My thoughts on Phantom blue after 9 tins in a row.

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  • Skimo
    • Mar 2009
    • 204

    My thoughts on Phantom blue after 9 tins in a row.

    It still smells like windex and after the flavor wears off it starts tasting much better.

    It makes a decent pris, though the other brands I've tried don't differ much in how well the prillas hold togather.

    To be honest I'm putting my last tin of blue in the freezer so if I have absolutely no other snus I can grin and bear it.

    regular phantom tastes a bit of chocolate, blue smells like you just used windex to clean all the windows in the house and tastes similarly.

    I think in the future I'm going to buy tins of what I know I like and fill the rest of the order with single tins of brands/cuts/flavors I haven't tried yet.

    I know I like general / oden / roda / gott rape / ettan / catch

    I think my next order I'll get some offroad / skruf.

    My biggest question is what other snus should I try?

    I really enjoy the flavors of general ettan rl and gott rape.

    oden kanel and catch are great for after meals and before bed
  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    that's the general opinion of everyone who has tried it. it smells like windex, and tastes like bluesberries mixed with rankness. i can't stand it.

    offroad is hit and miss, the apple and coffee vanilla are terrible. i like the cranberry (strong portions), i just started using them and i trade them out with thunder frosted to get my fix. both are quite good. (try thunder, btw, the frosted is amazing. it's my fav)


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      I'm assuming we're talking all lös here. If that's the case, then...

      Gotland Gul
      Phantom Brown


      • Skimo
        • Mar 2009
        • 204

        Yeah, I'm a penny pincher, unless the portions taste better than the lös or if it only comes in portion.

        thanks for the input.

        I'm in a much better mood with a roda pris in, somewhat fruity maybe an apricot taste, pure heavan compared to phantom/rothbrix.


        • Skimo
          • Mar 2009
          • 204

          wait... phantom brown... I've not seen it around... and I'm highly wary after blue, the original wasn't bad, what's brown taste like?


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            If you like licorice type flavors...

            Gotland Grå- Herbal, and slightly bitter, very natural tasting
            Offroad licorice- Pure tasting licorice, rich and delicious.


            • Skimo
              • Mar 2009
              • 204

              Does frosted taste like camel?


              • chadizzy1
                • May 2009
                • 7432

                oh no, no no no comparison. Camel Frost tastes like a sugar cube. Thunder Frosted takes like heaven. Slightly minty, but very strong.


                • Skimo
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 204

                  Anise is something I really like, especially after dinner.

                  I've got pure anise extract and have mixed a few drops into an ettan tin before.


                  • Skimo
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 204

                    good, camel tastes like gum with too much sweetener


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      Originally posted by Skimo
                      wait... phantom brown... I've not seen it around... and I'm highly wary after blue, the original wasn't bad, what's brown taste like?
                      Brown has the typical V2 cut, and I'd call the flavor a cross between Grov, and Göteborgs Rapé. It doesn't have the smoke of Grov, and the juniper notes a la Rapé are toned down. It has a little bit of taste of the other Phantoms, but I like it much better.

                      I'm a little ambivalent about the Phantom Classic and Blue. I don't hate it, but it's never a first choice. The brown /is/ sometimes a first choice, and I genuinely enjoy it.


                      • Skimo
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 204

                        I'm glad to hear they got one flavor right... classic wasn't too bad, or maybe it's just because blue scarred my taste buds.


                        • justintempler
                          • Nov 2008
                          • 3090

                          Originally posted by lxskllr
                          I'm assuming we're talking all lös here. If that's the case, then...

                          Gotland Gul
                          Phantom Brown
                          I'm going to have to try Gotland Gul in lös, I didn't care for their portionsnus

                          I love LD lös and portion

                          Gustavus portions are ok, never had the lös

                          Anything V2 just plain scares me... :roll:

                          Granit is OK, I've got a prilla in as I type.


                          • Skimo
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 204

                            what are your thoughts on Granit?


                            • justintempler
                              • Nov 2008
                              • 3090

                              Originally posted by Skimo
                              Anise is something I really like, especially after dinner.

                              I've got pure anise extract and have mixed a few drops into an ettan tin before.
                              I dislike Anise... but since you do...

                              The description on Northerner
                              Gotland Grå Loose
                              Gråsnus was the first type of snus to be introduced which makes it the Gotlandssnus original. Gråsnus has an underlying flavour of smooth anise making it an appealing product with a good scent.
                              Anise is also the reason I can't get into GrovSnus. You might like it.


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