I've been put on hydrocodone to manage the pain cause by my wisdom teeth until they can be surgicaly removed this comming friday. I totaly forgot about hydrocodone having a side effect of lowering my nic tolerance. (Was on it years ago for kidney stones and it had same effect, had to cut down the amount of cope i was dipping by about half.)
Put in a pris of oden's es kanel and boy did i pay for it! Had to remove the pris after 20min, felt awful and ended up taking an 1hr nap to sleep it off. So have to lay off the starks for now.Using up some of the mini portions i have around since they now feel like a reg portions.
Not sure if this is a typical side effect of pain meds for most or just one of those odd things that effect me.Thought i'd pass it along in case anyone here ends up having to take pain meds that they might need to go easy on the snus during that time.
Put in a pris of oden's es kanel and boy did i pay for it! Had to remove the pris after 20min, felt awful and ended up taking an 1hr nap to sleep it off. So have to lay off the starks for now.Using up some of the mini portions i have around since they now feel like a reg portions.
Not sure if this is a typical side effect of pain meds for most or just one of those odd things that effect me.Thought i'd pass it along in case anyone here ends up having to take pain meds that they might need to go easy on the snus during that time.