Former Skoal man

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  • pimentel00
    New Member
    • Sep 2007
    • 1

    Former Skoal man

    Hi all

    I'm new to snus and to this board. I've been using skoal long cut wintergreen for 20 years. I have recently found the denefits of snus, but I find it laking the flavor delivery of the Skoal wintergreen product. Does anyone know of a Swedish brand of portion snus that might be an acceptable replacment for my Skoal longcut wintergreen?
  • xmonk
    New Member
    • Sep 2007
    • 3

    I haven't used skoal wintergreen, but most of the flavored snus I've used has been much less strongly flavored than American snuff.

    The one's that haven't have mostly been either been licorice (anise) flavored or eucalyptus. The mint ones have been pretty weak( mint-wise) in comparison. Even the ones that smelled really minty like Offroad didn't taste all that minty after a minute or so.

    If you would rather stick with snus and have a stronger mint flavor, you could pick up a bottle of peppermint oil from the supermarket and add a few drops to a plain tobacco snus like Ettan to your preferred taste.

    It would be a bit of a pain, but you'd get it exactly the way you want AND you'd know exactly what was in it.


    • RealmofOpeth
      • May 2007
      • 407

      Re: Former Skoal man

      Originally posted by pimentel00
      I find it laking the flavor delivery of the Skoal wintergreen product.
      this is a good thing. at first I was confused too. I've been a longtime skoal/cope user. I was disappointed the flavor wasn't quite as much. But I quickly realized that if it was as much, you'd be spitting as much.
      Which is the primary reason people go to snus (besides the health concerns)...less spit.
      After you get used to the nuances of snus flavors, and picking them up more with your breathing/'ll enjoy it just fine.
      Then when you go back to skoal, you'll wonder to yourself how in the hell you could've done it and liked it for so long.
      At least, that's the way it was with me. After long snus usage...putting skoal in just nauseates me. all the chemicals in skoal are so obvious then.

      Of course it takes some definite getting used to to not spit with snus. I still spit when I'm able...but of course it's not a big deal if I can't, either. as it is a big deal with least for me. if you swallowed skoal spit or don't mind getting it on your throat or don't have to hack a while after like me, then you're good to go.
      One thing about the spit though...if you continue to spit with snus and have it in a container...beware it ferments something fierce!
      Spit with skoal tends to not ferment until it's sitting around for a couple weeks.
      Snus spit is the worst smelling crap ever after just a few days. I'd say worse than rotting carcasses. Mainly because it has no preservatives like skoal does.
      When you pour it out and it has that smell...takes a damn strong stomach to not lose it and stop from gagging. far as brands that have most dip-like flavor...I'd say go with Offroad.
      I've only tried offroad regular strong portions and offroad cranberry portions.
      Both have quite a bit of flavor.
      the offroad regular strong portions reminded me a little bit of skoal straight and a little bit of skoal citrus. also has decent nicotine in it.
      Offroad is the only brand I know of that comes in wintergreen as well. not sure if it's skoal-like wintergreen though.


      • Gurn Blandston
        • Jul 2007
        • 51

        I'd have to agree. The tatse of snus is very subtle. My buds were still in shock from the powerful copenhagen flavor when I switched and I couldn't at first detect different snus flavors. I was determined to switch, though, for health reasons.

        After several months of snus, I can't believe I used to use dip. I tried some not to long ago - copenhagen - and had to take it out after just a few minutes. It was way too strong and the flavor reminded me of rotten moldy beef jerky.

        Give it time and your buds will adjust. Mine did.



        • KentuckySnusser
          • May 2007
          • 109

          Re: Former Skoal man

          Originally posted by pimentel00
          Hi all
          Does anyone know of a Swedish brand of portion snus that might be an acceptable replacment for my Skoal longcut wintergreen?
          There's a General Wintergreen in portions that packs quite a flavourful punch. I'd go with that for starters.


          • phish
            • Jan 2007
            • 265

            If you wait a couple of weeks offroad are releasing a long-cut winter green snus!


