often used in online transactions.


                          • tom502
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 8985

                            My buddy does DVD trades on a board, and new traders have to send their stuff 1st, and the established trader gives him a point, or something. I don't think we need points, but new traders could send their stuff first, I don't see a problem with that, I'd do it.


                            • Scuba Steve
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 77

                              It's pretty ridiculous that someone would stoop so low. The snus exchange has allowed me to sample different kinds of snus that I would never order. I traded with SnusinUsa in the past, guess a couple of cans wan't worth it to him.

                              I still can't get what kind of person would intentionally rip off another snuser. First Box, now this. Just sad.


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