Post Your Snus Losses

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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Post Your Snus Losses

    In light of Sage's tragedy, I thought it might be interesting to hear what snuses have been snatched away from the fans. If you don't like the big Swedish Match brands, your favorites can be pulled from the market at any time. I recommend that anybody who likes a smaller brand snus, buy in large quantities, and keep your eye out for news of removal. Brands come and go at lightning speed, and favorites can go in the blink of an eye.

    So anyway, on to the main event. Here's the snus I liked that's no longer on the market...

    Landströms/Gellivare- They're now back in production, but not in the web shops yet. Hopefully soon...

    Metropol Pepparmint- The best peppermint snus I've had. No sweetness at all, just mint.

    Diplomat- A general type snus, and one of the best tins ever.

    LD Blue- Pure juniper flavor, not gin like Göteborgs.

    Level lös- Yup, I kind of liked this one. More importantly, I was going to make a Diplomat clone by blending a couple different snuses. Level was an essential ingredient.

    Nick & Johnny lös?- I only had one tin of this. I started out being ambivalent about the flavor, but liked it more and more as I went through the tin. It reminded me of an Onyx lös. I doubt it would have been a regular, but a treat snus every so often. I never got to try another. It was pulled from the market after my first tin.

    Honorable mention...

    I use mostly lös now, but if I were still into portions, Lucky Strike, and Retro would both be big losses. I enjoyed both of these, but didn't use them much do to being portions.
  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    I don't know if this would be a los, but the Nordstrommen los line, with the Choc Rasp, Dark Vanilla, etc...I know it was limited, but I wish it would have stayed, because it was the most rich flavored of the flavored snus.

    Catch White Cassis Menthol

    Catch Collection Mint Vanilla - also a limited, part of the 2009 4 snus collection, but it was one of the best minis, it should have stayed around.

    Offroad Limited (from 2008) - Someone from another site sent me some cans they had left in stock at the beginning of the year, and I enjoyed them all.
    Hot Honey
    Wild Strawberry
    Brandy Alexander

    I didn't like the Eucalyptus that was in that set though.


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077


      Diplomat was a big loss to me. But Retro was the replacement, and in the end, slightly better??

      Offroad Licorice Strong - After my tryout box from Northerner, and my misguided Mocca Anise Roll purchase I made, I started using Offroad strong exclusively. Mostly cause I was dirt poor and it was some of the cheapest snus available, plus I realized strongs were a good idea. i did this for like 3 months. And first month and a half was Offroad Licorice strong, before moving to Off road cranbery strong.

      Yeah, it was a strange taste, but I miss the menory. I know they have non strong licorice, but it isn't the same.

      Mocca Mini + - the first ever strong mini.


      • chadizzy1
        • May 2009
        • 7432


        Gotlands Julesnus (christmas 08)
        and Kardus Snus

        Both were limited edition I believe, but I got a few samples in March from a friend that were amazing.


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          You know, none of these are "losses" Limited edition, exactly what it means..... :wink:


          • chadizzy1
            • May 2009
            • 7432

            Well, I like them. They shouldn't have been "limited". I consider the end of the "limited" period a loss.

            Also, I heard that Åhus Anno was great, from 2008, although I never got the chance to try it.


            • Slydel
              • Mar 2008
              • 421

              Sage is a great guy, but it seems that I am the one that seems to be getting screwed. LD blue: it is has been gone for a while. It was my favorite and now it is gone. I just started my last can this week. I think I was able to obtain two rolls before they stopped selling it. Now Retro. It was my next favorite. Hell, it looks like it is now gone as well. Knox, which was my back up, is now a premium brand considering what it is being priced at. I think I will stick with LD portion, which I consider a reasonable back-up for Retro, yet now priced quite high as well. So, I laugh now that I am the cursed one, because it seems every time I pick a favorite it goes away. I warn everyone, watch my posts and whatever I like stay away from, because it will only bring you misery. LOL.


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                I have 1 blue can of Pall Mall. Haven't tried it yet, but heard it's not made anymore.


                • bakerbarber
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 1947

                  Pall Mall


                  Vertigo (were OK minis)


                  Mocca + minis


                  Nick and Johny West :cry:


                  • chadizzy1
                    • May 2009
                    • 7432

                    I never got to try Pall Mall, but I remember seeing the cans online a while back, I heard they're not made anymore.

                    The Pall Mall snus is produced by the company Brittish American Tobacco. Brittish American tobacco also produces the Lucky Strike snus. NEW

                    No longer for sale


                    • tom502
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 8985

                      Now, from what I read, LS is still being made, it just can't be shipped to the US, right?


                      • chadizzy1
                        • May 2009
                        • 7432

                        Can't forget the ol' Nick and Johnny.


                        East&West had some awesome cans, too.


                        • chadizzy1
                          • May 2009
                          • 7432

                          And a friend of mine was talking about Strongcut Gin, which I had never heard of, but I saw it on BuySnus under no longer for sale:



                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            Originally posted by tom502
                            Now, from what I read, LS is still being made, it just can't be shipped to the US, right?


                            • lxskllr
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 13435

                              Originally posted by tom502
                              Now, from what I read, LS is still being made, it just can't be shipped to the US, right?
                              That's correct. It conflicts with name registered in the USA.


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