Time to take stock and make a plan

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  • mlkramer
    • Jul 2009
    • 393

    Time to take stock and make a plan

    Alright, Decided to take my free couple of hours today and get the snus stock in order. Like many here before me, I perhaps have gone overboard ordering and testing...but I'm ok with it as I'm loving every minute of it.

    I went through every nook, pocket and bag and laid all the collected cans out on the counter. 46 in total(not counting discreet bags and general samples) with 10 more or so on the road. I'm good with that. Only issue I'm concerned with now is that 15 of those are opened. finished maybe 3 cans in 4 months.

    I broke out the sharpie and the gallon size ziplocs and went to work.

    Anything with more then one can of back up as well as some not on my top 5 so far. went to the freezer(as well as 4 cans of retro that came with 1st sample ordered i didn't know i had..<insert> Sage gasping here).

    I put the backup cans of my current favs, few of opened but barely touched, as well as some recent additions I want to try soon(grov, skruf cran, rape, etc) in the fridge also ziplocked.

    Finally, took 6 opened cans of favs, 1/2 gone and others i'm trying..in the fridge door. My thought being I'm not diggin into the ziplocs until I've finished these cans.

    Other then the Elixyr(gotta try it)...thinking the next couple shipments on the road may go straight to freezer if I can avoid temptations.

    Input on my plan and your past experience certainly appreciated. I have a fear of having cans going south on me and tossing em somehow seem sacrilegious lol. Also...what's the thought of opened cans in the freezer?

    I shall now sit...cross my legs...begin chanting...and absorb wisdom
  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    LOL, I have never gotten farther than taking my cans out of freezer and counting, keeping vague track of what I actually have. Otherwise, I am just to damn lazy.

    BTW, whatever plans you make. And I do understand, I have been doing the same for 2 1/2 years. But whatever plans you make, they will change. Soon. And then over, and over, and over again. Just the way of the snus my friend.


    • mlkramer
      • Jul 2009
      • 393

      Originally posted by sagedil
      LOL, I have never gotten farther than taking my cans out of freezer and counting, keeping vague track of what I actually have. Otherwise, I am just to damn lazy.

      BTW, whatever plans you make. And I do understand, I have been doing the same for 2 1/2 years. But whatever plans you make, they will change. Soon. And then over, and over, and over again. Just the way of the snus my friend.
      So I should avoid the database program, bar code scanner and twitter/email enable refrigerator (to notify me when i'm running low of course) plan?

      hmmm....was also considering software that monitors all the snus shops for prices, automatically purchases as certain levels, and of course buys up all remaining stock of any discontinued snus. OK...now I even I think I've gone off the deep end!


      • justintempler
        • Nov 2008
        • 3090

        I leave all my open cans in the fridge in airtight containers.

        If you get too many open cans then pick one can out of that lot and concentrate on emptying that can first, instead of trying to finish them all at once.

        I've got 44 cans in the freezer, and 18 open cans in the fridge.


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Originally posted by mlkramer
          So I should avoid the database program, bar code scanner and twitter/email enable refrigerator (to notify me when i'm running low of course) plan?

          hmmm....was also considering software that monitors all the snus shops for prices, automatically purchases as certain levels, and of course buys up all remaining stock of any discontinued snus. OK...now I even I think I've gone off the deep end!
          That all actually sounds like it would be an interesting hobby. I don't think you'd recover the cost of the hardware/software, but you could sell discontinued snus at a nice markup.

          As for me, my approach is pretty low tech. I always have a citrus snus, and a plain snus available, as well as various flavored snuses. So I might take a tin of Gotland Gul out of the freezer, and I'll use that until it's almost gone. I'll then get a tin of LD out, and use that for awhile.

          In other words, I snus by style. There isn't much point in having 6 bergamot/citrus snuses open at the same time. Since you're relatively new, it makes sense to have multiples open. That way you can make side by side comparisons, and determine which you like better. They may dry out a little, but it doesn't really matter. If you threw the cans out, it's still cheaper than cigarettes.


          • mlkramer
            • Jul 2009
            • 393

            well...when snus begins to gain popularity...I'll introduce the Snuson Home Automation system. I may need investors if anyone is interested? :lol: :wink:


            • chadizzy1
              • May 2009
              • 7432

              i keep the cans in the freezer and sorted by usage/type. check the "pics of your stash" thread and you can see my system.


              • joshua
                • Dec 2008
                • 214

                If I was super rich, I'd be ordering a shit ton of snus and making spreadsheets of my inventory in my spare time.

                Actually that's a huge lie. If I was super rich, I'd hire one of you guys to do it for me. You'd steal my snus, but I wouldn't really care...because I'd be super rich.


                • bakerbarber
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 1947


                  I can't wait til Joshua is super rich.


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    I'll make it even easier. No spreadsheets needed if I was super rich. I would just have muliple deep freeze freezers and order thousands of dollars of snus at a time. I would have at least 20 rolls of every snus made. And when it get's close to expiration, I will just give it all away free here and start over. :wink:


                    • justintempler
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 3090

                      Originally posted by sagedil
                      No spreadsheets needed if I was super rich.
                      If I was superrich. I'd live like John Travolta and live in a gated community with my own private airstrip and have a plane sitting in the driveway and fly over to Sweden to buy my snus.

                      Would be just like a trip to 7-11 for a gallon of milk. 8)


                      • ddandb
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 570

                        I take a picture of each can of snus I acquire.
                        The picture and all information is then entered into an Excel spreadsheet. ( date of purchase, price, purchased from, amount paid, expiration date)
                        Each time I use a portion of snus I subtract from the spreadsheet.
                        Loose snus is weighed before and after using some.
                        Prices form 5 different snus web sites along with the current exchange rate is also tracked on a daily basis.
                        All my snus is carefully stored alphabetically and each can has a corresponding number on the spreadsheet.

                        This is for my daily usage snus. I won't go into how I track long term storage snus as that is rather complicated.


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