Addiction or just a habit?

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  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    How can you tell??


    • justintempler
      • Nov 2008
      • 3090


      38 years of smoking followed by 9 months of snusing.


      • tom502
        • Feb 2009
        • 8985

        I look at it more as a hobby. Maybe like how people treat wine and cigars. Afficianado type approach. I guess it's a habit, in the way eating is a habit. I don't know if I am addicted to it, maybe like I am with masterbation. I enjoy it, I do it. I could quit snus easier though.


        • chainsnuser
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2007
          • 1388

          Originally posted by whokilledmyhooker
          Im addicted to snus

          Im also addicted to eating food, and drinking liquids, i do each of these compulsively everyday.
          That's exactly how I feel about my *wicked* nicotine-addiction. Not to mention that, if for some reason I don't have access to any nicotine-source one day then I just feel shitty for a few days, whereas with no food, water, or air, I would be dead within no time.

          It's a personal decision for everyone, how to deal with addiction, and the benefits of tobacco-use are also different for different people. I actually understand people who think that tobacco use is not worth the hassle, people who live to their own expectations by simply kicking the habit. But people who heavily like nicotine-use, yet use crazy verdicts like "beware the devil - tobacco is deadly in any form" (easily to be found on quitters-forums, when someone mentions snus) just to keep themselves on track, are just brainwashed psychos, suffering from withdrawal. Sorry, but I have no sympathy for people who torture themselves for no reason.

          As far as I'm concerned, snus simply has taken away every incentive to quit nicotine-use.



          • dave1
            • May 2009
            • 74

            Well I have dipped since I was 10(aren't grandparents great). Tried smoking every now and then, don't care for it. I'm 24 now and had no problems using nic free stuff. I see your point though, after so long i can see where you become dependent. BTW, if you all want to play a really dirty joke on your coworkers, hide every coffee pot around and watch the fun begin. Don't get caught though, normal people who drink coffee become very ravenous when they don't get their fix in the morning.


            • Skimo
              • Mar 2009
              • 204

              I'm adicted, I think I made it 4 days before the wife told me to smoke a cig and put a snus in.


              • Ant66Ant
                • Mar 2009
                • 64

                SNUS------First thing I think about when I wake up. Wait a while tho as I sort of enjoy the wait :lol:

                Am I addicted? YES but have no problem with it.

                Do I want to quit? NO

                Originally posted by chainsnuser
                As far as I'm concerned, snus simply has taken away every incentive to quit nicotine-use.
                Am I a snus lifer? Maybe. Not planning quitting anytime soon.

                Sure thing tho. Not going back to cigs.

                Soon will be 6 months on snus and I am really starting to enjoy it more and more.


                • snusjus
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 2674

                  My brain is wired for addiction. I started smoking at 14 and bought a pack after my first cigarette. I don't mind being an addict, I just want a safer method of delivery for the drug.


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