Post Your Snus Losses

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  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Originally posted by chadizzy1
    Well, I like them. They shouldn't have been "limited". I consider the end of the "limited" period a loss.

    Also, I heard that Ă…hus Anno was great, from 2008, although I never got the chance to try it.
    My point is a "lost" snus is a completely different animal. it is a snus that someone always expects to be able to get, a snus they fall in love with, and then it is suddenly yanked,

    You are still young enough, I doubt you have really experienced that trauma.

    A limited is just that. And please, I am NOT talking about you here, but...someone who falls in love with a limited edition snus, and then complains it is gone is a bit lame. A huge reason I generally don't touch limited edition snus. I'd rather not like something I can't get again.

    So when we talk about snuses that have been "lost" here, we really are talking about that trauma that occurred when it was suddenly and completely unexpectedly yanked away. That doesn't and can't happen with a limited edition, you already knew it was limited time snus.


    • chadizzy1
      • May 2009
      • 7432

      Well, all I can say is if they EVER take away Thunder Frosted, I will raise hell. It's my retro.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Originally posted by sagedil
        A huge reason I generally don't touch limited edition snus. I'd rather not like something I can't get again.
        I just treat like a dinner out at an uber expensive restaurant or (substitute your esoteric, hard to get pleasure here). That would be a once in a lifetime event, but you enjoy it for what it is, and while it lasts. I've gotten the Kardus limited snus the last 2 years. I know going in that it won't be around forever, but I enjoy it, and look forward to the next years release.


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          Interesting how you put that.

          I am a strange bird. Have you ever read Kirkagard's Repetition??

          I only get pleasure, something only becomes *real* to me if I can repeat it. So for example, I would never go on a "once in a life round the world trip" I would hate it and get no enjoyment if I knew I couldn't repeat the exact same trip the next year. I am like that with everything in my life. I must be able to repeat the experience to get pleasure out of it.

          ** Also reason I forgo one night stands. Same story, they give me no pleasure. I want a woman I can do over and over and over....I think you get the picture now. ops:

          So no, I don't do limited edition snus. But I absolutely will do once a year snus that I know I can repeat the next year. So Julesnus is OK.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Originally posted by sagedil
            Interesting how you put that.

            I am a strange bird. Have you ever read Kirkagard's Repetition??

            I only get pleasure, something only becomes *real* to me if I can repeat it. So for example, I would never go on a "once in a life round the world trip" I would hate it and get no enjoyment if I knew I couldn't repeat the exact same trip the next year. I am like that with everything in my life. I must be able to repeat the experience to get pleasure out of it.

            ** Also reason I forgo one night stands. Same story, they give me no pleasure. I want a woman I can do over and over and over....I think you get the picture now. ops:

            So no, I don't do limited edition snus. But I absolutely will do once a year snus that I know I can repeat the next year. So Julesnus is OK.
            I can buy that, and I'm even like that to a certain extent. I try to be philosophical about these kind of things, but I get a little sad when the experience is over, whatever experience that may be. Ultimately though, I need to go for it, and try to get as much out of it as I can :^)


            • sheilalynn
              • May 2009
              • 1103

              Offroad Coffee that's a loss! Along with the chocolate/raspberry Nordstrommen. I really need a replacement for those (hint hint TobaccoTom) hehe


              • chadizzy1
                • May 2009
                • 7432

                they got rid of coffee vanilla? i never realized. PM me your address and i'll send you the can i have in my fridge. i can't stand it.


                • Jason
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 1370

                  Metropol Peppermint, for sure. :cry: That one was easily in my top three. Actually, I miss the whole Metropol line.

                  I also miss Pall Mall; I didn't really care for it at first, but they took it away just as I was starting to develop a liking for it...


                  • cj
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 1563

                    n&j east and west i love that stuff now its gone at least i have some still same with pall mall have more of the whites then the regular and now they took retro original away whats next?


                    • TBD
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 817

                      N&J West
                      Mocca + , although Taboca strong replaced those pretty well.

                      Being that I love LD now I wish I had gotten some of the Blue back when....


                      • Roo
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 3446

                        Sage you would never take a once in a lifetime around the world trip simply because the exact same trip could not be repeated? That's crazy my friend. You could apply that logic to traveling anywhere and find yourself going nowhere out of fear that you would never return. May I kindly suggest getting over that quirk in favor of new and possibly life-changing experiences? You only live once...


                        • chainsnuser
                          Senior Member
                          • Jan 2007
                          • 1388

                          Originally posted by TBD
                          Being that I love LD now I wish I had gotten some of the Blue back when....
                          No worry, it tasted somehow like juniper-flavored Level, mediocre at best.

                          For me there is no real loss till now, in the meaning that a brand that I really love is no longer produced, but there indeed are several good brands that I'd like to order from time to time, brands that were taken from the market far too soon, long before they even had the chance to attract enough regular followers.

                          I must say that I don't understand the marketing of the smaller snus-companies. Nearly all of them are owned by worldwide-operating tobacco-corporations who probably see snus as their future business. It's not that the money is lacking to push some new snus-brands or to show at least some staying power in case a brand is not an immediate success. But then again contemporary western business strategies are crazy as a whole. No wonder that Wall Street prefers to invest in fantasy-products nowadays.



                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            Originally posted by Roo
                            Sage you would never take a once in a lifetime around the world trip simply because the exact same trip could not be repeated? That's crazy my friend. You could apply that logic to traveling anywhere and find yourself going nowhere out of fear that you would never return. May I kindly suggest getting over that quirk in favor of new and possibly life-changing experiences? You only live once...

                            No, this is buried way too deep, fully forms who I am and everything I do.

                            It hasn't stopped me. It has had other bad affects, got deeply in debt chasing experiences over and over again. I need to always have to tamper my addictiveness.

                            But it is part and parcel to my super addictive personality, just not something I can break. I only find meaning in experiences I can repeat.

                            And obviously, I probably would make exceptions in extreme circumstances. Offer me a seat to fly into space, even f it was the only time I knew I could do it, I would take it.

                            Of course, I would then spend the rest of my life working and eating Ramman noodles just to *try* to do it again, even if it killed me. Hence my care with this issue.


                            • Svarthvitt
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 97

                              Originally posted by chadizzy1
                              And a friend of mine was talking about Strongcut Gin, which I had never heard of, but I saw it on BuySnus under no longer for sale:

                              They sell Strongcut it Norway..
                              It's pretty good ^^


                              • Roo
                                • Jun 2008
                                • 3446

                                Good post sage, I think I get what you're saying. Your other post had me doing a big double take because I live to travel the world with the understanding that many places will not be revisited. But I definitely relate to what you said in that I can't bear the thought of never again experiencing many of the places I've visited or things that I've done. Are we off topic? Sorry to jack the thread.


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