SnusOn Community>>A Call To Snus V2.0 (for the Sage)

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    SnusOn Community>>A Call To Snus V2.0 (for the Sage)

    As you all know, Retro White/Camel White/LS/Lucky Strike are phasing out and are available in a few select places, but I don't know how much longer that will last.

    These are some of sagedil's regulars. After all he has done for this forum, and you can't deny his presence or the help he has provided to snubie's (myself included), I believe we should do something in exchange for him.

    I just placed an order on Northerner for a roll of Retro White, which has been confirmed and is being shipped to sagedil shortly. I'm not asking him to pay me back for this or anything (although after last night, I dunno...maybe I should) And I'm considering this a gift in exchange for all he does for us here. If anyone else wants to help out or send him anything, I think it's the least we can do.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    That's an awesome gesture Chad. You have my deepest respect :^)


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      LOL. Normally, I am like what I expect most vets here are like and never let folks send me anything. I just have never wanted to use my "presence" here for personal gain like that. But as I posted to someone privately earlier, I am openly suspending that position due to this national tragedy. So, just in case anyone is inclined, this is my public, work address that I don't care about posting here.

      Send snus to...

      Joshua Gold
      3529 Neil St.
      Raleigh, NC 27607-5412

      So thank you chadizzy1. I won't lie, I was really hoping to find a thread exactly like this. It means so much to me.

      And I really am comfortable with all of it. I have often felt bad cause so many folks over the years have wanted to help me. And honestly, I just have never needed the help and I felt bad telling them that. But I do now. Especially Retro is the base of all my snus usage now. I realize it will eventually be gone but I desperately want to hold on as long as I can. If had money, I would be buying every last remaining can that I could. But I don't.

      So...if you want to, I won't say no. :wink:


      • mlkramer
        • Jul 2009
        • 393

        dozen cans on the way sage...retro showing coming in 2-3 days. PM'd ya the details.


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          Thank you.

          Once again, the Snuson community is showing how to make good from bad. This part just thrills me.


          • mlkramer
            • Jul 2009
            • 393

            now I'm tryin to decide if I should order some for myself. I have 1/2 can each of retro white and retro original that I got on sampler order. Like them both a lot. Haven't tried the LS or the Camel and now I'm afraid to...what happens if there my all time fave?

            ahh hell...I think we should all just move to sweden and start a commune. 8)


            • zmanzero
              • May 2009
              • 766

              man, i haven't any of the snus being outlawed or i'd send it. i can't order some cause i gotta make it through the month. i be the baby boy here.


              • geeeeoffff
                • Jul 2009
                • 81

                are you guys SURE? i was going to pick up a roll of lucky next month. should i do it now??


                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  Don't stress it zmanzero, i am being well taken care of already. I understand what it's like, trust me. Just get yourself taken care of and everything is good


                  • Anthony
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 249

                    Originally posted by sagedil
                    Don't stress it zmanzero, i am being well taken care of already. I understand what it's like, trust me. Just get yourself taken care of and everything is good
                    Watching those snus can disappear is going to be tough. Do you have a plan to start trying out new stuff/implementing a replacement therapy? Kind of like when you switch a hound's food...


                    • sagedil
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 7077

                      Of course. Granit is a possibility, have some more to paly with these next few weeks. And will be ordering some others next order to audition for my new base snus. Also have some General samplers I will try too. As I posted already, I'd love to fall in love with General. Would guarantee I could never lose it again. But in 2+ years of using, just hasn't happened yet.

                      But yeah, I am already thinking.


                      • chadizzy1
                        • May 2009
                        • 7432

                        Sage - I tried Retro today (it came in with the other stuff I got), and it's not my fancy, it's one of those with the strong Bergamot flavor/smell, but trying it, I compared it to the others that taste of Bergamot. To those who use regular snus, I'm sure the bergamot taste is deversified in all "regular" snus, but my suggestions from what I noticed it tastes like.

                        Have you tried/thought about any of these?

                        Phantom Classic (White portion)
                        Jakobsson's (original, not ice fruit)
                        Ettan (my favorite white, non flavored)
                        Skruf Original
                        Phantom Brown (also in white portion)

                        I believe all of these come in white portions, because I usually try not to order any of them. If you haven't tried any of these, I have most of them, I could send you some samples. The only one I haven't tried is 1847 because the only good thing I heard about it is the can design.


                        • sagedil
                          • Nov 2007
                          • 7077

                          Originally posted by chadizzy1

                          Have you tried/thought about any of these?

                          Phantom Classic (White portion)
                          Jakobsson's (original, not ice fruit)
                          Ettan (my favorite white, non flavored)
                          Skruf Original
                          Phantom Brown (also in white portion)
                          Phantom Classic White - Just tried it for the first time about a week ago, posted about it. Liked it. At least at first try. Am really gonna pay attention next try, as this is a *possible* Retro replacement

                          Jakobsson's Hate all Jakobsson's, just too bitter for me.

                          Grov One that in 2+ years, I still have no opinion on. I try it every 3 -4 months and STILL don't know if i like or dislike it. So not a favorite

                          Skruf Original
                          - The whites are way too bland. never tried the regular

                          Granit I tried a regular Granit for the first time ever out of Box Pass I - I loved it!! I got some Granit whites, not quite the same love. need to do some more exploring, maybe another situation like Pall Mall where I like the regular more than the White - And one of them might also be a Retro replacement

                          LD I LOVE LD Black, the only flavored snus besides Discreet I still like. But for whatever strange reason, I have never tried any of the others LD Blue 2 years ago maybe. So this is on my list to explore in my search for Retro replacement

                          1847 Disgusting after taste. Hate it!!!!

                          Phantom Brown Tried this for the first time maybe a month or so ago. Really didn't like it at first but then someone suggested airing the can out for a day, letting it settle. I started liking it more and more. Definitely a unique flavor, for better or worse. I have another can in my freezer for more exploration with this


                          • lxskllr
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 13435

                            I think you'd like the LD Red. It may not be a replacement for you, but I think you'd find the flavor very agreeable.


                            • sagedil
                              • Nov 2007
                              • 7077

                              Yeah, all of the LD will be tried next order.

                              And reality lxskllr, maybe I will never find a "replacement" Maybe I go back to using a different snus every time, not redoing a single snus all month. So many changes over the years, this is just one more.

                              But I damn well gonna hoard my Retro for now at least. Gonna pretend with my fingers in my ears that the world hasn't changed yet. At least until I get my bike back working. Will be easier to deal with other tragedy's then. :wink:


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