Elixyr Power Energy Review

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    Elixyr Power Energy Review

    Finally broke down and reviewed this on my blog.


    I have been waiting a while to write this review because I wanted to give it some time to grow on me, and get used to it. At first, I didn't like it, to be honest. The smell was a bit strong and the taste wasn't that great. But as I used it more, the smell was less noticeable, and the snus worked it's way into my regular rotation. Now, after a month of using it regularly, I can officially say that it is a staple in my collection and one of my two first thing in the morning products.

    Elixyr Power Energy. Part energy drink. Part snus. Caffeine, taurine, nicotine, oh my! For those of you who are using to smoking/snusing first thing in the morning, but also need that energy drink/coffee - this is a good way to combine everything you love in one portion. Accoding to Northerner - in the portion there is 2.83 Mg of Taurine and 0.28 Mg of Caffeine in this snus, which is a sizable amount. Now that we have the specifics out of the way, I'll talk about the snus.

    I heard about this a while back and bought a can and used it sparingly. However, a friend of mine on SnusOn uses it regularly, so I thought I would begin to try it regularly, as a first thing in the morning snus for about a week. Well, a week turned into a month, and it's still in my morning rotation. Most of what I've heard about it has been bad. People open the can and say "it smells like cat piss", and quickly shrug it off and put it away. But all I can say is give it a chance. Seriously.. It's not that bad. I mean, really. It's alright.

    Opening the can the first time does hit a bit hard. But give it a try, work it into rotation, and you'll be glad you have it first thing in the morning. The taste is slightly sweet (very slightly), with hints of lemon and of course - tobacco. The portions are comfortable. It's a good pick me up. Better than the other varities of snus toted as "energy snus" - such as Northerner's variety, and the terrible, no good, very bad awful Oomph Energy Snus. Can't stand either of those products, but Elixyr definitely does it's job. So if you want a pick me up snus, pick up some Elixyr Power Energy. It's not the best, but it definitely does what it's intended for, and that's give you nicotine delivery along with a little extra energy.
  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Re: Elixyr Power Energy Review

    Originally posted by chadizzy1
    But give it a try, work it into rotation, and you'll be glad you have it first thing in the morning. The taste is slightly sweet (very slightly), with hints of lemon and of course - tobacco. The portions are comfortable. It's a good pick me up. Better than the other varities of snus toted as "energy snus"
    Bingo!! What I have been saying now for 2 years.

    And thank you for doing this right. I am so sick of folks who try it once, gag on the taste the first time, and then come here and trash it. This is a snus you need to give some time, see how it makes you *feel*.

    Welcome to the Elyxr crew Chad. :wink:


    • Roo
      • Jun 2008
      • 3446

      0.28 mg of caffeine? You must mean 28? Even so, no wonder this snus does nothing for me. A tablet of Excedrin has 60 mg of caffeine, roughly equivalent to one cup of coffee, and Excedrin is not even intended to wake you up! Sorry sage, this post was not meant to be your call to arms in defense of PE... The wrath is upon me! I would just be really surprised if they only put as much caffeine as half an Excedrin or a quarter of a No Doz tablet in there. Which also kind of begs the question: why not just pop a sterk and a No Doz? Uh oh now I'm in trouble... Lol.


      • chadizzy1
        • May 2009
        • 7432

        that's what northerner had listed in the ingredients. i dunno.


        • daruckis
          • Jul 2009
          • 2277

          haha then why did you write "which is a sizable amount"?


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            Originally posted by Roo
            0.28 mg of caffeine? You must mean 28? Even so, no wonder this snus does nothing for me. A tablet of Excedrin has 60 mg of caffeine, roughly equivalent to one cup of coffee, and Excedrin is not even intended to wake you up! Sorry sage, this post was not meant to be your call to arms in defense of PE... The wrath is upon me! I would just be really surprised if they only put as much caffeine as half an Excedrin or a quarter of a No Doz tablet in there. Which also kind of begs the question: why not just pop a sterk and a No Doz? Uh oh now I'm in trouble... Lol.
            No. every body is different. So I understand that.

            You ask an interesting question. Because, whatever the amount Elyxr has, whatever the amount of taurine it has, it hits the perfect notes for me by making ME feel much better, with no tweaking.

