Help w/ Kids

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  • rscott222
    • May 2009
    • 346

    Help w/ Kids

    So I was takling with my 7 yo about smoking and my own struggles w/ quiting. He said he wouldn't smoke but instead snus like daddy does now. I'm not sure how to address this with him. Should I be ok w/ this? Should I encourage him not to try any tobacco?
  • VBSnus
    • Jul 2009
    • 532

    I have a 7 and a 5 year old. They were really excited when I quit smoking. When they see my snus, I tell them it's a special thing I use to help me quit.

    To be honest, at that age I'd just tell him that snus is only good for people who smoke for a long long time then quit. A few more years and he'll be making his own decisions anyways, and you'll have still given him some early psychological reinforcement.

    Just my $0.02.


    • RobsanX
      • Aug 2008
      • 2030

      I'd say you have several more years to even worry about it... Everything will probably be banned by the time he's old enough...


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        I wouldn't stress it. He is just at the age right now where he would do anything daddy does. Start dressing in a pink tutu and he would want to copy that too.

        Worst case, he DOES pick up your snus habit. What would be worst, him picking up your cigarette habit if you were still doing that?


        • MisterSpaghetti
          • Jul 2009
          • 54

          I have 8 year old twins and a 16 year old. They were all very happy when I quit smoking 2 years ago and, naturally, the wife was too. I don't hide my snusing from my kids, but I don't make a big deal about it, either. The 16 year old wanted to know what it was all about and I explained that I smoked for so long, my body changed and now I have a difficult time being off nicotine, which only proves the ravages of smoking.

          As for the younger ones, I wouldn't worry about it too much. They're still young (too young to understand) and there were plenty of times my youngest son, then 6 or 7 would say he'd smoke like his old man. Still to early to sweat it, in my opinion. Obviously, I wouldn't promote the fact that you're snusing too strongly.


          • harpdog
            • Jan 2009
            • 114

            despite what my parents told me I ended up smoking, sniffing and popping all sorts.

            Long story short, I wish I had snus when I was at school, I got caught smoking many times and in those days we got whipped at school with a long cane. In Scotland where I was in school for a year or so we got whipped with a thick leather strap across our hands.

            Had I been snussing I would never had been caught.


            • argument
              • Jun 2009
              • 15

              I offered my boy a sniff of the tin and that was enough for him.


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                I think kids just need to know, some things are for adults, and when they are an adult, they have to make their own choice. Many things are not the best thing. Like drinking beer/alcohol. You don't want your kid to drink. But when they become an adult, that's their choice. I don't think snus is "bad", but it an adult thing. It's better than smoking, so the image/message should be, my dad is making a conscious decision to engage in an adult thing that has less risk than smoking.


                • Horatio McCallister
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 157

                  I'm glad I pull out.


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    Originally posted by tom502
                    I think kids just need to know, some things are for adults, and when they are an adult, they have to make their own choice. Many things are not the best thing. Like drinking beer/alcohol. You don't want your kid to drink. But when they become an adult, that's their choice. I don't think snus is "bad", but it an adult thing. It's better than smoking, so the image/message should be, my dad is making a conscious decision to engage in an adult thing that has less risk than smoking.
                    I think this approach is right on. Would they be better off if they never used snus? Probably, but it's their decision to make when they get old enough to judge the risks/rewards.


                    • Snusdog
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 6752

                      Originally posted by Horatio McCallister
                      I'm glad I pull out.
                      LMAO :lol: :lol: :lol:

                      Originally posted by lxskllr
                      Originally posted by tom502
                      I think kids just need to know, some things are for adults, and when they are an adult, they have to make their own choice. Many things are not the best thing. Like drinking beer/alcohol. You don't want your kid to drink. But when they become an adult, that's their choice. I don't think snus is "bad", but it an adult thing. It's better than smoking, so the image/message should be, my dad is making a conscious decision to engage in an adult thing that has less risk than smoking.
                      I think this approach is right on. Would they be better off if they never used snus? Probably, but it's their decision to make when they get old enough to judge the risks/rewards.
                      What they said. ^^^^
                      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                      • Ainkor
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 1144

                        I just tell my daughter snus puts hair on your chest, problem solved.

                        I told my sons that it makes your wiener shrink. They looked at me funny and I said, hey I got kids, I don't need any more, besides, have you seen your mother???

                        Problem solved all the way around.

                        (On a side note, that was a complete joke about my wife :P)


                        • Nicobuzz
                          Banned Users
                          • Apr 2009
                          • 144

                          Originally posted by Horatio McCallister
                          I'm glad I pull out.


                          • Madonio
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 118

                            Dont worry the kid will have forgot about it in a year.

                            My step brothers nephew was really curious about what it was, my brother said it was man candy :P


                            • ddandb
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 570

                              Share some with him. You might have a new snusing buddy.


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