Wow. glad I checked back in with the SnusOners, That does look good. I don't know why but I had kind of forgotten about nic-bits.
I've been snusing with less confidence recently, realizing I'll always be addicted and It's kind of wearing down my gums(always had dental problems). MY next course of action will be to see if I can use these bits in a different way than on the gums, like under my tongue, swishing around or in my belly button
Curious, I assume it's produced much like snus and equally as safe/unsafe?
I've been snusing with less confidence recently, realizing I'll always be addicted and It's kind of wearing down my gums(always had dental problems). MY next course of action will be to see if I can use these bits in a different way than on the gums, like under my tongue, swishing around or in my belly button

Curious, I assume it's produced much like snus and equally as safe/unsafe?