Just tried Discreet

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  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    OK, so I was walking out the door to take cab to work (yes, motorcycle STILL down) and I see this package in my mailbox. At first, I thought someone was just sending me snus cause I am so sweet, but when I opened it up, it was the Discreet sample I ordered a few days ago. First, wow, Tom, beyond generous with the samples. I got 8 pouches that each have 10 snus in them.

    I finally dumped my Retro as we neared work and I opened the Strawberry. As other have said, I was instantly hit with the smell. Popped one , and wow o wow, these things are yummy.

    Sweet, way sweeter than any Swedish I have tried, accept maybe the mini mint. But not sweet in a bad Camel way. Definitely more like candy.

    But I absolutely have fallen head over heels for it instantly. It just really is that good. Definitely won't replace my normal snus routine, but I can definitely see myself using this a few times a day, much as I do snuff. AND for the same reasons. I love snuff for that powerful flavor hit you get.

    As for the nicotine content, I'm not sure it matters. I have already had three snus since I woke up, so body has a bunch of nicotine. As long as there is *some* in the discreet, I shouldn't feel the fall off of nicotine the entire time I use it, and my next portion will be an Oden's Kanel extra stark, so it just isn't a big issue. No way could I use these all day, I just don't like sweet all the time. But definitely, my favorite desert snus I have ever tried.

    My only concern is these may play straight into the hands of those folks here in the US who have attacked snus as targeting "kids". I suspect, kids would fall all over themselves to get these, far more likely than they would for Swedish snus.

    But that is Tom's issue. In the mean time, I expect to become a very loyal Discreet customer. I will keep these on hand just as I do my snuff.

    Thank you Tom!! Two thumbs up my friend!


    • tom502
      • Feb 2009
      • 8985

      I guess for me, and some of them did have a nice sweet candy taste, except the Full Flavor, plus they smelled good, and my buddy likes them, is that I like sweet, like a cup cake, or candy bar at times, but I usually keep a snus in over an hour, and the idea of having sweet like hard candy taste flavor in my mouth for that long, just is not desirable to me. I feel the same way about mini mint. I have an Offroad original portion in right now, and to me, this is great, and it has some sweetness to it, but it's like a more savory sweetness that is not overbearing candy sweetness.


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        Yeah, I dumped the Discreet at about 40 minutes, much faster than a Swedish snus. But that is OK. I have 40 cans of Swedish snus in the freezer, plus another 30 on the way, I am well taken care of in that regard. But the discreet is an amusing and happy break from all of it. Nothing more, nothing less.

        I did give away one of my sample packages already. Was talking with my cab driver and learned she smokes, wants to quit. So was talking about my snus, was gonna give her a can when i see her again Friday night. But then realized the Discreet was probably much better for her, at least now. She used to use Apple dip, and said she likes flavored tobacco.

        So gave her one of my Strawberry packages, know she will like it from the first moment without having to "get used" to the salt. I still will give her a can of the Swedish kind Friday, but know at least she won't be grossed out by the whole snus concept at least.


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          So trying the peach now. Wow, I really do love these. Just really yummy in a good way.


          • Veganpunk
            • Jun 2009
            • 5381

            Totally agree with you Sage. Not an all day snus, but a very nice treat. I hope the juicy orange pasts the test market. It is amazing, and I could see paying 99 cents for bags of these. Can't wait to try the pear!


            • mlkramer
              • Jul 2009
              • 393

              agree wholeheartedly...I got the sample and purchased some locally as well. I still gotta stop and buy some snus at the local shop to keep em ordering it and hopefully someday expand there selection.

              I think Sage hit on another great use for these. I gave some discreet to my sister and brother in law as they've both when wanting to stop smoking. It's a great snus to introduce the concept to someone and a great price to keep a few packets around to spread the news.


              • Mullolley
                • Aug 2009
                • 213

                Pear does sound good.


                • jackolantern
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 198

                  I think they got the package size right on these. They are small enough that you can decide how many you want, so it may be better for someone just stopping smoking that way.