            No Doze makes me feel tweaked, an identical amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee makes me feel good. Elyxr makes me feel great.

            I don't question beyond that. I have never guaranteed anyone that Elyxr will make them feel good. All I have ever pleaded is to at least *try* and see how t makes THEM feel.

            You did so, didn't work for you. But you did exactly what I wanted you to do, try it. Thank you.

            Yes, happy me is always excited to welcome another member into the Elyxr fold. But I respect everyone who at least gave it a far shake. And woll continue to attack those who criticize without giving it a fair trial


            • sundog
              • Jun 2009
              • 311

              Excedrin Extra Strength actually has 65 mg of caffeine. That's 232.14 times as much as Elixyr Power Energy Snus.

              Could be that the caffeine in the snus is absorbed directly into the blood stream and is felt as stronger. Who knows?


              • sagedil
                • Nov 2007
                • 7077

                OK, I guess it is time for me to admit it. What some people have long suspected s true. I have magical powers of mind control.

                So you finally caught me. The Elyxr is really a grand hoax. It obviously has nothing in it that actually makes people feel good.

                So what accounts for the now 50+ positive reviews done on Snuson since Elyxr was released in 2008??

                Sage's mind control. I am willing them all, by the sheer force of my thoughts. To *think* that Elyxr works. I then direct them to come here to tell everyone the good news, tricking even more people to come under my control.

                Just thought I'd finally share. :wink:


                • Roo
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 3446

                  I'm thinking that Northerner just made a mistake. I couldn't find the caffeine content anywhere else (didn't look very hard) but Northerner does have it listed as 0,28 mg. Understanding that only a fraction of the content of any compound in snus is absorbed, then it would make good sense that they put 0.28 grams, or 280 mg of caffeine in there, and Northerner just got it wrong. And sage, it cracks me up how easy it is to get you riled up! It's rather endearing. Now just lay off chadizzy for a couple days and find a substitute whipping boy until he makes a full recovery


                  • sundog
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 311

                    That's probably the best explanation. Mistakes are easy to make.


                    • sagedil
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 7077

                      Originally posted by Roo
                      I'm thinking the Northerner just made a mistake. I couldn't find the caffeine content anywhere else (didn't look very hard) but Northerner does has it listed as 0,28 mg. Understanding that only a fraction of the content of any compound in snus is absorbed, then it would make good sense that they put 0.28 grams, or 280 mg of caffeine in there, and Northerner just got it wrong. And sage, it cracks me up how easy it is to get you riled up! It's rather endearing. Now just lay off chadizzy for a couple days and find a substitute whipping boy until he makes a full recovery

                      At least I found a different way to make my point!!

                      I'm gonna go now and pop a Discreet Peach in, I will be happy again in a moment.

                      I agree. I don't trust Northerner's figures. I mean, not like they ever make mistakes with their site or anything. :lol:


                      • ddandb
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 570

                        Beings I have no idea what I am talking about let me just jump in here.

                        Did a quick internet search. Most places don't list percentage of items in Elixyr.
                        The two I did find say..
                        Snustopia: Each portion contains about 11 mg of Nicotine
                        Snustest: Nicotine: 11 mg/portion

                        I would think the quicker absorption through the gums accounts for the quick pick me up.

                        There are people though that can drink a Red Bull or 5 cups of coffee and go right to sleep. Everyone is different and your results may very.

                        (it zinged me up)


                        • chadizzy1
                          • May 2009
                          • 7432

                          you did the same research i did, northerner was the only site that had it listed, and that had 0,28 listed as MG content for caffeine.

                          but they still have mint vanilla reviews mixed in with catch violet, so you know they aren't perfect


                          • ddandb
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 570

                            Sometimes I think we look to closely at ingredients.
                            If it works and you like it who cares what's in it and the percentages there of.

                            It's like Kopi Luwak coffee. If you like who cares where the beans come from.


                            • chadizzy1
                              • May 2009
                              • 7432

                              Originally posted by ddandb
                              Sometimes I think we look to closely at ingredients.
                              If it works and you like it who cares what's in it and the percentages there of.

                              It's like Kopi Luwak coffee. If you like who cares where the beans come from.
                              what is kopi luwak coffee?


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