Just tried Discreet

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  • jackolantern
    • Dec 2008
    • 198

    Just tried Discreet

    Getsnus.com got Discreet brands in recently, and I decided to check them out due to the low cost of small packs (not much waste if I didn't like them). I have been disappointed with pretty much every American snus I have tried so far. However, the first Discreet I tried, I actually liked! It was the "Full Flavor". I know this brand has been catching flack in the Swedish snus community, so I just wanted to voice my approval.

    The Full Flavor has a taste that I have not been able to find in any Swedish Snus so far. It has a smokey, Scotch-like flavor that easily reminds me of American scotch nasal snuff. It has a bit of a sweetness to it, but not the candy sweet taste of Camel snus. There is even a bit of a salty taste, also unlike most American brands.

    On the downside, what I first through was a good deal at $0.99 per pack quickly changed when I opened the pack and saw how small the portions were. 10 are in each pack, so after working it out by weight and by portion, it is a bit more expensive than General when mail-ordered. However, these small packs do give nice control over your order size, since you can get smaller amounts if you want to. It also would help keep your stash fresher, since you are only opening 10 at a time while the others can stay in the fridge.

    While it likely will not become my go-to snus, I will probably add it to my very small snus order list (which is basically just General White, N&J and Claq Qui). It is a nice change of pace. I bought several other flavors, but I do not have as high of hopes for them. I will get back with you once I try them
  • sundog
    • Jun 2009
    • 311

    I just wish somebody at getsnus would discover envelopes! There's no need to send 10 or 15 Discreet packs in a box. I ordered 15 and they were sent USPS in a box big enough to hold 100.


    • jackolantern
      • Dec 2008
      • 198

      Originally posted by sundog
      I just wish somebody at getsnus would discover envelopes! There's no need to send 10 or 15 Discreet packs in a box. I ordered 15 and they were sent USPS in a box big enough to hold 100.
      Yeah, I didn't even think about that, since I am always getting a roll as well. They do use boxes no matter what the order size, though lol.


      • chadizzy1
        • May 2009
        • 7432

        any snus that comes in a halls cough medicine bag with a new label on it is no friend of mine. that's like best value snus or something. no sir.


        • TropicalBob
          • Feb 2008
          • 316

          I've been testing Discreet for about two weeks now, and some flavors might find a place in my daily rotation. The full flavor was initially my least favored snus, but I've come around to it. It indeed does taste of pure tobacco.

          Those turned off by the taste of most Swedish snus could take to these in strawberry, peach and mint flavors. That's been the case with e-cig users on another forum. They like these.

          And I like the foil pouch. It fits easily in a shirt pocket -- and doesn't leave that circle on the Levis that advertises "I'm a chewer." The pouch has a ziplock top, to maintain freshness and keep the snus secure.

          My big hangup is that the quality of the pouch is a mixed bag, so to speak. Some are just sloppily made. Loose ends, etc. These are indeed minis. No choice on size.

          I'm a fan of General Mini Mint, so these might take a place with that dessert snus. They are no replacement for my Ettan and Lucky Strike, but these could find buyers among those who go "yuck" at their first taste of the salty, bitter, biting Swedish style snus.


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            So what's the deal with nicotine content/nicotine hit on these. Realize they are mini's, but how does it feel??


            • tom502
              • Feb 2009
              • 8985

              I read it's between 7-8mg.

              I did not think Full Flavor tasted like pure tobacco at all. It tasted like straight dip triple wrapped in gauze, to me.


              • jackolantern
                • Dec 2008
                • 198

                Originally posted by sagedil
                So what's the deal with nicotine content/nicotine hit on these. Realize they are mini's, but how does it feel??
                Unfortunately, I could not tell you. I always leave nic content out of my reviews, because the only time I can even tell is when I have had too much. I am a chain snusser, and I don't notice any effects from using a regular snus.

                EDIT: I will say that even though they are mini, they satisfy me during a chain snus. That would likely fit in with the mg given by the above poster.

                EDIT2: Yes, I don't agree either that it tastes like pure tobacco. I just think it tastes like American scotch nasal snuff smells, and I like that


                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  Thank you jackolantern. That was really exactly what I needed. I understand, I really don't notice nicotine issues as well as I too chain snus so much.


                  • spirit72
                    • Apr 2008
                    • 1013

                    Huh. I'd kinda written this off, because I'm really not much into minis, but if they have a normal nicotine content, I might have to test the waters.


                    • TBD
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 817

                      According to the owner, Tom, Discreet has 7.4 mg of nic per pouch.


                      • eyephantom
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 333

                        I really want to give the strawberry a try. How safe is this stuff compared to its Swedish counterpart?


                        • asnider123
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 41

                          Originally posted by eyephantom
                          I really want to give the strawberry a try. How safe is this stuff compared to its Swedish counterpart?
                          As far as TSNA's are concerned, I am not sure. However, it is processed using pasteurization (like the Swedish products), not fire cured like most snuff, so I am guessing it would be comparable to the swedish products. I really like the Discreet fruity flavors, just got an order in (including the full flavor that I haven't tried yet).

                          The fruit flavors go best for me after a good meal, yummy! And probably very low in calories


                          • jackolantern
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 198

                            I have tried 3 more varieties from my order.

                            Cool Mint - These remind me a lot of General Mini Mint. Almost identical in my taste. Maybe a bit larger per portion than a standard Swedish mini, but the taste is pretty much the same. I am kind of take-it-or-leave it on these. I like Wintergreen snus sometimes, but have always been kind of meh on "true mint".

                            Strawberry - Wow, what a surprise! I have pretty much despised every fruit-flavored snus I have ever tried in the past, but I like these! Most have a very artificial taste, sometimes a bit funky, that leaves you having to use your imagination to understand why it is called the fruit flavor it is. Not these. These have a definite strawberry taste. When you first open the pack, a strong strawberry scent hits your nose. Probably the first thing to be brought to mind would be strawberry Bubblicious gum (that's not a bad thing), and it tastes about how it smells. I recommend at least trying it.

                            Peach - The smell of this one when I opened the pack felt a bit more "off" from a traditional peach smell than the strawberry was (which was basically dead-on). This disheartened me a bit, but I tried it out, and it was not that bad. It reminds me a lot of Quaker instant peach oatmeal. That's not really a bad thing, but maybe not quite as impressive as strawberry Bubblicious. For some reason these also kind of remind me of smoking a Strawberry Phillies blunt. Not exactly sure why the peach would remind me of that, but it does. Maybe I am a bit biased against this one, because my life was pretty much in shambles when I was smoking a lot of strawberry blunts. Your mileage may vary.

                            Also, I would totally believe the 7.4mg of nic per portion. Most of the time when I pop in a mini, I either need to double barrel them or spit it out in favor of a full-sized portion after a few minutes. Not so with these. They are quite satisfying, even though I am almost always snussing an 8mg General.


                            • Mullolley
                              • Aug 2009
                              • 213

                              I'm a light snuser, only using minis at work. I'm also new so I can still feel the effects of the nicotine on some minis. Not Discreet, though. I get pretty much no noticeable nicotine from these. I get some, but very very little. Gote Rape minis, on the other hand, give me just the right kick. Probably two or three times stronger than the Discreet.


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