Truly pathetic that these things are happening. I've had plenty of exchanges with the great people here. I'm going to continue my trust and catalog this as an anomaly.
A Cry for Integrity on this Forum...
Well for me, my new rules are, mail only, and if you are new to the forum, to have someone vouch for you, or to send 1st, and I'll send right after I receive. I think most of us are decent people here. Sometimes crap can happen, and mess up ones honest intentions. But it often boils down to just being communicative, as we are a forgiving lot, I think for the most part.
That's ****in shitty dood. You never should of sent him the goods first, but even still. Not your fault. I'll be vacationing down south and will be passing new york on the way down. Perhaps *someone* should make it a point to throw shit at his house/vehicles, and take pics for the law abiding members to enjoy.
I've seen similar things happen, sometimes it's the mail being very very slow, on a knife forum I visit there was a guy that traded knives and after sending the knife the other guy went away on a trip, a month later the package showed up, it was verified that it had been in the mail for a month.
All that to say this, thank you for posting and not flaming, it's far more constructive and informative.
I know I'm not around here much, but whenever I've made trades I always make phone contact, I usually have a tracking number for the item being sent and received (not an issue for known safe trades).
This is a community and I'm sure it's the same for most, human contact severely reduces the chance of something bad happening, and if you aren't sure about trading with someone I recommend calling with at least the date an item was shipped, just a precaution.
I hope the mail's running late and that the guy has just been busy.
Man that’s utter crap and I feel your pain.
I also agree with the other posters here on this thread that you are to be commended in the very constructive way you have handled the matter. Well done.
It is a shame that a few blockheads have got to muck every thing up for the rest of us. That said, I fully concur with sage
Originally posted by sagedilI will continue trusting people here.... Bad seeds everywhere, but this place is bursting with good apples. :lol:When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
The world if full of all types of people. Lots of them suck. I've been in the bar/alchohol buisness for 30+ me when I say that people you trust can screw you without notice...but we all know that here cuse were all grown ups, right?
You know, this SnusinUsa guy might just still show up. It's been what, since the 27th of June since the last time he's posted? A handful of people have had good dealings with him through the snus exchange....and just to play devil's advocate here a sec....its possible that he still might just be in a situation where he's away from the PC. Shit, I can think of a dozen reasons that would cause my sudden absence from the computer for an extended period....god forbid something serrious happen. At the same time Im all for giving someone the benifit of the doubt...but people are people at the end of the say...lets hope he turns up at some point, in all honesty if his last post was 7.27.09, like I read in another thread, then its only been a little over a week.
-Darth Landstroms
Someone could start a sticky with a feedback thread in it as to your experiences with people. We use one like it on the e-cig forum and it seems to work very well.
When you make a trade or buy from someone in here, you post what you bought/sold/traded, and if it all went smoothly. Most people are decent and something like that would help weed out the ones that aren't.
I've made 3 transactions with people in here...sales to Badfish and a trade with Qor...they both went well and I wouldn't hesitate to put that in the thread if one of the admins does start it.
However, posting the guy's address on a public board is taking things a little too far.
....its possible that he still might just be in a situation where he's away from the PC.
Someone could start a sticky with a feedback thread in it as to your experiences with people. We use one like it on the e-cig forum and it seems to work very well.
When you make a trade or buy from someone in here, you post what you bought/sold/traded, and if it all went smoothly. Most people are decent and something like that would help weed out the ones that aren't.
Originally posted by zmanzeroSomeone could start a sticky with a feedback thread in it as to your experiences with people. We use one like it on the e-cig forum and it seems to work very well.
When you make a trade or buy from someone in here, you post what you bought/sold/traded, and if it all went smoothly. Most people are decent and something like that would help weed out the ones that aren't.
I have posted, in the first comment for EVERYONE TO SEE, on the Snus Exchange a list of ppl that cannot be trusted. So far there is only one name listed there, SnusInUsa. If he straightens everything out then I shall remove his name. So Remember to check the list before you do any transactions with anyone.
If you get screwed on a deal let me know and I will post their name for everyone to see.
I have done alot of sales and trades on The Snus Exchange and I never had a far. So don't let this isolated incident keep you from trusting other senior members here.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
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