Fine Ground Snus

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  • PseudoSwede
    • Sep 2007
    • 71

    Fine Ground Snus

    I'm relatively new to snus. However, I'm now more than halfway through my trial pack of eight snus brands. What I have tried is Ettan, RL, Goteborgs Prima Fint, General, and Kronan.

    Here's my take...

    Ettan (purchased before trial pack) - Very good.
    Goteborgs Prima Fint - Very good.
    Roda Lacket - Very good.
    General - Undecided (trying my first General pris as I type)
    Kronan - Three prillas and into the toilet the rest of the tin went.

    What I have remaining is Grovsnus, Goteborg's Rape', Probe Whiskey, and Ettan, which with the exception of Ettan. are all course ground.

    I'm finding that I prefer the more finer ground snus. Specifically, the Ettan, Prima Fint, and RL. I really like the way I can bake a nice, long-lasting pris with the finer cuts. I also have the Pris Master which I use frequently.

    Other than the three I really enjoyed (E, GPF, and RL), what are some other fine ground snus' available.

    Hopefully, some of the snus seasoned veterans/experts out here can direct me to other, finer ground snus.

    Thanks for any assistance you can provide!

  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    You may try Gustavus. It's got a taste a bit like General, but as I recall is quite finely ground and very easy to bake.


    • Craig de Tering
      • Nov 2006
      • 525

      There's two types of Gustavus Zero.
      Plus there's plenty of other little known/obscure brands, of which I haven't read how fine or coarse they are. Think: Roots, Gotlandssnus etc.

      Dunno, just naming a few off the top of my head.


      • Zero
        • May 2006
        • 1522

        Are there two types of Gustavus? There's strongcut, but they're only in portions. I meant Gustavus plain/original - the loose one.

        Diplomat loose is very coarse. Somewhere more than grov but less than Landströms.


        • Subtilo
          • Dec 2006
          • 524

          And what about Knox loose? - I've only done portions so far, but I would picture it to be somewhat like Skruf.


          • Craig de Tering
            • Nov 2006
            • 525

            Originally posted by Zero
            Are there two types of Gustavus? There's strongcut, but they're only in portions. I meant Gustavus plain/original - the loose one.
            Hmmm, that's weird. I just checked again and I could have SWORN there was another Gustavus loose in a red can, not the light brown of the portions. But this is like 1½ year ago, last time I looked. Around the same time I got my first ever can of Gustavus blue and threw the ****ing shit away after the third pris :lol:
            After that I chose to forget all about Gustavus.


            • Zero
              • May 2006
              • 1522

              Yeah, Gustavus always has a weird funk to it when it's new... I leave it out for a day or two at room temperature to let that weirdness settle and then it's great.


              • RealmofOpeth
                • May 2007
                • 407

                I'll weigh in that Roots is very coarse. Also mouth-rot commences rather quickly with it as well. the Lime and Licorice is some potent shit. loaded with nicotine and the flavor is a bit rich, a little too rich.
                the pilsner is rather bland and not so great.

                As far as Knox is concerned, it is very coarse...or...not so much 'coarse' as it is the particles are huge...but strangely easy to bake. Perhaps because it has a sticky moisture to it. It reminds me of the consistency of Hawken dip...but not quite as chunky as it.


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