                  Also, as far as keeping them around to give to smokers, my dad has been a heavy smoker for 50 years. He has turned his nose up at every snus I have let him smell, but the Full Flavor was the first that interested him. Maybe I could actually convert him. I had given up after all this time.


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    So trying Emerald Ice now. These are a mint snus, and I just realy don't seem to like mint, even good mint, that much. Honestly, they taste jsut about exactly like what I remember the General mini mints tasting like. maybe just a slight hair sweeter. But I bet if you gave me a blind taste test between the two, I couldn't tell you which was which.

                    If you like mint snus that is sweet, you will love these. i expect I will save these to give away to folks I am trying to get to try snus.


                    • MisterSpaghetti
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 54

                      Just got my samples today. I've been eagerly anticipating these. And WOW, thanks Tom for the number of samples you provided! Major Kudos. If your aim is to get the word out about Discreet, this is definitely the way to do it.

                      First, on the packaging: It's great having the resealable pouch!

                      I just opened the peach. The portion seems slightly smaller than Camel Snus (american), but less dry. Pinching it with my fingers, it definitely has the feel of being more moist. I'm not a person who likes artificial peach flavor in anything (though I do love peaches), so I was very interested in trying this one going by the rave reviews its been getting.

                      It definitely has a great taste to it. The peach is slightly overpowering and reminds me of an alcoholic drink (Jolly Rancher, perhaps?). Indeed, the taste seems to give off almost an alcoholic aftertaste. Could this be because of some sort of essential oil or alcohol from the flavoring? I'm not getting a nic hit, but that could be because it's a mini and I'm used to large portions.

                      I've had it in for 20 minutes and the taste lingers. It's definitely not sweet like Camel (which gives off almost an aspertame taste), but it's sweeter than any other Swedish Snus I've tried. [EDIT: Also, there is the discernible lack of salt I've come to expect in Swedish snus]

                      Definitely a winner and you have yourself a customer. I won't replace this with the Swedish snus I now enjoy but I can definitely see myself using this as more of a "dessert snus." I'm looking forward to trying the other flavors.


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        They are definitely a bit addictive. Like i said first, I love them much as I love my snuff, just an absolute blast of flavor. I had 4 of them today, as many, if not more, than how many sterks I had today.

                        I especally love Retro White after one. I would imagine the after taste would interfere with other snus, but the Retro is a perfct bridge back into Swedish snus.

                        Again, my newest love and sign me up for the 'Pimp Discreet' brigade. :wink:


                        • sheilalynn
                          • May 2009
                          • 1103

                          And to think some scoffed at me and my Discreet Strawberry when I first mentioned it a long time ago :wink:


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            I didn't scoff at you ddid I??

                            Your love for them is what has made me want to try them for a while. I just hadn't ordered from somewhere that had them at the time (My last Getsnus order was 6 weeks ago) and I was too lazy to find the link for the sample. Why when it was posted a few days ago, I jumped on it. Was the first person who responded in that thread, so probably had my sample ordered literally minutes after the link had been posted LOL

                            So if I DID scoff way back then, I do apologize. You were right. So absolutely right!!!

                            Sage, proud to admit he has fallen in love with Discreet at first taste. Now I am a bit irritated I left them all at work. Won't make that same mistake tomorrow.


                            • Cy
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 101

                              Just popped in a strawberry and I am liking it. Smells great, tastes good, sweet enough to consider a treat but not overpowering. I think if these had as much publicity and as easily available as Camel it would turn alot more people onto snus.


                              • Veganpunk
                                • Jun 2009
                                • 5381

                                I would like to join the pimp Discreet Brigade as well. As soon as my morning Skruf Cran wears out, I'm gonna open the strawberry. I generally don't like Strawberry, more of a cherry guy, but I didn't care for peach either, but Discreet Peach was awesome, and from smelling the package, Strawberry will be as well. Will post a review later. (If I ever get out of my meeting today!)


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