I bought a can of RL los and a pris (first one ever) stayed together for over an hour even WHILE i was putting up shingles and nailing em. Am I a snus prodigy? And also, BIG thanks to Zero for the pris video. That helped a lot. I may be a los convert now. TASTE IS much better than portions and it feels much more natural.
I got los down!!
Not to dissuade you from using lössnus (I love it, only use portions for work really), but there are many that are more difficult to keep in place than RL. It's definitely a good start, but don't be too disappointed if you get some Göteborgs Rapé and it's kind of hard to back. If you stick with it, you'll get much better pretty quickly, and I think it's worth the effort. Enjoy lös.
Ahh young pup you do not master los. You become one with it.
At the beginning of your journey a pris will be a pris. As you grow in enlightenment, a pris will no longer be a pris but something other and of many parts. Then one day it will all be clear. The land, the sky and the sea will move together in a single living motion. It will be then that a pris will be, for the first time, truly, a pris- its place in the universe will be both certain and inevitable. Then you will be- not a los master- but a seer of snus, a guardian of the Gnostic bake, a keeper of the smokeless flame.
But be warned young seeker, already on this very thread I see that there are those from the dark side who whisper and beckon you to return to the minions of tamponed snus. They lurk here waiting for a moment when you are week, or mud-slidden and before you know it and without knowing exactly why, you will have added a tin of Elyxr portions to your cart.
But you must be strong and learn the yin of hand baking. The wise here will guide you. However, the wisest of them will never post or offer tips or recommendations. Their silence, their un-posts, are their guidance. For they know the way to bake is to be and to be is to already have all posts, all recommendations, all suggestions before you in the single word………..
.When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Originally posted by sagedilBleep you lxskllr. :wink:
Originally posted by SnusdogAhh young pup you do not master los. You become one with it.
At the beginning of your journey a pris will be a pris. As you grow in enlightenment, a pris will no longer be a pris but something other and of many parts. Then one day it will all be clear. The land, the sky and the sea will move together in a single living motion. It will be then that a pris will be, for the first time, truly, a pris- its place in the universe will be both certain and inevitable. Then you will be- not a los master- but a seer of snus, a guardian of the Gnostic bake, a keeper of the smokeless flame.
But be warned young seeker, already on this very thread I see that there are those from the dark side who whisper and beckon you to return to the minions of tamponed snus. They lurk here waiting for a moment when you are week, or mud-slidden and before you know it and without knowing exactly why, you will have added a tin of Elixir portions to your cart.
But you must be strong and learn the yin of hand baking. The wise here will guide you. However, the wisest of them will never post or offer tips or recommendations. Their silence, their un-posts, are their guidance. For they know the way to bake is to be and to be is to already have all posts, all recommendations, all suggestions before your in the single word………..
Originally posted by VBSnusMy wife won't let me use los.ops:
Yea- unfortunately the ancient wisdom stops well short of the whole “My wife won’t let me" thing. So I got nothing for ya. But best of luck.When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Originally posted by SnusdogAhh young pup you do not master los. You become one with it.
At the beginning of your journey a pris will be a pris. As you grow in enlightenment, a pris will no longer be a pris but something other and of many parts. Then one day it will all be clear. The land, the sky and the sea will move together in a single living motion. It will be then that a pris will be, for the first time, truly, a pris- its place in the universe will be both certain and inevitable. Then you will be- not a los master- but a seer of snus, a guardian of the Gnostic bake, a keeper of the smokeless flame.
But be warned young seeker, already on this very thread I see that there are those from the dark side who whisper and beckon you to return to the minions of tamponed snus. They lurk here waiting for a moment when you are week, or mud-slidden and before you know it and without knowing exactly why, you will have added a tin of Elixir portions to your cart.
But you must be strong and learn the yin of hand baking. The wise here will guide you. However, the wisest of them will never post or offer tips or recommendations. Their silence, their un-posts, are their guidance. For they know the way to bake is to be and to be is to already have all posts, all recommendations, all suggestions before you in the single word………..
When they come out with Gotlands Flader Los, General Wintergreen Los, and GBR#2 Los, and when I no longer work at a pharmacy, then we'll talk about using Los all the time.
Until then it must be relegated to home and certain outings.
For everything else, it's portions all the way.
Otherwise congrats on winning at Los! You definitely picked far better starter Los than I did.
Edit: Forgot Claq Qui and Onyx Los. Hell yeah!
Originally posted by SnusdogAhh young pup you do not master los. You become one with it.
At the beginning of your journey a pris will be a pris. As you grow in enlightenment, a pris will no longer be a pris but something other and of many parts. Then one day it will all be clear. The land, the sky and the sea will move together in a single living motion. It will be then that a pris will be, for the first time, truly, a pris- its place in the universe will be both certain and inevitable. Then you will be- not a los master- but a seer of snus, a guardian of the Gnostic bake, a keeper of the smokeless flame.
But be warned young seeker, already on this very thread I see that there are those from the dark side who whisper and beckon you to return to the minions of tamponed snus. They lurk here waiting for a moment when you are week, or mud-slidden and before you know it and without knowing exactly why, you will have added a tin of Elixir portions to your cart.
But you must be strong and learn the yin of hand baking. The wise here will guide you. However, the wisest of them will never post or offer tips or recommendations. Their silence, their un-posts, are their guidance. For they know the way to bake is to be and to be is to already have all posts, all recommendations, all suggestions before you in the single word………..
Well, then.
Oh, and more in keeping with the general theme of this thread:
O, great and wise oracle of the los knowledge- the trusted couriers, clad in brown, are ferrying to me a can of finery. Namely, General original los, with my next shipment of the snus of the pretenders. What wisdom can you share with this newcomer who approaches the los with apprehension and fear, and disdain for a mouth that looks like a slide area?
Originally posted by KwikO, great and wise oracle of the los knowledge-
Originally posted by KwikWhat wisdom can you share with this newcomer who approaches the los with apprehension and fear, and disdain for a mouth that looks like a slide area?
Move south- and no one will notice
Move north- and no one will care
Move west (with a bong)- and no one will remember
You are a continent within
Next, sit quietly. Do not think but be thought by the universe. Listen to the rhythm of your breathing. It will tell you that life is both receiving and letting go. All things received are not to be kept and all things loosed are not lost
General is the leading snus in Sweden
In New Zealand, Zamphere sold more albums than Elvis and the Beatles combined.
Gain wisdom from this ancient rune
Finally, my seeker, buy a pris master, try a variety, don’t fiddle with the pris once it is in, and give it time. If you are already of the los then los is already your destiny- it is now for you only to find your way to where you have always been.When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
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