Hey guys (and girls) I'm new to the forum,but I've been usuing snus for about 6 months to get off cigarettes.How many of you are ex-smokers that have quit successfully using snus?I go about a month without a smoke then all of the sudden I just get this craving for one and I'll buy a pack and smoke it in a day.Then I go back to snus then a few weeks later it will happen again.Does the desire to smoke ever truly go away?
New Guy Needs Input
Elephant Man, ex-chainsmoker here. i don't know if the desire ever goes away, i can say that at the stage of the game i'm at in quitting cigs i'm just not getting any strong desire to fire up a cig. hell, the closest i guess i'm getting now is when i feel like i forgot something and then it flashes on me that i'm not smoking. i'm using es snus primarily, and often double barrel 'em. the trick i used on myself was that my body is stewing in vitamin n and the rest of it is just in my head, hey, it worked. the longer i get away from cigs, the more i forget i ever smoked 'em. beer helps me to forget too, heh heh... :wink:
oh! welcome to snuson!
Welcome E-Man!
Hang in there--snus will win the fight. GES and Claq Qui deliver all the nicotine you need to stay off the smokes. The need for a cigarette is in your head and I don't think it will ever completely go away--it hasn't for me and I've been smoke free for over seven months. Still I think about cigarettes every day, but with snus I'm able to just shrug it off because I'm getting my fix without smoking. Good luck, and we're glad you're here.
Eman welcome to the forum. I'm an x-dipper so my input won't be much help to you but I know Sagedil has a real good take on your situation. Hopefully he will drop in and share it. It has seemed to help a lot of people in your situation. Keep checking back.When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
I quit in September of last year and here is my breakdown:
Week 1: Miserable! I wanted a cigarette every hour of every day.
Week 2-4: A bit better, still craved the hand motion
Months 2-4: The phantom smoking phase. I would get in the car and roll down the window and grab my imaginary pack of smokes. It was odd to say the least. I would also grab my phantom lighter at my desk as I was working at home. This was also when the craving started to transition from cigarettes to snus.
Months 5-8: It calms down a lot. I haven't smoked a single cigarette since I quit and its was just starting to get normal.
I was very motivated to quit due to health reasons and I have always felt that if I put my mind to it, I can do anything.
Months 9 on: No desire to smoke at all. I even occasionally would use a pipe as my wife still smoked, but since she quit for snus, I never touched it again.
Now my wife on the other hand, she craves a cigarette every day still and she quit 6 months ago.
Your mileage will vary but if you focus your attention on it, it makes it worse. Try and establish new behavior patterns as the old ones will bring you back into that mind set. If you occasionally have a smoke, don't beat yourself up over it. Quiting smoking is hard and you need all the self esteem you can muster!
Good luck bud, and as some have said, double up on a portion if you feel the need to smoke
LOL, sounds like you are doing EXACTLY what I did.
Been using for 20+ months now. Didn't exactly start using snus to quit cigs, just kinda happened. So first 6 weeks of snus, i did both, then just stopped buying cigarettes. But still bummed one every other day. And about once a month, just needed to buy a pack, and smoked em all up in a day or so!!
Slowly, my pack purchases spaced more and more out, like once very other month. By 12 months, I wasn't buying them any more, still smoking one cigarette a week.
Then, 6 months after a bad accident, I settled with insurance company, and bough a new motorcycle. Suddenly, every time was on her for more than an hour, I needed a cigarette. That went on a few months, and died out.
For last 9 months, may smoke once every other month, if even that now. I will still have one when it is what I want, but haven't bought a pack in over a year.
You are normal, be patent, don't stress it when you do smoke, and welcome btw.
Re: New Guy Needs Input
Originally posted by Elephant ManHey guys (and girls) I'm new to the forum,but I've been usuing snus for about 6 months to get off cigarettes.How many of you are ex-smokers that have quit successfully using snus?I go about a month without a smoke then all of the sudden I just get this craving for one and I'll buy a pack and smoke it in a day.Then I go back to snus then a few weeks later it will happen again.Does the desire to smoke ever truly go away?
When I first quit. I allowed myself a weekend pack of cigarettes. Very soon it turned into once every two weeks, then once a month. Right now it's been two months since I've had a "weekend pack".
Since snus meets your nicotine needs, your addiction to cigarettes is purely psychological. It just takes time to retrain the brain. Don't sweat it.
i "quit" smoking months back, but i still use one from time to time. don't feel bad if you're tempted. i have found that using stronger snus has been good for me. i use thunder frosted full time, and it almost completely controls my cravings for smoking, although i do use other snus from time to time. just depends.
Thursday will be 8 weeks without cigarettes for me. I just lost interest in cigarettes eventually. It's been somewhat effortless.
My advice would be not to force it. Buy cigarettes and smoke them when you want to and you'll find yourself smoking less and less. Eventually, you'll crave snus instead of cigarettes.
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