I'm in Southern Alabama and I noticed that the price of Camel snus has risen to 3.99. It was basically free, then 1.99 trial offer. What a rip. (I thought 1.99 was a rip off!)
Camel Snus Price Rising?
Yep.. I was buying the Camel brand while it was still available in the "buy one for $1.99 get one free" deal. It helped me to quit smoking, and afterward I started buying the real stuff.
Recently the test market price has changed to the final price at about $6.00 per can locally.. It's such a rip off. I donno how Camel thinks that they are going to get people to pay that much for their poor excuse for snus..
Time to stand in and defend Camel
Sure, snus may be a poor attempt at what snus should be. But take a moment to step back. Camel is single handily responsible for exposing tens of thousands of Americans to snus for the first time, and thousands of Americans then went on to find Swedish snus.
I think I am gonna go run a poll here to see just how many folks here came to snus via Camel. I bet it is far more than 50%.
So, since I think snus is a Godsend that has freed me from the dirty and expensive cigarette habit. How many others have Camel helped as well.
So speak nicely. Even if the snus is crap, Camel is not for doing everything they have done.
EDIT, and to make my point, see this tread....
I wonder how many other thousands tried it, and now think all snus is garbage and won't give the REAL stuff a chance even if they see it. Camel is a double-edged sword.
On topic: It's 3.99 a can around me, but many have been selling it in the 2-3 dollar range because it just isn't selling (from what the cashiers tell me).
It's up to $6.99 at my local corner store.
Im not sure who actualy buys it though. I asked the lady one day while I was buying my daily lottery tickets/passing through on my evening jog and all i got in response was "One guy used to buy it". I have never, ever seen anyone with a tin around here...but who knows.
Now if the were selling General snus for 7 bucks I would probably buy it if it were fresh just to keep the market for it going. As it is its imposible to find any for sale where I live :\ Thank god for the internet.
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