            • Zero
              • May 2006
              • 1522

              Yeah, offroad is the only snus I find to be way too overpowering in flavour - if that's what you're after, it would be the best place to start.


              • chainsnuser
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2007
                • 1388

                Talking about Offroad Cranberry (loose or strong portions), I'd say it's just a welcome alternation from traditionally flavored snus-brands, not overpowering. It is one of my favorite brands.

                I started with brands like Ettan and Skruf Stark and if you never try traditional, more or less unflavored brands, you certainly miss very much, but I very much appreciate the new snus-brands as well.

                I can easily imagine, that many people would like to start with the highly flavored brands to discover the traditional ones later.

                For everyone, who wants a highly flavored snus, I exspecially recommend Probe Whiskey.



                • phish
                  • Jan 2007
                  • 265

                  I'm not a massive fan of the loose but I really like offroad portions. My normal order is a roll of tobacco-y loose and a roll of flavoured portions. A bit of flavour seems to take away from the tea-baggy-ness

                  Originally posted by chainsnuser
                  For everyone, who wants a highly flavored snus, I exspecially recommend Probe Whiskey.
                  Yeah. Both portion and loose are yummy


                  • Subtilo
                    • Dec 2006
                    • 524

                    I really like Offroad Cranberry, and when I have some around, I tend to prefer it in the evening. It's very sweet and the taste is much more aggressive than other kinds of snus, so I almost consider it to be some sort of dessert or candy-like treat. The licorice variant is also worth a try.

                    I actually did a mix of them once (loose of course); the result was absolutely not bad :!:


                    • phish
                      • Jan 2007
                      • 265

                      Originally posted by Subtilo
                      I actually did a mix of them once (loose of course); the result was absolutely not bad :!:
                      Oh god that sounds awful....but i still may try it It has to be better then the peach flavoured one from the limited edition tube


                      • Subtilo
                        • Dec 2006
                        • 524


                        Yes, I know it sounds awful :lol:

                        But actually ... the combination of licorice and fruit/berries is not as strange as it sounds. Well, at least not to one who lives in Scandinavia, I think. You can get candy here that combines licorice with the taste of lemon, strawberry, blueberry, grape, apple, watermelon, cactus(!) and so on ...

                        Yeah, that peach snus do sound awful! The others would be interesting to try, but peach ... no thanks. Real peach is the only peach for me.


                        • think
                          • Aug 2007
                          • 21

                          I really just started using snus not much more than a month ago, and I was a skoal wintergreen and cope user. At first I didn't taste much of anything, but give it just a little bit of time and you will be able to taste the differences between snus and the flavor will be much more pronounced. I am looking forward to the long cut wintergreen offroad just to see how it compares to American dip.

                          Don't be too surprised if you don't like Probe though. I see almost everyone that mentions it anywhere on this board tends to like it, but I absolutely do not. I don't like whiskey flavored pipe tobacco either. Don't get me wrong, I love a good scotch or bourbon, but whiskey flavored tobacco is just not something my palate likes. ^shrug^


                          • phish
                            • Jan 2007
                            • 265

                            Originally posted by Subtilo
                            But actually ... the combination of licorice and fruit/berries is not as strange as it sounds. Well, at least not to one who lives in Scandinavia
                            Very true! We get these in England but not as salty as Scandinavian liquorice

                            Originally posted by think
                            Don't be too surprised if you don't like Probe though. I see almost everyone that mentions it anywhere on this board tends to like it, but I absolutely do not. I don't like whiskey flavoured pipe tobacco either.
                            I hate whiskey flavoured pipe/rolling tobacco as well although I don't think probe really tastes like whiskey especially the portions they just taste sweet but each to their own


                            • Subtilo
                              • Dec 2006
                              • 524

                              Originally posted by phish
                              I hate whiskey flavoured pipe/rolling tobacco as well although I don't think probe really tastes like whiskey especially the portions they just taste sweet but each to their own
                              Exactly. It points at whiskey, yes, but it never seems to arrive. Instead the sweetness take over and preserves the somewhat fake 'essence'-like feel to it. I like it, but wouldn't be able to handle it on daily basis.


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