Los is fun, there are more flavors that you can't get in portion.
Enlighten me Chad.
Not too long ago, Nordstrommen had a line of los that was out of this WORLD, chocolate raspeberry, vanilla, mandarin...a ton of really great flavors. They're supposed to be coming out with a "Christmas" line of los around November that I hear is going to be quite good.
General los is crap. I can't stand it. For the life of me I cannot figure out how it is so popular. To me it tastes like bland putty.
Try one of these:
Knox, Skruf, Phantom (classic or blue) Gotlands yellow (i.e. gul), or Granit.
They are all flavorful and less expensive. Put one or two in your next order. I think you will see a different side of los.
Also for now avoid Ettan, Prima, Roda and Grov. They are some of my favorites but tend to be a bit more subtle. That said you will definitely want to try them at some point if you stick with los. Just not right away IMO
I love SnusDog and want him to write a book soon.
But I disagree with most of this jibberish.
Edit: Oh you hate GES? You guys are killing me LOL!
I think General's overrated also. It's ok, and I'm enjoying my $1 tins(from the last expired offering at Getsnus), but there's much better brands that have a similar profile.
I've sat with los for a week now and it's still gross - not enjoyable in the slightest. I can't imagine for a second that I'll like other los either as it's the mess and inconvenience which just doesn't float my boat.
I've got an N&J in my mouth right now and it's just glorious - simply unbeatable.
Look, you know where I stand with los, I mostly agree with you. Still, I would hope you would wait, keep the icetool for a bit, and at least make a 2nd try with los in a few months. Many folks took a while to really develop a like for it. And snus, so strange, just makes sense to me to keep options open. You just don't know.
I've sat with los for a week now and it's still gross - not enjoyable in the slightest. I can't imagine for a second that I'll like other los either as it's the mess and inconvenience which just doesn't float my boat.
I've got an N&J in my mouth right now and it's just glorious - simply unbeatable.
It seems you either love lös or hate it. I love it, but hated it at first, it took me 1 whole can of RL to get to even begin to like it. To start it was all mud and very messy, but once you can control your prilla it becomes 2nd nature. Now use lös exclusively. Once in a while for unknown reasons a prilla is no good, I take it out and put another in.
Maybe try a different lös, I have tried: General, GES, Skruf, Granit, Offroad liq, orig and cran, Ettan, GR, RL, Nordstrommen, Knox and prob others. No1 for me is GES followed by General, just love the taste.
So dont give up yet :cry: Try this: Make a small ball no bigger than 7mm dia. Take a pinch of snus and mould it into a ball not too hard using the using the 1st & 2nd fingers of your L&R hands and stick it up high under your lip. Position it with your tongue, give it a lick & leave it alone. Only Lick & reposition from time to time for flavour. Once more experienced you will be able to squeeze and poke at it as much as you like. Just dont . Hope this helps
Edit: Yeah removal can be messy. I hook the prilla out with my little finger and take a drink. Or keep it in so long that I seem to have eaten most of it anyway.
Slowly but surely, I am falling in love with los. It's much more comfortable than portions, less hard on the gums, as well as having more flavor and nic. When I mastered the prismaster it made lossing much more enjoyable.
So got my Northerner order today, one week exactly from when they switched my order to showing shipped. I had to get to work 3 hours early this morning,...
Like others here I started our with the Prismaster then got an Icetool.
It was with the Icetool that I learned the intricacies of how tight or loose...
Icetool is a tool for loose snus or loose Swedish Chew that helps users to form and place a pinch of snus of the right size (the perfect prilla) under their lip.